Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3289: The 3291th World is a sandbox 1

When the cold jade sinks, the inner feelings are shocking. This question... he never thought about it.

Emperor Yaodu laughed: "Before you practiced spells, you just debated the world with me. You fell into your own set of thoughts and you can't extricate yourself. You never thought about this fundamental problem, but it is not very good. Relationships, like the world, also know where they come from and where they go."

"Three circles and six roads, seemingly unreasonable, but one, the aura comes from the mountain, the world is moist, the world is in the mountains and rivers, and through the operation of yin and yang, it is refined into aura and used by all beings."


It is this place again.

Yan Lengyu thought for a moment and said, "Would you ask the teacher, the aura of Miyayama, and where did it come from?"

"Ask it."

The Emperor of the capital is like giving a class to a student. Follow the example: "The first thing in the mountain is that there is no aura. Therefore, there is no chaos, no demon, no demon and ghosts. Later, there is a wild and alien, Ziwei Xianyu, who happened to be born in Shoushan. On the top, the mountain is used for food, sowing and multiplication, and 100 years old and glory. After death, the essence of the body and the stone of the stone play a role, which is the source of the aura.

This is the source of the aura in the Hongmeng universe. At this time, the aura is only enough to cover the Mount Sumiyama. The vegetation on the mountain thus prolongs life and gradually produces spiritual thoughts, but it does not require the scope of Mishan. After death, the spiritual power will accumulate. Down, more and more intense, thousands of years of accumulation, so that the concentration of Sumiyama is a hundred times stronger than today's people.

The demon of the gods is constantly appearing, and finally the barriers of Mount Sumi and other spaces are broken. In this way, the space is connected, the spiritual power is overflowing, and it is transformed into the mountains and rivers, taking the human world as an example, the place where the aura is full, It is a place where the space is weak and it is easy to absorb the supply of Akiyama.

Only this aura can not be directly absorbed by all things, because there are sun, moon and stars, the division runs, reconciles yin and yang, and begins to be aura... The yin and yang that you understand, the use is here. ”

After listening to the embarrassment of the Emperor of the capital, Yan Lengyu was shocked by the heart. He asked: "Why do you really show the ingenuity of the moon and the aura?"

"Yi is yang, the moon is yin, the sky is no, the land is there, it is yin and yang to pay for Thai, whether there is any relationship... It is all the artifacts that accept the aura of the mountain." The capital of the capital continued: "Because of the mountain The world is far away, closer to the boundless world, the green underworld, and the chaotic world. It is more enriched with these auras. The world is only the space where there are more mountains and more springs, and more precious trees, so the spirit is more More full, but in fact, the cart before the horse."

Yan Lengyu quietly looked at the Emperor of the capital, listening to him to explain the ultimate meaning of these universes, as if returning to the scene of being a student in the Pagoda Hall many years ago, there is no trace of anger in the heart, only the desire to know, the first "Teacher, where did the aura go when the creature died?"

"A good question, I want to talk to you about this problem." The capital of the capital looked at him kindly and explained: "Now we know that this Hongmen universe and the aura of each world come from Sumiyama, and Sumiyama. The aura comes from the essence of the living creatures in the mountains, and interacts with the original atmosphere contained in the rocks...

However, the aura produced in this way can only be used for the cultivation of souls in the unknown land. The universe is rich and the number of souls that will be cultivated is increasing. The aura of the mountain must be compared with the demand. It is a simple drink. Now, you should know Those dead creatures, where the body aura has gone. ”

芮 冷玉玉凝神思思, said: "Return to the heavens and the earth, fill the universe, and absorb it for future generations."

"Rarely. But it is not the case. After the death of the evil spirits, whether it is inherited by other creatures or dissipated between heaven and earth, it is a kind of balance, but if the creatures are too strong, they are killed and repaired. If you are refining, if you like peace, if you are a ferocious person..." When he said that the Emperor deliberately looked at him, "the consequences can be disastrous."

"So, those strong in history, the gods of the past, finally went to Sumiyama, decomposed the spiritual body of the Yuan, and let the body be absorbed by the mountains and trees, transformed into pure aura, and then continuously transmitted to the rest of the world. ... For thousands of years, the beginning and the end, this is the real endless life."

how could this be! how could this be!

In the cold heart, I was so stunned that I couldn’t speak for a long time, and there were more and more guards outside the room. Most of the bosses of the 72 divisions came. It’s strange that the princes did not Show up.

Yan Lengyu recalled those who had experienced in Sumiyama, Xuanzang, Chen Yu, Dharma, and Lu Chunyang... They all contributed their own spiritual gods, and there was only one sorrow left, even Unclear each other, they can control the nearby spiritual power in a short period of time to form a wave-like attack, but they cannot continue.

Day robbery.

"If this is the case, then why have you lived for so long, and there are Tibetan Bodhisattvas, why didn't you go to Suzuyama to commit suicide?"

"That is not suicide."

Yandu the Great corrected the road and went on to say: "Anyone who climbs on Mount Miyama, after the destruction of the gods, will be mixed with the heavens and the earth, and will perceive the grandeur of the avenue. It is an eternal, like the bliss in the Buddhist scriptures. Pure land, where there is no joy or no sorrow, nothing is lost, it is truly a real state of freedom."

Yan Lengyu shook his head gently and muttered: "That is what the Buddha used to deceive people. Even if he is not himself, what is the point?"

"Practitioners, when they reach the apex, they will no longer entangle themselves. They just want to prove the avenue to solve the ultimate confusion. At this step, there is nothing that can be abandoned for mana, life, and even the gods. Confucianism has clouds: It’s the truth to die when you hear the news."

"This principle can only fool some people, and some people can't give up." Yan Lengyu disagreed with this truth.

Yandu the Great smiled and said: "When you listened to me, I liked the debate."

"If you feel wrong, you have to argue with reason. This is what the teacher taught me."

The capital of the capital is the first dagger.

"You are right. This principle can only encourage some people to surpass the mountain, and if they do not, they must use means to force him to do so."

A cold jade, said: "Kill him?"

"This is also to keep the Hongmeng universe in a stock of aura, so that later practitioners have enough aura to cultivate. This is not killing, it is life."

芮冷玉道: "I don't understand the meaning of doing this. Anyway, there must be evil things and wizards in the world. Just keep a certain amount."

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