Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3095: The 3097 will talk about the clear valley 2

In the years after that, a lot of workers were transferred outside and participated in the excavation work. At that time, I was still young, and I didn’t know much about it. It was all told by my parents.

At that time, the workers in the factory had to take turns to go to work in the mountains. It was nothing. But then everyone who went in and worked hard would have a strange disease. People became dark and unresponsive, and later became afraid of light and anorexia. .

Everyone slowly discovered that the people who have these symptoms are those who have worked in the mountains. The factory area checked the condition for them, but they couldn't find out what the disease was, but as long as they didn't enter the mountain for a while, the situation would improve.

Later, the water diversion project was completed, and it became a reservoir in the valley. It was the one you saw. Because of the altitude calculation, after the lake water rose to a certain extent, the pressure disappeared and the tributaries of the underground river no longer went out. When the water is used, once the water is used up, the underground river will transfer the water into the lake through the tributary to maintain a balance.

From this point of view, this project is a success. But shortly after this, there were incidents of livestock loss in our town, and chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep were lost.

At first, I thought that someone in the nearby countryside came to steal. So the factory organized a human night. Later, I found several people stealing livestock. I was very agile. I didn’t catch up several times. Later I simply ambushed and tracked a black shadow. The result was lost in the mountains. Everyone looked around and found that the stolen livestock were piled up in one place, and many of them were stinky.

Those who haven't rotted, all without exception, have blood, and there is no blood in the body, dry like a new year's goods.

After the incident spread, the whole town was blown up. After the investigation, the factory rumored, but it was useless. Everyone began to have zombies. After a few days, some people in the town were missing. Later, they were found in the mountains. Like those domestic animals, they are bitten by their necks and sucked up their blood.

The people in the town have moved away, but most of them still stay in the town, and people are worried. At night, the doors and windows are closed.

I remember that day, one day at the end of the 85th year, I was sleeping at home, suddenly called by my parents, my father carrying me away.

After I went out, I saw a group of people running, and some people who wore white coats who worked in the mountain research institute for a long time, biting people in the town, basically seeing people biting, like crazy.

Many people resisted and used weapons to injure them, but it was useless. These people are like zombies in the movie, and they can't die. Everyone was scared and escaped from the town without a life.

A lot of people died on the way. I followed my parents and fled to the road outside Sa. When I was running, I met the big truck that the factory had come to rescue. I took it up and sent it to the city.

Along the way, we saw that the army drove the armored vehicles into the mountains and went to deal with the situation. And we were sent to the city. In the evening, a leader came over to talk to everyone, saying that the scientists were in a certain kind of virus, let us not tell the truth, we must strictly keep the secret.

Afterwards, all the workers who escaped from the Qinggu Valley were told not to go back. As for the work, there was an official help, and they all solved the work in Kunming.

Although most people kept their secrets, this incident was passed down and formed various bizarre rumors. It was only a long time, and the town was forgotten by people. As for why scientists everywhere bite people, how to deal with them later. No one knows. When I grew up, I remembered that scene and I always find it difficult to explain.

But I am an atheist... At least until yesterday, I always thought that it might be a mysterious virus like the official said. ”

He finally finished the story about Qinggu, turned his head and looked at Liu Laotou, who was holding a dry cigarette bag in the back seat, to consult him.

"The dead body, 80% is the walking dead."

Liu Laotou frowned and said, "In the mountain, there is an ancient tomb, the tomb is a zombie, because the ventilation in the cave is not smooth, the corpse is filled, this thing is like a chronic gas, occasionally sucking once or twice, so Once your workers leave the cave and are sun-drenched, they can recover slowly, but the scientists who have worked in the cave for a long time have slowly become corpses."

Ye Xiaomu and Bai Hongbing were shocked to hear this explanation. They had to believe in the past, but they have recently seen the ghosts, and the three views burst, and the arguments against the zombies have been accepted silently.

"Right, Uncle Bai, I heard you yesterday. When I was doing surgery on Yiqi, her mother was also a helper. Why... I have never seen her?" Ye Xiaomu asked.

Bai Hongbing’s look dimmed and said: “She is gone.”

After a while, he whispered: "Fang Jian An was willing to help me, not because of my relationship with him, but Lu Wei is also the mother of cuddling, and he was a boyfriend and a friend when he was at university... In the past, I didn't mention it. In short, when he looked at Lu Wei's face, he barely promised to participate in the operation and gave treatment later.

After the operation, Lu Wei looked for Feng Jianan to help, and transferred to the hospital. The two men lived together for a long time, and then... after they recovered, they went together. I have never seen them again. . ”

This... is really a tragic story.

After driving for two hours, I came to the Panshan Highway, which is the closest to Qingyou Town.

Bai Hongbing stopped the car, and the three walked over a mountain. The quiet town was in sight.

Liu Laotou stood on the heights and looked at it. He did not say anything and took the lead to walk down the valley.

Standing in front of the lake, Liu Laotou looked heavy and looked up, staring at the mist in the sky above the lake, muttering: "Weird, I thought it was a demon, I did not expect it to be chaotic gas... The world can actually There is such a place!"

"What chaos is angry?" Ye Xiaomu asked.

Liu Laotou shook his head, and some nervous said: "This place should not stay for a long time, fast, look at her bones in the sky!"

The corpse, for a ghost, is its last attachment in the world. No matter whether the red or red is used to cultivate the ghost body, she will not let her body be left behind. Therefore, Liu’s plan is to burn her. The body, the ignition burned, she felt the destruction of the body, it is impossible not to come, and then fight with her again...

This is the plan of Liu Laotou.

Bai Hongbing looked around and looked for the place where the corpse was buried. He found a willow tree and dug it under the tree with a folding shovel. Because it was close to the lake, the soil was soft, and a pit of a few meters in a circle was quickly dug, but nothing but the roots.

(I wish you all a happy New Year, tomorrow, the red packets in the ghost league group, don't miss it!)

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