Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3259: The 3261 wind general man 2

The sound of shouting and beating is getting closer and closer.

Jianwendi knew that there were not many opportunities.

He sat on the throne of the deepest part of the palace. He didn't go out. He knew that even if he went out, he wouldn't help.

He looked at the fish-sword sword placed on his hand, and thought sadly in his heart. Is this the end?

For a long while, he made up his mind that as long as the rebels rushed in, he used the sword but he himself, so that he would not be caught and humiliated.

Just like his own descendants, did the Chongzhen Emperor did it?

When he was a man, the throne was robbed and he was a ghost. It was also the result.

The laughter of Jianwen Emperor resounded in the empty empty palace.

Baiyun City is the last city of the Valley of the Wind. Sixteen years ago, the Battle of the Three Realms ended, the wind valley contracted, and most of the territory was abandoned. Only the part of Baiyun City and the dead forest was left behind. No more revealing edge.

The major leaders did not meet, and Qin Feng’s husband and wife and Chen showed up, wandering in the ghost field, and never returned to the Valley of the Wind. Pony first went to find the Taiping leader, followed him for a few years, and his strength increased greatly. He then lived in the world, mixed with the four treasures, and did not return to the Valley of the Wind.

The current boss of the Valley of the Wind is Jianwen Emperor. He has the final say of anything. Although he has not done anything for more than a decade, he has also secretly built a strong group of ghosts and re-established twelve disciples. They are absolutely loyal to his.

The people of the Valley of the Winds are mostly ghosts and ghosts of the ghost field. They are strong and restless. They used to listen to their lives because the boss is a road. They dare not follow, and they can steal the ground and kill the enemy. The evils of the camp came to cultivate. Now the boss has changed, and there is no war to fight. These people are eager to move, and after a few years of suppression, people are constantly resisting Jianwen and trying to seize power.

In recent years, contradictions have become more and more antagonistic. Jianwen Emperor is sitting on a needle felt, but there is no better way. The only power he can rely on is the ghost-picking alliance, but they can't live in Baiyun City for a long time, and in their own hands, he can't make it clear who is the loyal person. It is an anti-thief, and it cannot be completely cleaned up.

When he realized that he had to do something, or he would have to be killed, he began to investigate the members and chiefs of the rebels, because these people were deeply hidden, the investigation progress was slow, and the results were still not clear. I started to act.

A loyal subordinate rushed into the palace, worshipped in front of Jianwendi, and told him sadly that the palace had been surrounded, the general trend had gone, and the Jianwen Emperor had to hurry and break through, perhaps there was still a chance.

His words just fell, and a sigh of anger rushed outside the palace, directly smashing the general.

A group of soldiers came in and guarded the palace gate, and then several evils went straight to Jianwendi to come to the throne, and looked at him slightly.

Jianwendi’s eyes are from a few people, “Zi Xi, it’s you!”

He is called a child. He is a very young man. In fact, he is a ghost. Before entering the Valley of the Winds, he is a lonely ghost, wandering in the ghost field. His realm is a second-class ghost. But the perennial wanderings are fighting and killing people, the combat experience is rich, and they have extraordinary talents.

According to himself, he was a man in the Warring States period. He was originally a strategist, the famous Qi Qin incident, and he also participated in it, and wanted to help Han Wang resurrect.

After the failure of the incident, he was cracked by the car, and the soul wandered to the ghost field. He did not report to the sinister. Since then, when the wind was in the middle of the year, he joined the Valley of the Wind, but did not get too important plays.

After Jianwendi took office, he was promoted to be the most important aide, similar to the stewardship, and he did not doubt him, but Jianwendi always felt that he had completely controlled him.

Ironically, in investigating the rebellious situation, Jianwendi suspected a lot of people, but he did not doubt Zixi, and even handed him the investigation to him...

Now that he saw Zixi’s big swing, Jianwen’s mood couldn’t help but calm down. He felt a kind of anger that was fooled, but soon he calmed down and rushed at him. Nod, said: "Very good, can you have such a very deep person to overthrow me, I am worth it. But, what is your motivation?"

"I want your location."

This is indeed the best reason.

On the side of a female evil object pointed at the scorpion: "I want his fish sword!"

Jianwen Emperor took a deep breath (although the ghost did not need to breathe) and sighed: "You are not afraid of the wind to clear with you in the future?"

Zixi smiled and said: "So I have been waiting for so long, and now I am almost certain that he should not come back."

"Not afraid of anything?"

“It’s always a little risky, I’m afraid of anything, I don’t have to do anything, what do you say?”

Jianwendi nodded and agreed to pick up the fish sword from the throne.

Several people on the opposite side immediately became alert.

"The emperor has the dignity of the emperor, how about giving me an individual face?"

Zixi stared at his eyes and seemed to want to determine his true intentions. For a long while, he said: "You can try to break through and use your strength, maybe you can escape."

"If I want to go, I have already left." Jianwen Emperor smiled, picked up the fish and sword, facing his own heart. At this moment, he hesitated, and when he made up his mind, he was about to start, suddenly came outside. A scream.

Several rebel leaders looked at each other.

"I'm not right!" said one of the strong men. "I am afraid that something has changed."

Said to run out.

"All stand!" Zixi is very calm, pointing to Jianwen Emperor, "The thief first smashed the king!"

The crowd immediately flew, and took Jianwen Emperor.

The change outside the palace gate made Jianwen Emperor seem to see a glimmer of hope, and he did not want to die.

He carried the sword of the fish and the emperor's heart, and he circled with the five men in the big palace.

Five people want to cure him in the dead, of course, will not be polite, Jianwen Emperor played five, and only escaped.

"Come, come!" Zixi yelled, a team of guards rushed in, if fighting.

Jianwen Emperor was finally forced into the corner of the dead, taking advantage of the sharpness of the fish and the sword, and supporting it. It was impossible to see it. A sinister grasped him with a flaw. Before being posted on the cover of several people, it was fatal to Jianwendi. one strike.

Jianwen Emperor had no spare time to fight back, and a sneer appeared on his face. He gave up resistance and closed his eyes. However, he did not wait to die. It is a black light that flies in, and it is on this evil thing.

Poor second-class ghosts, even if the defensive posture is not ready, they are worn by the black hole, the soul is broken into many small pieces, and then melted and fluttered.

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