Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3094: 3096, then talk about the clear valley 1

After the branches picked up the clothes, there was a huge bottle inside. There was an ugly child in the bottle. Only half of the body, one leg and one hand, and the face had a piece of shrinking, which was simply ugly.

This is myself...

The little girl looked at her ugly self and sobbed. After a long time, she wiped her tears and turned to look at the young man. She said, "I want revenge, let me do anything."

"You don't have to pay anything, we are a family." The young man turned and waved at the crowd gathered around, and everyone greeted the little girl and bowed, and smiled kindly and friendlyly.

The little girl feels lucky.

“Everyone here has a name, what is your name?” the young man asked.

"I...no name."

The young man looked at her and said, "If you wear a red dress, you will call you red."

Red, really good, I have a name.

Red red looked up and gave him the first smile of his life.

The young man took her hand and took her into the lake. The lake had separated from the road, and the red man followed the young man and walked to the bottom of the lake...

Later, Ye Xiaomu’s mind appeared in some scenes. It was red and a group of children playing at the lake, talking to everyone, everyone is like a family.

He also saw a dark hole in the middle of the big rock at the bottom of the lake. From there, a black scent of red, red and small and small ghosts, greedily sucked by the teenager.

From the depths of the cave, there is a certain roar, and he can feel the curiosity and instinctual fear in the red heart. The teenager warned them that they must not enter the abyss cave...

When I woke up, the sky was already bright, and Ye Xiaomu felt his head swell, as if he had just had a high-intensity mental work.

I actually had a night dream, all related to the female ghost!

"You kid is stunned?" Liu Laotou has already got up, brushing his teeth, and seeing Ye Xiaomu's eyes sitting straight on the bed and asking for a word.

Ye Xiaomu spoke from the beginning of his dreams. After listening to the old man, Liu looked very dignified and walked to the window sill with his toothbrush. He looked at a small flower on the window sill last night. The brow suddenly stretched out. Laughing: "It doesn't matter to the ghost. Eighty percent is your kid who was frightened yesterday and had a nightmare."

"Are you so sure?"

"Of course, this purple sage can perceive the yin, I deliberately put it on the window sill. As long as there is a sin into the house, the leaves of the grass will turn white, and it will not fade for a long time. This is absolutely not It will go wrong, so don't think too much."


Ye Xiaomu looked at the purple leaves and started to stay. The experiences experienced in the dreams are all vividly imagined.

Ye Xiaomu expressed strong doubts about his imagination.

But since Liu Laotou said no, he did not think much.

Washed well, Bai Hongbing also came, took them downstairs to have breakfast, and told them happily when they met, Bai Yiyi was much better, and was awake in the middle of the night last night, and also drank a bowl of porridge in the morning.

Ye Xiaomu was very happy to hear the news and secretly told himself that he must help Bai Yizhen to solve the entangled female ghost.

However, thinking of the "red" experience, Ye Xiaomu also could not bear it.

Bai Hongbing found a relative to help guard Bai Yi, and he drove himself over. He had to send them to Qinggu. He was the party and insisted on going with him.

Liu Laotou did not object. After driving, he found a mahogany sword tied with a red thread, and let Bai Hongbing be in his hand. This is what he personally did. Although the mana is not good, it is better than nothing.

Ye Xiaomu also wants to discuss one, but Liu Laotou told him that the chicken blood jade pendant is ten times better than this.

While driving, the three people discussed this place called Qinggu.

Bai Hongbing came out of this small town. He knows a lot about the situation inside. He told Ye Xiaomu that the rumors outside are mostly screaming. Qingyou Town is not an underground nuclear power plant, nor is it the arsenal of aircraft cannons that everyone imagines. It is a precision machinery factory, mainly to cooperate with the military to manufacture military instruments and equipment.

The level of the chemical plant is very high. In the most glorious time of the 1980s, the factory was very large, and even the workers and family members had tens of thousands of people. Because the factory is in the mountainous area, it is very inconvenient to enter and exit. Many related buildings have been built near the factory. Some hospitals, schools and other people's livelihood organizations have become a good town.

There are also technical schools in the town. If the children of the factory workers can't get into the key high schools or universities outside, they will attend the technical school in the town and go out to work directly in the factory.

As for the rumored underground building, in fact, it was built in the year to respond to the "deep digging hole, wide accumulation of grain" call, and built a shelter for tens of thousands of people.

It took several years to use the entire mountain to be hollowed out. When Bai Hongbing was a few years old, the project stopped. Later, many experts came to the scene to investigate. Later, these foreigners wore white coats. More and more scientists are entering and leaving the bomb shelter every day. It is said that the institute has been established in it. As for what to study, no one knows.

At that time, Bai Hongbing was still young. He didn't know what happened, but he also heard a few words from his parents' conversations. It seems that he had dug up something strange in the mountains. These experts from other places are studying the things.

From then on, the factory constantly adjusted the workers to work, but they did not enter the real research institute, but were responsible for digging holes and constantly expanding a cave that was already deep.

Bai Hongbing later asked his father and learned about some of the inside situations. Under the mountain, there is a network of caves extending in all directions. They are responsible for getting through, which is an approach to the underground river.

To put it simply, during the tunneling process, a huge underground river was discovered, which was abundant in water, but hidden in the depth of several tens of meters. After the expert appraisal, a plan was made to open a hole in the mountain and introduce the underground river. On the ground, a large reservoir was formed in the valley. The area nearby was left behind because of lack of water. If there is such a water stock, it can at least irrigate a few hundred miles of farmland...

Speaking of this, Bai Hongbing turned his head and smiled at Ye Xiaomu. "It sounds a bit ridiculous. Now we know that the changes to the groundwater system will have a very big impact on the surrounding natural environment. It must be very prudent. At least after many arguments, there must be a careful plan. But in that era, I didn’t think so much. Such a big project was confirmed and started in a few months.

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