Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3220: 3222 Death Game 4

It is like a real world, and the feeling of separation from one's own body is particularly strong. He feels like he has been thrown into a strange world, and everything in the real world has lost its feeling.

"Boss, are you there, can you hear me?"

He spoke loudly, but did not hear Xie Yuqing's response. In the ear, there is only the sound of insects in the game, and the rustling of the wind blowing through the leaves.

This world is simply too real!

I walked around and suddenly remembered a very important thing. How does the game call out the function menu?

He tried several methods of calling out menus that are commonly used in games, and the results are not applicable.

I am a little anxious. Although there is no danger in this world for a while, it is quite anxious not to quit. Fortunately, Xie Yuqing is by his side. If she can't get out for a long time, she will at least help her to pick up the game machine from the head.

Thinking this way, I put a little bit of my heart down and once again put my attention into the game world.

There is no background to explain, no task tips, and I don't know what to do.

It seems to be a highly free sandbox game.

In this case, just turn around and look for a task.

Not far from the farmhouse, the small farmhouse went there, and there was a glimmer of light inside. It was not like lighting, it should be the light of some kind of electronic equipment.

I walked over and looked at the window first. There was a TV set in the room, as if no one was like it.

He walked over and knocked on the door, only to find that the door was not closed and the details of the door lock that was opened were so realistic, it was enough.) He knocked a few times and asked a few times, no one promised.

If it is the real world, he will certainly not rush into the home, but this is the game world, it does not matter, and there is a hunch, the clues about the task should be in this room, otherwise there is no reason to suddenly get one The house is out.

After entering, I looked around and the house was really old. Some electrical equipments were old-fashioned. The TV was also hanging on the wall more than a decade ago. The news is playing. .

The room was messy and full of debris, looking like a bachelor's home.

I rummaged through the room and wanted to find useful clues.

At this moment, the news on the TV set was broadcasted to a murder case, and I couldn’t help but glance at it. The news said that in the Qingshan City Psychiatric Hospital, two patients killed two doctors and escaped. Now the whole city is all over...

After the news released two photos of the suspects, I was surprised to find that one of the photos was actually myself!


Sure enough, the clue is here.

祁宸 Continue to watch the news, until the end of the game, there is no more information behind, this time to recall the content of the news, at least know a useful message, "self" is a patient who killed the doctor to escape from the mental hospital.

Qingshan City, it seems to be the coordinates of this virtual world, psychiatric hospital. Maybe the plot is going to be there?

This way of playing video clues through TV news is quite novel.

I searched the room and found a few oranges in the refrigerator. I tried to eat it and found that it tasted good. Like the real world, he really didn't understand how this taste was simulated and it was incredible.

Just then, footsteps came from outside the door and someone came in.

The owner here?

Is it necessary to trigger a plot?

I don't know if it is a smart npc that can react differently according to the player's performance. Anyway, there is no hint, and I still follow the normal reaction of the real world.

I put the orange down and went to the living room.

A well-dressed man walked in and stood at the door staring at him.

The characters are also doing well, like real people.

"That, I am coming to ask for directions, sorry."

The man stared at him, no voice.

The reaction is not very smart.

The man opened his mouth and groaned a few words. He didn't hear what he said, and he got closer to ask what he said.

"You guys in the garage, are you a bunch?" Unclear Mandarin.

He just wants to ask who he is talking about. Through the moonlight outside, he suddenly sees that this person is not a human tooth, but a canine tooth like two rows of beasts!

Suddenly, the man took a stick from behind the door and walked over to him, shouting and kneeling at him.

He hurriedly avoided, and the man’s skill was very agile, and he was chasing after him. Biting on his shoulder.

The feeling of severe pain is just like real.

Struggling hard, suddenly, just listening to a muffled sound, a thing inserted from behind the man's head.

It is a knife.

Looking down at the handle, I saw a young man in a denim suit, a young man who looked like he was only seventeen or eight years old.

Seems like I have seen it?

The man’s body fell down.

He pushed him away and watched the grotesque grotesque man in a pool of blood.

His shoulders are also bloody, and a little paralyzed.

The teenager came over and took out a syringe with a red liquid inside and a shot near the wound.

The blood is no longer flowing immediately.

And the wound recovered at a rate visible to the naked eye, and it quickly grew, and there was no damage at all.

Sure enough, it is a game.

He touched his shoulder and looked at the boy again. He suddenly remembered his identity and said, "It is you, the annoying man who escaped from the mental hospital with me."

"I am not mentally ill, I have told you many times." The young man said coldly, pulling the knife out of the shoulder of the dead body and squatting on his clothes.

"You really should learn how to fight, zombies are not good to deal with, next time you will die."

"Zombie? You said he is a zombie?"

The teenager seems to be strange, saying, "Are you sick again, don't you remember everything?"

"I... Is there anything sick?"

"You have amnesia, it will happen every once in a while, and then forget who you are. You always think this is a video game, so you are not afraid of death, I am helping you along the way."

The original setting is the same, I have to admire the developers of this game, design such a high-intelligence npc, and design an identity for the player, so that players will not feel embarrassed when talking to npc.

I stood up and asked the teenager, "What is your name?"

"Cui Zhen."

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