Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3161: The 3163th road is too deep 2

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Everyone erected their ears and listened.

"Liangzhou Ding, one of the world's nine Ding."


Everyone has widened his eyes and stared at Meng Zeyu, unable to believe his ears.

The world is Jiuding, the artifact of the country.

This is no longer a concept of a musical instrument. If anyone can get a bite and take it to the magical world, it will definitely allow the factions to worship and change the position of a magical ally.

The eyes of several people in the heart of the Zen Master are bright.

"You, what do you want?" Tree Master took a deep breath and asked Meng Zeyu.

"What do I want?"

"If you don't ask for it, why bother to say so much to us. So, be honest."

Meng Zeyu nodded and said: "Then you are also confessed. If I don't cooperate, what are you going to do, kill me?"

A few people glimpsed, then the tree-hearted Zen master shook his head. "I am a mage, I will not open the killing ring, but frankly, I will rob."

When Gu Shuai and others heard him say this, they all followed and nodded, and their courage was also big. Gu Shuai said: "I said the surname of the dream, to say it, we really want to thank you for bringing us in, but you are at best a care worker, the white lotus thing, not your personal, capable Qualification is taken."

"A good one can take it."

When the voice did not fall, he suddenly raised a hand and sent it to the ancient handsome shoulder. The speed was fast, and everyone did not react.

In addition to the tree master.

He reacted in the first place, but it was still a step later. He could only take a shot on Meng Zeyu, hoping to force him to close his hand.

He is the realm of Luohan. Although this palm is rushed, it still uses 50% of the mana. The general mage can't hold it anymore, but he still has a miscalculation: Meng Zeyu lifted his hand and decided to confront him, while another Only grasped the shoulders of Gu Shuai, and pulled it out from the body with a force, then a backhand, sucked the whole soul into the palm of his hand, and slammed it hard, waiting for his hands to separate, a group of fine He flew out in his hand.

Just killed him like this!

Not only killed him, but also broke his soul!

Deeply shocked!

For a time, everyone was dumbfounded. They thought that Meng Zeyu’s shot was to learn from the ancient handsome. Wan did not expect him to be so embarrassed, and if he did not agree, it would make people fly away!

Ye Xiaomu three people need not say, never seen killing, but have never seen such a thorough kill. Even the Master of the Tree Master, who had experienced a big scene, was completely shocked and said nothing.

"This person is noisy, there is such a slave, and it will be a big thing sooner or later!"

Meng Zeyu took a clap and underestimated.

This... is simply a demon!

"You...what are you going to do!"

The teacher of the heart of the tree is also nervous. The brothers and sisters behind him are sorrowful and angry. But his confrontation with the Zen Master of the Tree has proved that his strength is extremely strong, even under the Zen Master, they dare not act rashly.

"I brought you here, and I didn't bother to say so much, just want to work with you. But I don't force you to go now, you can go, just... you are dead alone. Here, how to explain it?"

Everyone is stunned, the original purpose of his murder is this!

The brothers and sisters were killed, but they let go of the murderer, so don’t say anything else, as long as Meng Zeyu went out to find a mage and said it, the future of their life would be over. The spell world is not heavy gold and silver, and even the strength is not absolute, but it attaches great importance to the festival.

A famous festival is ruined, and if the strength is strong, others will not obey you.

But if you start... this terrible guy seems to be not afraid?

"Don't think about doing it with me," Meng Zeyu smiled. "Now, all the exits outside are blocked. Kill me. You will be killed by the organs and evil things of the ancient tomb. Even if you hold your eyes, you will be sleepy." Die in it. Not to mention... Tree Master, I don't guarantee that I will beat you, but it's not that easy to kill me."

"You, what do you want!" The tree-mind meditation man asked a voice and began to feel a little nervous.

"I will tell you when I meet, I am not easy to mix, I need to pull the gang to form my own power, everyone fly together. The only difference is that I want to be the boss."

It turned out that he is ambitious.

The heart of the Zen master sucked in the air and said: "There are eight people, a total of eight people, I am only one of them, even if I promise you, others will not agree."

"No, you don't have to worry about this, as long as you treat me as the closest comrade-in-arms, other people, I have my own way to get it." He was full of faces, but he looked a bit gloomy.

It is a comrade-in-arms. In fact, everyone can hear it: once he has a handle on his hand, what he said, the Zen Master is only obeying the fate. From then on, he will be subject to people. The Zen Master is certainly unhappy, but now he is deeply involved. If you don't agree, I am afraid that even this ancient tomb will not go out.

"That... what about them?"

The tree master Zen glanced at the three people.

The three people of Suyan had long been shocked, and they realized that it was not good. This demon, although his goal is to be a Zen master, but the three of them may have to be hurt. After all, after hearing such a secret thing, Meng Zeyu could not let them go.

"You said, what do you do with them? I listen to you, you can let them go."

No one expected that Meng Zeyu would say so, and a few people at the heart of the tree were suddenly stunned.

Ye Xiaomu is still simple. He has never returned to God. He thought that he and the Zen Master are innocent and hateful. He certainly will not harm himself. He said that the teacher of the heart of the heart is silent for a long while and said: "Think of a way, stay Let them down!"

"Ha ha..." Meng Zeyu laughed.

Su Yan looked at the Zen Master and shook his head gently. Although this result was expected, there was a glimmer of hope. If he was disappointed with him before, it is already disappointing.

She is more clear than Ye Xiaomu. Meng Zeyu is a terrible guy. He is very accurate in grasping human nature: the Zen Master is really innocent with them, but if they let them go, who can guarantee that they will not Gu Shuai’s death is said to go out?

As a master of Gu Shuai, he not only avenged his brother-in-law, but instead formed an alliance with the murderer.

After all, everyone is unfamiliar, he will not risk letting them go out and leave behind their own troubles. After all, the cost is too great.

However, his statement came out and showed his attitude towards Meng Zeyu: he compromised.

"I don't understand why you came with them three. I didn't understand it before, but I still don't understand it."

(Today's good condition is my fault. I wrote it after dinner, and then I slept for a while. I thought about it. I didn’t expect to sleep until eleven o'clock... I recently adjusted it and tried to keep it updated. Stable, can't hold everyone.)

"End of the God Station" website: a very good book station

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