Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3219: The 3221 death game 3

The source has been found!

Let 祁宸 download, the result is a registry-like thing, there are some options to fill, Xie Yuqing took a preliminary look, this so-called form is very strange, a bit like a questionnaire on online games, in addition to the age of the name and the like Basic questions, such as playing games for a few years, how much time you spend playing games every day.

Cao Yong’s experience with Xie Yuqing is that once you want to fill out a young person and give you the feeling of an internet addiction teenager, it is best to find real information to fill it out.

Xie Yuqing thought for a moment and filled in the information of Ye Xiaomu.

"Is this not appropriate?" I am a little worried.

"It's okay, it's not appropriate to fill in someone else." In several options about playing games, she deliberately filled in more exaggerated numbers. The last one, why do you want to play this game, she thought about it, fill in the game and play it.

In the past, there was a red letter like a drop of water, so I waited quietly for the result.

Then only wait.

Xie Yuqing continued to investigate and found a notebook among Wang Ziqiang's relics. According to his roommate, Wang Ziqiang played the game every day. Before going to sleep, he sometimes took out the notebook and wrote down something on it.

The notebook is empty, only the first few pages have recorded things, all the arrows of the ballpoint pen, one line, one in the middle, and there are corrections in the middle, so it lasts for several pages, and I don't know what it means.

Xie Yuqing felt that since he took out this book after playing the game every day, these symbols may be related to certain elements in the game, so he left the notebook.

At this time, Ye Xiaomu is in the house of Suyan, and is working on the altar to find the soul of Wang Ziqiang. I was curious about Wang Ziqiang's death. I wanted to find out the reason. Secondly, I also took this opportunity to test how my spells learned. After all, it is the basic homework of spells.

As a result, I have not been able to find Wang Ziqiang’s soul for a long time. It is completely imperceptible, but the strange thing is that Wang Ziqiang’s charm is smoke-free after burning. According to the interpretation of the spell, this means that his soul still exists, and there is no Go to the yin, but why can't you feel it?

Ye Xiaomu called Lao Guo to ask, and got a reply. Like this situation, it shows that Wang Ziqiang’s soul is being detained somewhere, and it should be a space isolated from the outside world.

After all, Ye Xiaomu had no experience, and he asked what he should do after listening.

"What do you do?" Lao Guo asked on the phone.

"If that's the case, I want to save him!"

Lao Guo was silent for a long while, saying, "The first thing you have to figure out is where his soul is being held. Like the case, you have to know where he is trapped, otherwise there is no way."

These words reminded Ye Xiaomu. After all, he was responsible for the case of his own mother, so he began to call Xie Yuqing every day without shame, asking for details of the case. The reason for finding is that Wang Ziqiang is his classmate and has a good relationship, so he cares about him. The cause of death.

Xie Yuqing knew what he was thinking, and he ignored it. He continued to investigate the case. All the clues were broken. Only the game was the only clue.

Uneasy to wait until the third day, the mailbox used for registration actually received an email, which is the download link of the game.

Xie Yuqing immediately asked the technicians to trace the source of the e-mail, and found that the link was encrypted. The specific technical terms Xie Yuqing did not understand, but the source could not be traced. For this result, even the technicians were surprised that they encountered a hacker who was proficient in network engineering.

Open the link to the mail, finally downloaded this game called "Death Trip", using his own vr game console, open after downloading, before wearing the helmet, he is also very nervous.

"Don't you play it and die?" Xie Chong Xie Yuqing smiled. "Boss, you comfort me."

"You are dead, I will pack it for you, rest assured, go bold and play!"

I laugh and cry.

The game is in Simplified Chinese. The picture is a black forest. It seems to be covered with a mist. In the shadow of the tree, you can see some simple houses. It is very gloomy, but there is nothing special about it. Although I don't play horror games, I have always seen them.

There are only three options on the right to read files, new games, and exits.

It is also a regular setting.

I tried to read the file first and found that no archives were available, so I started a new game.

The game entered quickly, and I found myself standing on a road, looking down at myself and slamming on the spot. As usual, after entering the game, the player will cut into the game character, everything you can see is The game development and design is good, it has nothing to do with the player himself. There is no difference between the games played by the computer. It is nothing more than putting the screen on the head and controlling it by the limbs.

But at this moment, I saw myself, actually wearing my own real!

This is incredible. This is the system used in this game to do this. I suddenly thought that I had read the news before, saying that some game companies are developing games that can be directly manipulated by brain waves. As long as they are aware, they can influence the actions of the characters in the game. Could it be that they are playing this game, otherwise how can they watch? To your true dress?

Don't want to be so much.

I started to look around the environment.

At night, there is a moon in the sky.

Looking around by the moonlight, I found myself stretching on a country road, behind the hills and the dark winding road, standing on the mountainside, not far from the front, there was a dilapidated small courtyard, ordinary The kind of farmhouse, on the side of a road down the mountain.

The scene is very common, but this feeling... can not tell the truth, he is also a game enthusiast, according to the habit, he picked up a piece of leaves from the ground, and carefully looked in front of him.

This is a little trick that people who play games often know. Just look for the most inconspicuous thing in the game, look at it and then judge the resolution of the game by the jagged edges. The smaller the sawtooth, the resolution. The higher the nature, the more simulation the game does.

However, this time the identification results, I was shocked.

Actually no jagged!

In other words, the resolution of this game is so high that the naked eye does not see jagged?

Even if it is the 3a masterpiece of several famous game companies abroad, I am afraid that I have not reached this point?

This game is really not simple.

I started walking, the realism of this kind of foot on the sandstone, and even the breeze blowing from time to time, these feelings... are too real!

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