Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3258: The 3260 wind general man 1

Time seemed to solidify in an instant. Zhou Jingru couldn’t hear anything. After a few seconds, she pushed the bench very rudely and threw herself at the mobile phone. She was also stunned by the chair. Everyone was frightened and hurry to help the mountain. She, Zhou Jingru pushed everyone away, grabbed the phone and asked aloud: "Hey?"

"Small ru, I am Shaoyang."

It is his voice!

Zhou Jingru has a soft leg and sits on the ground.

"Hey? Xiaoru? Hey?"

Zhou Jingru returned to God for a long time, took a deep breath, poured into the brain with almost no oxygen, and the voice trembled: "Where are you?"

"I am back, I am in Sanqingshan... Well, Shangrao, Jiangxi, where are you?"

Scorpio, it is really him!

Tears immediately confused their eyes.

"I am in Shicheng! Come to me!"

"I, I want to go, I don't have money, it's not asking you to borrow money."

"I will give you a turn."

"I don't have a mobile phone or a card. This mobile phone is still borrowed."

"That... you wait for me, I am going to Nanchang to find you."

"How come to Nanchang?"

Zhou Jingru reluctantly regained his senses and thought about it. He said: "I have a partner over there. I asked him to borrow you. You will wait for me for a while!" Just about to hang up, suddenly worried, "Xiaoyang brother, The phone is hanging, I won't be able to contact you anymore?"

"Stupid, I am back, naturally not gone." Ye Shaoyang's heart is a bit sour.

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Jingru rushed to find the phone book, only to remember that he did not save the other party's number, because the identity is not equal, this partner usually does not personally contact, so quickly let the secretary help, a few minutes later, contacted The partner, the other party was a friend of Jay Chou, very enthusiastic, said that he had to personally pick it up and asked Ye Shaoyang’s number.

After a while, Zhou Jingru called Ye Shaoyang and was told that someone had contacted him and asked the address. He would wait for him at the local bus station.

Zhou Jingru was relieved, and stunned him a few words. He reluctantly hung up the phone, took the paper towel handed over by the secretary, wiped away the tears, and got up and said to the face-stricken secretary: "Hurry to book a ticket, go to Nanchang, Recently!"

Then he turned to face the same face-to-face participants, bowed and said: "Whenever I come back, let me go!"

In the eyes of everyone shocked, she left the meeting room.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang stayed for a long time, and then calmed down for a long time, and returned the phone to the young man. "Thank you."

The young man pointed to a bowl of noodles on the table and said, "Come on."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "Why help me?"

"There is no reason, my master said, want to be a qualified Taoist, you must learn to be a good person, you must be good with others, there is not much money in a bowl of noodles, and I will not have any more expensive."

"Your Master said yes." Ye Shaoyang looked at him up and down, feeling that his talent is OK, but the strength is general, the eyes are deep with a faint yellow breath.

This is because the meridians are not completely opened, and the breath is not smooth.

The young man also looked up at him and said, "You are also young, why should you have a meal?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed and cried. "I don't want to eat, I am in trouble."

"Oh, what do you need to help?"

"Can you help me?" Ye Shaoyang looked at him with great interest.

The young man shrugged. "Do my best."

"You are not afraid that I am a liar?"

"Should not, I can see, you are a good person."

"Look at people with intuition, you have to lose."

The young man nodded. "My master said so to me, they all think I am stupid." He smiled. "But I can't change it."

"Then don't change, stupid people have stupid blessings." Ye Shaoyang asked, "What is your name?"

"My name is Quanfu."

Ye Shaoyang wrote a few lines on the notebook and gave it to him. He said, "I have left you a practice method. Although it is not complete, it is enough for you to use. This is my secret biography. After you back it, you will Delete this, don't tell anyone, can you do it?"

Fearful and shocked, once again looking at the big brother in front of this tattered and sloppy, lost the voice: "Who are you?"

"You will know in the future. Can you promise me?"

"do not worry!"

Ye Shaoyang believes in him, but in order to prevent leaks, he actually only gave half of the big Sundays to confess his mind, which is enough to make him grow from a common mage to a strong.

Ye Shaoyang stood up and patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Where is the county bus standing?"

"In... I can't tell, I will take you there, someone will pick you up?"

After getting confirmation from Ye Shaoyang, Quan Fu thought about it, saying that Ye Shaoyang didn't have a mobile phone. It was nothing to do. He didn't have anything to do with him. He simply went to the bus station for a while.

On the road, Quan Fu tried to find out the identity of Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang smiled and said that he would never ask.

"You are... is the mage?" At the bus station, the two were sitting under the awning at the door. The whole blessing was a little excited. "I heard from my master that some mages like to seek through asceticism. You are like this. What?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed and cried. "Nothing, I am in trouble."

"Then can I ask you a few questions on the practice?"

Ye Shaoyang was happy to answer and helped him solve a lot of doubts. After waiting for about half an hour, a black car came over and Ye Shaoyang couldn't recognize the license plate. He felt very luxurious.


The whole blessing is recognized.

The driver got off the bus and took out his mobile phone to make a phone call. The result was a full-blown phone call that caught the driver's attention.

The driver came over in confusion and cautiously asked: "Which is Ye Shaoyang's gaze."

"I," Ye Shaoyang stood up. "You are Mr. Wang? How come you are so fast?"

The driver snored and said that he was a subordinate of Mr. Wang. He happened to be working near this generation. Mr. Wang himself drove too far from Nanchang, so he let him run, and said that Mr. Wang is already waiting in Nanchang, he likes him not to blame. some type of.

"Then I am gone, let's see you back." Ye Shaoyang rushed to smile and followed the car.

Quan Fu had already been stunned. When Ye Shaoyang said goodbye to him, he recovered and chased him and said, "Is there a chance to meet?"

"Must have!"

Ye Shaoyang left, leaving the blessing to look at the shadow of the car, thinking in his heart, who is this person, talking to him for a while, seems to be proficient in spells, should be even more powerful than his master, even Can you compete with your own master?

Ye Shaoyang didn't lie to him. Later, he met again. At that time, Ye Shaoyang stood at the highest point of Sanqingshan and accepted the challenge of everyone.

He finally knows who this person has been in the past, a name he can't even think about.

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