Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3290: The 3292th World is a sandbox 2

"You don't underestimate any desire to become stronger. When the aura is divided, whether it is a mage or a sin, you can no longer improve your cultivation. They will turn their attention to each other and kill each other in order to **** the aura." When the atmosphere opens, the Hongmeng universe will fall into an endless killing, and there will be no more days. This happened before, and the reason for the outbreak of the war of the gods is that there are too many strong people, taking up the aura, and everyone can’t Practice, then the war begins."

The truth of the battle of the gods is actually this

After a while, Xiao Lengyu slowed down and said in a satirical tone: "So, like putting sheep, killing the most fat, vacating the grass to eat the rest of the sheep, waiting for them to grow fat and kill again, repeating ”

The capital of the capital nodded.

"But there are not many people in the world who know this truth."

"Of course, you can't let them know. So, only when a creature is strong enough to be certain, will it be ferbed, and if it fails, it will start. Fortunately, in recent thousands of years, there are not many people practicing to the extreme. There are at most two or three times in the era, and most of them are also alive. They have not been greedy for mana, and things are always easy."

Hey Lengyu heard this and learned about the whole thing. Asked the core question: "Who is going to implement the dredging and killing?"

When he wants to come, if there is such a person, it must be the strong among the strong, even the mana must be above himself, otherwise he will kill himself if he does not obey the turn.

See the Emperor of the capital, no words, Yan Lengyu frowned: "Teacher, are you?"

Yandu the Great shakes his head.

"You are a teacher, why do teachers know this secret?"

"Knowing this secret has already surpassed the unknowable land, except for me and the Bodhisattva. In that year, I and the Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva flew up and went to the Shura community, where they practiced for centuries and made meritorious deeds. I can't see the possibility of a breakthrough anymore. Both of us are very scared. Now I want to come. If that situation is maintained for a while, we may break into the magic road in order to improve our strength. At this time, we must try the magic road. The **** of the land of knowledge found us and gave us a choice. Like the predecessors, we went to the unknowable land, or returned to the world to maintain the stability of the yin and yang. I chose the latter."

Speaking of this, Emperor Wudi poured tea on himself and took a drink for himself. The apprentice said: "Not everyone is over-extended. After all, some positions are inseparable."

When the two people said in the house, the outside people couldn’t hear it. They only saw two people chatting with each other, and they looked natural. They didn’t know that they were talking about the old.

Everyone is guessing who this person is qualified to talk to the emperor.

Until she occasionally turned back and looked outside, the crowd had participated in the Battle of the Three Realms 16 years ago, and she recognized her at once.

"The Promise Ghost King"

These four words make everyone’s heart tremble for a while. For 16 years, I didn’t expect her to come back.

And unlike the last war, there was no warning at this time. She came to see the Emperor of the capital alone. Although the two have not yet played, the incident itself is enough to make people feel shocked.

The head of the bull is looking around. Grab a commander and screamed: "Cui Tianzi, the king of the reign of Wang Qinguang, Wang Haoluo, how did one come?"

At this critical juncture, the Emperor did not know what he was doing in the room. Although there were hundreds of people present, there was no leader in the group. Zhong Tian’s Tianshi had already gone to the reincarnation. The Yin Shi can come out of the town, which is the “three kings and one sentence”.

"The villain has already gone, and several thrones have said that they will know, come later."

The horse's face is full of feet: "The yin is in distress, when is this, how are they still so tempered?"

"Not so simple"

Although the head of the bull is not sloppy, he sees that this is not the right thing. The three kings have always been loyal to the yin, and they can’t do it because of such a big thing. Therefore, there must be some reason. of.

"You are standing first, I personally went to find, old and old, we are split." He turned to see black and white impermanence, said.

The three men flew out of the Pluto Basilica.

Within the repair center, the conversation continues.

"What is the **** of the unknowable land that the teacher said?"

The Emperor Yaodu slowly spit out four words: "Nine-day mysterious girl."

is her

"She was originally a member of the Ziwei Xianyu. She was born near Hongqiao. Because of the most absorption of the aura, she opened up the wisdom and cultivated the fruit. Since then, she has been guarding the Mount Sumi, and later became the messenger of the gods. According to the will of the gods, a devout and powerful person will be chosen among the human beings as a human priest. God will be responsible for the transgression. If this person does not, then the sacred officer will be used."

Hey, Leng Yu listened, said: "Who was looking for your person at the time, who is it?"

"Dongyue Emperor."

"While he did not make a big change to the teacher, he might not be able to kill the teacher, let alone the Tibetan king."

"Human priests are the choice of the gods. Once they are chosen, they will receive the blessings of the gods. This is not a verbal one. You must have been taught by the spirit of the gods of the mountains. During the execution of the mission, he can serve these. Aura, ten times more powerful, who can be enemies in the world"

芮 冷玉 is completely stunned.

The spirits of the Sumiyama gods are the auras of those who are dead. These are the strongest strongmen in history. Even if part of the aura is sent to various spaces, most of them remain in Sumiyama.

If anyone can absorb even a tenth of these auras, it is absolutely invincible, no doubt.

When Leng Lengyu indulged for a moment, he asked: "Since this man's official has the supreme power, if he does not carry out his mission, he will become the master of this wild universe. Who can stop him?"

"First, the spirit of the gods is only effective for a period of time. The nine-day mysterious woman can start the spell at any time and take it back. Second, after being selected as a human priest, whether he is a human or a sinister, When you first go to Sumiyama, when you accept the power of the gods, you will also be tested by everyone. If there is a trace of evil in your heart, you will be hidden on the spot, but the heart cannot be hidden."

Speaking of this, the capital of the capital, Xiaoyu, smiled and laughed. "For tens of thousands of years, this kind of thing has happened dozens of times. After I got it, it was only two or three times. Therefore, people in the world don’t know this secret. Xin."

芮冷玉道: "It is simpler. If there are too many strong people in the world, the aura is thin, and it is difficult to maintain balance, the gods will choose the priests, the most powerful ones, and the aura to maintain the balance of the three worlds."

These chapters are about the last link of the world view, so there are more conceptual things, and it is also to pave the way for the later stories.

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