Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3121: 3123 good friend 1

There was no progress in the week, which made him feel confused. One day, he suddenly thought that his mind would remain scattered, deliberately not to concentrate, and use the subconscious to perceive that power.

The invisible power seemed to have turned into a trickle, and it was not flowing in my mind.

This process has been kept for a long time. Even though the stream is getting more and more urgent and the water volume is getting bigger and bigger, Ye Xiaomu still tries to restrain his thoughts. Try not to pay attention to it, let it flow slowly until the water flow develops into a big river. Such as the sea, a thousand miles.

Ye Xiaomu found a way to settle his mind and he would not be distracted.

You deliberately pay attention to it, but you can't see it. You are calm, unmoved, and empty, but full of it, empty and empty, and read and not read. This is the inaction of Laozi.

Nothing, so nothing.

The rivers and rivers finally flow into the ocean and return to calm. Ye Xiaomu’s knowledge of the same is also empty, boundless...

After a long time, he was awake and opened his eyes. Everything was still the same as before, but his mood was different. This feeling was difficult to express, as if he had experienced a wonderful baptism.

Ye Xiaomu stood up and took a few steps. He felt that his body was very light and his movements seemed to be a lot more sensitive. I can't help but feel excited. I remembered what I said in the book. For the first time, I will enlighten myself once. The rivers and rivers are in my heart, and I feel that everything has changed... It seems to be in line with my own experience. It seems that I am enlightened.

Liu Laotou’s notes said that the process of enlightenment and enlightenment is not like other stages that can be traced and followed by water. This stage is a combination of opportunity and understanding, high savvy, three or two months to enlighten, slow It takes half a year to one year. If you can't enlighten it in a year, you can only enter the next stage by forcing the Master to enlighten, but the upper limit of this future practice will be much lower, and it will be difficult for him to become a Master.

And such a person is actually the vast majority of the magic world.

I seem to have used it for ten days?

Is this a gift of talent, or is it a coincidence?

Ye Xiaomu is more willing to believe that it is the latter, and believes that it is the welfare that he has brought to himself on a big Sunday.

In any case, you can always go to the next stage of cultivation, the next step, the soul!

Meditating, meditating on the spell, letting people go into a state of half-sleeping and half-awake, just like doing a clear dream, then pulling the line away, as if looking at your body in the distance, until you can't see the body, the soul will go out. .

For a junior monk who was sealed and at the stage of the heart, this process was not difficult. Ye Xiaomu tried several times and succeeded. Once the soul was completely independent, it was in contact with the air and immediately felt the pain of the heart.

A breeze blew in from the window that was not closed, and almost drove him off. Hurry to the corner.

This kind of pain is like a person jumping into hot water. Standing alone is a kind of torment. If the water flows slightly, it will be more painful.

Ye Xiaomu remembers that this is a normal reaction. It is a spell that tempers the soul. It allows the soul to come into contact with the aura of the air and the three fires of the human world without the protection of the flesh. The soul will be a little stronger.

Standing in the corner for ten minutes, Ye Xiaomu couldn't stand it anymore, and the soul quickly returned to the body.

In the next few days, he tried it many times, and the feeling of pain was getting less and less. Even when it was blown by the wind, it was all right. In the end, even the dreams of Qingming were not needed, as long as God thought about it, the soul You can leave the body.

In the middle of the night, Ye Xiaomu once again stayed away from the body, wandering around the room, and the chicken squatted on the refrigerator, feeling his presence, looked up and saw him, and buried himself for a few days. He is already eccentric about this scene.

Ye Xiaomu wants to show off with Su Yan, and directly into the bedroom of Su Yan from the crack of the door, but sees that Su Yan is only wearing an inner, lying on the bed, the upper part is covered with a thin blanket, and the upper side is white. .

What the hell……

Ye Xiaomu was not too scared. At this time, Suyan seemed to be aware of something, snorted and turned over. Ye Xiaomu waited for her to see, and quickly drilled out of the door, thinking that it was really dangerous. If it was discovered, he would be killed.

But... her figure is really great.

Thinking of the fragrant picture just now, Ye Xiaomu suddenly felt that some part of the body seemed to react, suddenly shocked, looked down, fucked, the original ghost also has this function.

He wanted to go out and go out and flew out from the balcony.

There was a bit of wind outside. Although his soul became stronger, he was blown by the wind and was still very uncomfortable. So he landed on the ground and wandered around the community.

There are some lights in the house. For him who is a ghost, light will bring a tingling sensation, so that he will not dare to approach, and he finally understands why the ghosts are afraid of light.

He left the community, because he was afraid of the light, he could only fly to the place where there was no light, so he came to a park.

In the park at night, the street lights were off, and there were no one left. Ye Xiaomu used to come to the park in the evening, but it was the first time in the form of ghosts. The feeling is absolutely different.

Before he went to a place where there was no darkness, there would be a fear of the unknown, but now he is a ghost, but he has an instinctive closeness to the darkness. This feeling can't be explained, just as humans like the feeling of day and night.

He stood by a lake, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the surface of the lake.

Moonlight doesn't make ghosts feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, just as the sun is good for people, there is also a warm thing in the moonlight that makes the ghost feel very comfortable.

Suddenly, he heard a cry, coming from the woods behind him, so he flew over. He was a 17-year-old girl sitting under a tree and staring at the lake and weeping.

There are no three lights on her body, so she is a ghost.

The girl also found him, turned his head and looked at it, and immediately showed a look of fear in his eyes, muttering: "You are a ghost!"

Ye Xiaomu is speechless.

"You are not a ghost yourself, what are you afraid of?"

"You... want to harm me?"

"Why," Ye Xiaomu is puzzled.

"There are a lot of ghosts, all of which are based on devouring ghosts to improve. I have met one day before, and I almost didn't escape."

"Oh, then I am not, I am a mage, I am practicing spiritual power in the soul." Saying the word "Mage", Ye Xiaomu is more proud.

The girl stunned and fell on the spot, pleading: "The Master does not want to catch me. I am not a ghost. I am my first seven today. After midnight, I went to the yin."

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