Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3070: The 3072 third world is the strongest 3

Daofeng, Ye Shaoyang, Xiaojiu, and Yang Gongyi who arrived later, the four people joined forces to open a crack in the middle and squeezed from the middle.

"Wait for us!"

The pony followed them, and Ye Shaoyang looked back and waited. They waited for them, but they accelerated their speed.

If this battle has no good results, at least wait for everyone to save.

Ye Shaoyang has already made plans to die at this time.

Without the four strong men in the front, the rest of the waves could not resist the force of the elements, and were forced to stop outside the core battlefield, staring at the figure of the four.

The periphery of the force of the elements has been hot and difficult, and the powerful energy has forced them to breathe. This has been the case on the periphery, and Ye Shaoyang can hardly imagine how terrible the offensive is being held by the Promise Ghost King in the middle of the elemental force.

"The power of the element began to be defeated, and it could not be supported for too long."

"What should I do?"

The road wind observed for a moment and said: "The Promise Ghost King is now a yin and yang, and he is a closed-loop system. Even if the power of the element can not hurt him, as long as the balance of yin and yang is destroyed, he will be killed organically!"

After that, he took a deep breath and said: "I will deal with him. After success, wait for the moment when he bears the power of the elements, you will shoot together!"

"Too dangerous!" Ye Shaoyang picked up. "The power of the elements is not good or bad. Just go in, just like the ghost king in the end. Maybe the ghost king is not dead, you are dead!"

"The inner ring is not the core place, the energy intensity is not that big, you can try it. Besides, we have no better way!"

Say it and fly over.

"I will accompany you!" Yang Gongyi became a group of chaotic instinct, catching up with the wind.

Ye Shaoyang took a picture of Xiao Jiu’s head. "We are also on!"

Xiao Jiuyi jumped up.

Into the inner circle of the concentration of elements, the intensity of energy suddenly increased several times, and even the four strongest people in the league immediately felt unbearable. This sense of oppression can't be said, just like a person who dive into the deep sea, the feeling of tremendous pressure that allows the body to break at any time.

This body is forced to the limit, and Ye Shaoyang roughly estimates that he can never stand for three minutes.

The Promise Ghost King, who is divided into two people, is in front of them, constantly spinning, releasing the yin and yang.

This is the ultimate yin and yang, the road to Jane, it seems very easy, but the real way to realize the ultimate method, but only the two.

What is the chance?

The road wind took a deep breath and wrapped the five dynasties and the Sanqing ghosts on the whip, infused with a mana, and inserted the whip into the middle of the Pisces figure of the yin and yang cycle.

The interaction of yin and yang balance was suddenly broken.

The power of the elements poured into it at once, and it launched a fierce attack on the couple of the Promise.

Because the wind is at the core, it has also been attacked indiscriminately. In addition, the yin and yang are attacked by the yin and yang. The body is almost broken, and the sputum is shaken up.


The Promise Ghost King roared, with the strong pressure of the elements, continued to volley, trying to find a balance, and then they found that the fisheye of the Pisces figure was blocked by the whip.

"Not self-reliant!"

The Ghost King couple strengthened the power of their own rotation and slowly turned it up. It was like two counter-rotating gears, and the whiplash of the wind was just stuck in the middle of the gear, and the rotation of the breath made the hitting whip bear. The strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The road was dying, and the face that had always been stunned showed a sly expression.

Only he himself knows how powerful he is.

"Tsing Yi, you have the strength of the three worlds, really want to die here?" The voice of the Promise Ghost King came from the ear.

"To die, you have to pull you together!"

The road continues to stand. At this time, Yang Gongyi, who is a chaotic real person, wrapped the whole wind and helped him resist the more horrible elements.

This is the only thing she can do for the Tao. She did not persuade the wind to let go because she understood his character.

Although with his cultivation, the force of bearing the elements really makes her feel painful, it seems that she will be blown away at any time, but she has no hesitation, and she has come over, and in this last festival, she naturally cannot give up.

"Do you want to do Shaoyang!" The wind screamed and the eyes burst red. The power of the Yuanshen has been fully used.

On the side, Xiao Jiu will also entangle the scorpion on the whip, and infuse the whole force to help the wind share.

However, the yin and yang of the Promise Ghost King is too horrible, even if these three peerless powers are shot together, they can only last for a while.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang shot.

He used all the spells, instruments, and charms that could be used. A pair of invincible avatars in the incarnation of the avatars, but this A pair is simply invincible, the recognition of Ye Shaoyang means exhausted, the energy is absorbed by the Xuanyin true gas, Ah Shuang himself, but the rotation of the action paused a bit.

However, this pause has once again caused an imbalance between yin and yang. At first, nothing happened, but as the two breaths continue to rotate, the balance is getting worse and worse, the pure yang is getting stronger and stronger, and Xuanyin is weak, yin and yang. Unbalanced, accumulated to a certain extent, can not be self-contained, in this mouth, the wind screams, hit the whip force to pick up, in a moment to penetrate the connection of yin and yang.

The power of the elements is thoroughly poured in, and the two are separated.

"Ah..." Ah double snorted.

Ye Shaoyang listened to the real thing. He was almost fainted, and he was sober, and then excited: the powerful Promise Ghost King, facing their rounds and rounds of offensive, is always easy, confident to despair, no Know how to win them.

This rumor declared that they are not invincible. Let Ye Shaoyang see a glimmer of hope.

He continued to practice, all kinds of means, nowhere to say hello to A double, until all the charms and implements were used, and finally the only thing in the backpack that was not used is Donghuangzhong and Shanhaiyin.

Dong Huangzhong was originally intended to stay until the end, but under the power of the elemental power, especially the exhaustion of mana, the resistance is even worse, the attack of the elemental force is a kind of radiation-like penetration and oppression.

Although his willpower was so powerful, when he finally lifted the East Emperor's clock, even his fingers were shaking, and then the gods were passed by the force of the elements, and the people fell to the ground, and the remaining ones realized that the three men looked at them. At this time, Xiaojiu fell.

Ye Shaoyang called her name to move over.

"I'm fine..." Xiao Jiuqiang held a smile at him.

Ye Shaoyang held her in her arms so that she could help her with some damage.

(End of this chapter)

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