Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3122: 3124 good friend 2

"You hurry up!"

Ye Xiaomu went up to lift her up and looked at it carefully. The girl was almost the same age as her own, and she was wearing a school uniform and didn't know where the students were.

"The first seven... I heard that the soul of the dead is going to go home and see why you didn't go?"

When the girl heard it, she sighed and shook her head and said, "I don't go. Master, do you really catch me? I want to stay in the world for a while. After 12 o'clock, I will leave, okay?"

"No problem!" Ye Xiaomu said, "Do you want to talk to people, if you need, I can accompany you."

The girl was a little unbelievable and looked at him hesitantly.

"To tell you the truth, I am a newcomer, this is my first time to wander out of the soul, just met you, it is quite good, stay with you for a while."

Ye Xiaomu said to sit next to her.

The girl saw that he was really hostile, so he asked, "What is your name?"

"Ye Xiaomu. You?"

"My name is Xia Lan. Orchid's orchid."

"Good name."

Xia Lan smiled. "This is probably my only advantage."

"Don't be too modest, saying, why are you here?"

Xia Lan pointed to the lake in front of her, saying: "I killed myself here seven days ago."


Ye Xiaomu looked at her with surprise.

"I don't have fun when I live. I always feel that I have a lot of money. It's better to die. Who knows that after death, I still have to do ghosts, but those memories can't be erased..."

"How come, there are a lot of happy things to live."

Xia Lan smiled bitterly: "For many people, this is the case, but I never know what is happy. My family is rural, and my family always wants to have a boy, so no one likes me when I was born. I was almost My grandmother drowned, or my mother saved me. Speaking of it, only my mother can do it to me, but when I was five years old, my mother gave birth to a younger brother, it was not good for me, then she followed me. Dad is divorced, and one has left home. I have never seen her again.

My father is working in the city. I live with my grandmother and my brother. They don't like me. My grandmother often beats me. If there is any good thing, I will give it to my younger brother. If you don't believe it, your brother will eat the meat. More than I have eaten a year.

At school, because I am ugly, no classmate is willing to play with me, they are bullying me, often hit me... I graduated from elementary school, my grandmother will not go to school, because the family is poor, only one person can go to school. When my younger brother is at school age, I naturally can't go on. I have to work in the field, wash and cook at home, and wait for my sick grandmother...

These, I can bear it, even if my father didn't come home again, drink more wine and take me out, I can bear it, because I also love my brother, even if he doesn't like me, I don't want to look at me. I still pay for him silently, because he is my brother, the hope of the whole family. After my junior high school, my father received Springtown to go to school. I also followed, working while taking care of my brother's life. I have no regrets. ”

Ye Xiaomu listened quietly to her story, and she didn’t know what to say.

"We had a night at home on the weekend, and the family came to the thief. At that time, the younger brother just got up in the toilet and bumped into the thief. The thief was beaten up with him and wanted to kill him. I heard the scream of my brother. Woke up, I did not care about the thief in the past, let the younger brother go to the police, and the result... The younger brother hid in the room and locked the door.

I was smashed by the gangsters several times. I slammed on the door and tried to shoot the door. My brother did not open the door.

Fortunately, my call for help led to a neighbor's alarm and subdued the gangster.

I was taken to the hospital. After the bandaging, my father took the compensation, and if I didn't get hurt, I was discharged from the hospital, saying that I spent more money in the hospital. After returning home, I was struggling to cook for them because I was not hurt. Just half a month ago, my brother went to the summer camp the next day, let me wash his clothes for the next day, but I didn’t get up in bed because of the pain in the wound, and the clothes didn’t wash. He married me when he got home. I was angry at the time and quarreled with him.

He told me that he actually hated me all the time, because I was a ugly, he didn't want to have my sister, I was always pestering him, and I slapped me. ”

Tears fell in the lake, no stunned, because this is the tears in Xia Yu’s thoughts, and the ghosts will not shed tears.

She looked up and looked at Ye Xiaomu, shook her head and said: "Sorry, let you listen so much, you must be very annoying, please forgive me, I am just... I have never said this to people, I am very depressed. I am going to go to the sinister soon, and I have no chance to tell people about it."

Ye Xiaomu grabbed her hand and said excitedly: "No, I am not bothered. I think you are a kind person. You have not done anything wrong. But why did you commit suicide?"

"Actually, I am not a fool. I am good to my brother, just because he is my brother, and my father often beats him when he is drunk. He has never been a mother since he was young, so I have been taking care of him. I also know that he is not with me. Ok, look down on me like everyone else, but I always think he is my brother. He will understand it someday. So even if he locks me out, I can still forgive him.

But when he said to me, 'I have looked down on you in my life', I collapsed. I came to this place alone. I thought that I was born to be a superfluous person. It was a nobody who couldn’t afford it. If you die, you will commit suicide by diving..."

After saying this, Xia Lan smiled lightly. "I died the next day, the body was found, and then I found my father, came to claim the body, and then he deliberately did not cremate the body in order to pay more for the park management office... My brother burned some paper for me, but I was also worried about it. I was worried that I would be a ghost to find him. Let me go and leave. Don’t come back. Haha..."

Xia Lan suddenly laughed. "Master, you said that I am not stupid, I really deserve it..."

Ye Xiaomu held her hand tightly and said, "You are stupid. Although it is very late, you should actually have your own life. You don't have to pay so much for those who don't love you."

"Yeah." Xia Lan sighed. "I have been thinking about these days. I have owed myself too much for more than a decade. I have no place for success. Even I am dead. Even one worth seeing me. I don’t have any friends to watch."

She cried sadly again.

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