Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3159: 3161 White Lotus 2

Meng Zeyu really knew what he was in the chest and nodded. "That is a eucalyptus, which was planted by General Chen, one of several evil things that guarded the ancient tomb. The grass head general came here and fell. Nothing, he actually wants to dig for a treasure hunt, and naturally he can't stay with him. But the eucalyptus can't just say that it is to protect the tomb. This is the reason why you can find a man-in-law, which seems unquestionable. When someone escapes, there will inevitably be doubts that there are good things under the tomb. Otherwise, why should the evils be guarded?"

Ye Xiaomu and Su Yan looked at each other and their hearts were full of emotions. This incident was reversed once and they were very surprised. I did not expect another big reversal.

Before they came, they were out of curiosity and thought it was an ordinary spiritual event. When they thought of falling deeper and deeper, they even pulled the white lotus education hundreds of years ago, and things are not finished yet. There are still many things that they don’t know. Su smoke secretly took a breath and said: "The relatives of the general who lived in the village were killed?"

"That's not there. Those are ordinary people. They don't pose a threat. The thief and the celestial buddy die. They make birds and beasts scattered. The rumors of the haunting of the gated village are the ones that were passed out at that time. This is a good thing for the tomb. Can avoid being disturbed."

Ye Xiaomu listened and said: "But until the 1970s and 1980s, there were people living in this village. Where did these people come from?"

"There are only the nearby migrants. They don't know the existence of the tomb. They have nothing to do for decades. Later, a child in the village fell to the ancient well and died. The village people salvage the body and discovered the existence of the cave and the tomb. The awakening of the tombs and evil spirits killed some people, and the rest of them escaped. The village has never lived again."

"This... it's that simple."

“It’s that simple.” Meng Zeyu shrugged. “The guesses and rumors on the Internet are far-fetched. It’s not worth mentioning. A dozen years ago, Fengmen Village was discovered by travel enthusiasts and gradually became famous. Exploring, but because of the modern society, the guards of the graves do not dare to kill people any more, so as not to attract more attention, so they just scared them away.

But the observance of the tombs can't keep up with the times. What they don't know is that in the old days, if a place was haunted, everyone would shun the house and dare not approach, and in this era, they all blame Professor Yuan for what hybrid rice. To make too many people have enough to eat, the more terrible the place, the more irritating they are, the more they feel, the more they are.

Originally, there was plenty of groundwater in this area. After the village was filled with water, no one could find the secret passage of the tomb. It was nothing. Ten years ago, when the groundwater was dried up and the wells were dry, it was easy to find the secret passage. The secret of the ancient tomb can not be maintained until now, and one day it will be discovered by the world. ”

Ye Xiaomu heard the last and confirmed that he was telling the truth. Before he searched for the closed village on the Internet, he saw someone analyzing why it was a deserted village. The most scientific one was that the local mountain was exhausted and even a nearby reservoir There is no water anymore, and the people in Fengmen Village have no water to use. This is the whole village moving out of the mountains.

The truth of the matter from beginning to end is completely clear.

Su Yan took a deep breath and looked at Meng Zeyu in a complicated way. He said: "I have a few questions I would like to ask. First, don't you say that there are graves and evils here? Why didn't we meet? Not to mention the water bodies, they can't go to the ground to harm people."

Meng Zeyu smiled and said: "You ask the second question."

"Who are you, why are you so clear about this?" Suyan asked with courage, and he realized that it was not that simple.

"Who am I?"

Meng Zeyu touched his chin with one hand and said slowly: "I said before that General Chen sacrificed himself at the beginning of the sacrifice ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by the high priest below him. After all the people died, he He is also responsible for the aftermath. He is the only person who survived on the scene. He must live, because one of them, the tomb needs to be maintained, and it must be protected from being destroyed by others. Second, the purpose of the sacrifice is to be in the eighty-one. After the year, let the white lotus virgins come, and someone needs to be picked up at the time, and then an unopening ceremony.

This ritual must be done by a living person, so the high priest can marry his wife and have children. After his death, his son will inherit his inheritance, continue to guard the ancient tomb, say straightforward, the high priest family, this is the tomb. Guardian. ”

Hearing here, Ye Xiaomu’s heart couldn’t be more shocked. Looking back at the scene after the tomb, Meng Zeyu was familiar with the road and opened the organs along the way, so that they would come here safely, so the road was too peaceful, let them There is no sense of adventure, and there is not even a wonderful robbery novel like "Ghost Blowing Light".

However, Ye Xiaomu believes that a tomb like this must be a heavy institution and a crisis. They are all led by Meng Zeyu, and they can come here all the way.

"You are a high priest?" This sentence was spoken from Ye Xiaomu's mouth, and everyone was silent.

Meng Zeyu smiled softly and said: "This is not wrong, but, more accurately, I am a descendant of the high priest family. It was my ancestors who presided over the sacrifice ceremony."

Ye Xiaomu was silent, although he had speculated about his identity before, but he was sure, but still felt a depressing shock.

"But you can rest assured that I am not as idiotic as they are, and what are the white lotus ladies." Meng Zeyu snorted with a sneer, saying: "My ancestors are also stupid enough for the so-called saints, generation Guarding here, living a life of abstinence, looking for people to pass on to the family, is also to have a future generation to carry out this mission.

However, this mission is destined to be ridiculous: they have given up the accumulation of white lotus for many years, and there are so many people whose lives are to be able to drive out and overthrow the Qing Dynasty. As a result, everyone knows that there are not decades later. The Qing Dynasty was gone. Even if the Virgin came out, it lost the meaning of the struggle of White Lotus.

So my grandfather finally made a correct decision. He gave up living here to death, moved to a nearby city to live, went to a normal life, and was able to take care of the tomb. To my generation, it is no different from ordinary people. The so-called sacrificial ritual of the saint is an ugly joke in my opinion, but my ancestors are in it, can't see the truth, and it is not a kind of sorrow. ”

Meng Zeyu went to the end of the warehouse and turned to look at the baby in this room. His eyes were deep.

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