Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3160: Section 3162 is too deep 1

"So, is the so-called holy woman coming, is it true?" Su smoke asked.

"Of course, no matter how ignorant their purpose is, the magic is true. General Chen is a white lotus guardian. If it is placed in the magical world, it is at least a fairyland. The sacrifice ceremony is all arranged in advance. He has contributed even his own life, and there will be a fake."


Before she said it, Meng Zeyu interrupted and said: "I understand what you want to ask. The saint was supposed to be resurrected after 81 years. Now she has passed the time. She has not resurrected, just because of me. The ancestors thought that the peace of the world now is not the world before. If the saints are coming, there are those who become evil things. They don’t do anything, they have no good things for today’s society, so he made a decision: not to let the holy The woman is coming.

Bailian teaches a sacred object. It is rumored that during the battle of the gods, the lotus flower used by the Madonna of the Great Immortal Spirit was passed to the first generation of Bailian’s master, Mao Ziyuan, and he was accepted as a personal instrument. Yuan Xuelian', before he died, he once returned to Yuan Xuelian and the body with fire, and the body formed thirteen relics, which were integrated with the snow lotus, such as the lotus seed.

Guiyuan Xuelian is the nine-segment light device, and the spiritual power has been upgraded to the next level. Throughout the current magical world, I am afraid that I can't find several artifacts that can be compared with it. The so-called white practicing saint is to gather thousands of people's blood and soul power into the white lotus. In 1989, the adult form is the saint. It is a evil spirit. ”

When he talked about this, several members of the Zen Master were also attracted to pay attention and listened carefully. When they heard this, the Zen Master couldn’t help but ask: "Lotus is the most holy thing in the world, why can it be filthy? Blood sacrifices?"

Meng Zeyu smiled and said: "The Zen Master has missed a little. What is the lotus, the mud is not dyed, and the blood of thousands of people is gathered together. It is the most filthy thing in the world, but it can give birth to the most holy creature in the world. ”

Cao Weibo casually asked: "How sacred?"

"According to my ancestors, the saints are coming, and they are not stained. It probably means that all human spells will not work for her."

Everyone’s expression is sluggish.

They are all mages and they all know what this sentence means.

For a long while, Cao Weibo took the lead in breaking the silence and said: "This is impossible."

Meng Zeyu shrugged and said: "I don't know, I also listened to my dad. Oh, the previous topic has not been finished yet. My ancestors realized that you can't let the saint come, but want to kill it. In the gestation of the saint, you have to destroy Guiyuan Xuelian, not to mention that he can't do it, but he can't bear it. It is the sacred object of Bailianism, so the way he can think of is to seal the snow lotus.

Everyone is a mage, and they all understand the power of internal and external isolation. As long as the snow lotus is given a strong enough seal, the saint is formed, and it is impossible to open the seal from the inside, but this requires a powerful instrument or array to suppress... although It’s hard to do it. Fortunately, he has enough time. He spent twenty years and found five pieces of artifacts, all of which are artifacts of Jiu Duanguang, and their properties are different. The dark alloy wood is the five elements of the fire, and another one. The peerless artifacts were set in the middle, and the most powerful strategist was formed. Only then, this was returned to Yuan Xuelian, and it was maintained today..."

He said this and raised the interest of everyone.

"According to your statement, this Yuan Xuelian is almost one of the strongest instruments in the world. What other instruments can shake it?"

Meng Zeyu smiled and said: "This is not to mention, anyway, to use them to maintain the law, and can not take away."

Everyone listened to him and said that it is not good to ask.

Su Yan looked at him and asked the most important question: "Why are you telling us this?"

"These are not for you, but for them."

He turned to look at the tree master.

The tree master Zen also stunned.

Meng Zeyu with his hands behind his back, with a strange smile on his face, said: "Where is the Zen Master, why are you here?"

The teacher of the heart of the tree looked at him slyly. He didn't know why he suddenly changed his posture and didn't know how to answer it.

Meng Zeyu said: "Then I will answer you for you. You are a few brothers and sisters. I went to the Longhua Club. I passed by here. I heard that there was a strange event here. I came to investigate and then met me in the village. I said to me. The identity, and tell you, I can take you into the tomb, one person to divide a few tools, the request is to join your organization, and later mixed with you."

"You said that you are tired of guarding the grave, you want to sway the magical world, and you don't have a backing, so please me." Shu Xin said, and did not worry, added, "Isn't it?"

Ye Xiaomu three people heard their conversation, but they understood the beginning and the end of the matter. It turned out that Meng Zeyu had just met them soon. No wonder when Meng Zeyu helped them pick the instruments, he said that he would let the tree masters carry them.

In the face of the doubts of the Zen Master, Meng Zeyu said: "You have already got the things, now give you a chance to leave the tomb, are you willing to go?"

Everyone was shocked. The Tree Heart Master and others looked at each other a bit, and the Tree Master then smiled and said: "We want to see the legendary Yuan Yuan Xuelian."

"Ha ha..."

Meng Zeyu laughed and waved his hand. "You don't want to see, you are greedy with snow lotus, and there are five other top-level implements. You want to take it away. The Zen master, there is no need to bend around, is this the case?"

The heart of the Zen Master was a bit unnatural, and then said: "Is there any way to take them away without disturbing the big array?"

Meng Zeyu said: "You are not afraid to release the saint?"

"What holy lady, my brother is a Luohan tablet, still afraid of her?" Gu Shuai said with a look of discomfort.

Meng Zeyu snorted and snorted. "The land fairy? If the saint is out of the mountain, even if Ye Shaoyang is reborn, it may not be her opponent!"

Gu Shuai is even more upset: "What about Ye Shaoyang? It’s not necessarily better than my brother, my legend!"

Meng Zeyu smiled and said: "You see, you all laughed at me."

Shu Xin Zen said: "The saints are sealed anyway, there may not be no way, we can ponder, how to take the instrument without disturbing her, don't try to know?"

Su Yan looked at him, and the good feelings about him had disappeared. He sighed deeply. It was really a lack of heart and soul. Even the gentleman of the Zen Master was actually dominated by desire.

Meng Zeyu said: "A total of six pieces of implements, I will not say the five pieces, just release one piece, is the level of the treasure of the town of the great sects, the baby of the battle, you know what?"

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