The man put a hand on the stone statue, there is liquid sputum flowing under the skin, the body quickly shrinks, less than half a minute, the whole person has only one skinny.

Everyone was stunned, but something more terrible happened: the outer layer of the stone suddenly oozes a layer of dark liquid, which quickly condenses into a layer of cortical stuff that wraps the whole body.

Then, the image of this stone sculpture is blurred, just like when the flame is too big, there will be heat rising up above, and the opposite thing will look at the opposite side of the heat, and it will jump and lose the truth.

This is the case now.

There is a wave of energy that radiates from the stone carving, and the people around him immediately feel a discomfort. This feeling is a bit like radiation. So they stepped back, and then everyone saw the stone face that flipped and jumped in energy, and it seemed to have a smile.

This smile makes it look even more ugly in the ugly face.

Ye Xiaomu passed a hint of chill in his heart, and he did not know why he was afraid. Perhaps it is because of the coldness of the two shots in the eyes of the stone?


A scream called, immediately attracted everyone's attention, is a guy standing in front of the crowd, suddenly fell to the ground and rolled up, holding his head in his hands, it looked very painful.

I didn't wait for everyone to come back. More people in the front row showed this kind of symptoms, and then spread like a plague to the back. People fell in rows and struggled on the ground.

Although Ye Xiaomu stood in a relatively backward position, he felt that his mind was a little confused. It seemed that something was going on in his head. Suddenly, a slap in the palm of his hand, the whole person was instantly awake, turning his head and looking at it. They have all fallen to the smoke.

Chen Xiaoxu took Ye Xiaomu back all the way, squeezed out from the crowd, and retired a few tens of meters away, and this stopped.

"What happened, what should they do!"

Ye Xiaomu broke him and asked in a hurry.

"A flying insect that you can't see, climbed down from the stone statue and got into the human head. You stay here, I will save them!"

"How to save?"

"I don't know, let them get over and talk about it."

Chen Xiaoxu just wanted to leave, and suddenly a voice sounded behind him. "Don't mess with everyone. This is just witchcraft! Don't mess, I have powder, and I can force those mites out in my mouth. Come to me. Take it here! But don't go any further!"

A group of people came up, both men and women, dressed and dressed like ordinary people, but men and women are tied with a scorpion, his face is very dark, Ye Xiaomu guess they are the big Wuxian family.

These people ran to a crowded place, put down the baggage, took out some of the bottles and cans from the inside, began to mix, and then installed them in several bamboo tubes, ignited with fire, and smoked yellow smoke. Then put these bamboo tubes on the ground, each separated by tens of meters. In the distance, there seems to be a wizard doing the same thing. Everyone is in step, and finally these bamboo tubes form a fan shape, and the smoke that emerges forms a barrier. Most of the mage is protected behind.

Those who have a headache and want to break on the ground will be fine after a while. Ye Xiaomu grabbed a wizard and asked him what the principle was. The answer was that the smog from the medicinal herbs they configured was the most fearful of the ripper, even if they had entered the human body, they would have to leave without knowing the smoke. Then the reindeer escaped.

Simply said that it is similar to smoked mosquitoes.

"Why don't you put some forwards and bring in the injured people?"

The wizard he caught was a girl. He looked at him coldly and said: "The stone is very strange. The breath that it exudes can suppress all witchcraft. We dare not go any further, otherwise witchcraft will fail. ”

"What about those poisoned people in front?"

"Wait for us to save!"

There are more and more people in the Big Wuxian family. Everyone has a musical instrument in their hands. After the practice, the instruments are all shining. They take these instruments and rush out of the barrier. One person saves people, the other one The moderator is working around and doing the drive.

Ye Xiaomu is here to understand, and they can't see those cracked locusts. They can only rely on one person to constantly practice, and temporarily form a defense around them to avoid those terrible locusts.

But this efficiency is too slow.

"I am going to save people!"

Chen Xiaoxu said that he was going out and was stopped by a wizard. He said: "Don't you be able to do it, you can't see the locusts, and going out is killing!"

"I can see it!"

Chen Xiaoxu replied with such a sentence and immediately rushed out. He not only saw the locusts, but also repaired it very well. He squeezed his left hand and ran to the "air" around him. It was immediately a burst of plasma. drop.

In fact, this kind of split-headed locust is not very strong (every spells or witchcraft that can be applied in a large area and cover too much range, it will not be too strong), the biggest feature is invisible, unexpected, and Suyan, they also have several It is such a trick. However, they lost this advantage in front of Chen Xiaoxu. Chen Xiaoxu was strong and killed the locusts while dragging people through the defensive line of smoke.

"Go to save the smoke of them!" Ye Xiaomu yelled at him.

"The same is life, first save from the near." Chen Xiaoxu dragged over and rushed into the thick fog.

Ye Xiaomu is simply stunned. This person... is the unselfishness of this place?

"My approach protects you, we two saved in the past!" Wang Xiaobao said, he also escaped in the first place.

Can not care about the hidden strength, Wang Xiaobao immediately displayed the Luohan Jin body, rushed through the defensive line, Luo Han's eighteen arms dance together, is a full range of defense, no locusts can get close.

He guarded Ye Xiaomu under his body and flew toward the front of the Suyan.

As a result, the two were shocked, and Su Yan was fine. Chen Youbin and Cao Weibo were all right. The three men were sitting together, flying over the head and flying red birds, flying up and down, swallowing those Invisible aphids.


Ye Xiaomu can't believe his eyes. "You can see the locusts?"

"It can't be seen, but it is natural to smell the smell of evil, leaning against the nose."

"Well, are you all right?"

Cao Weibo said: "There was something wrong with it. Thanks to the chickens, the claws were stretched into our mouths and the mites were caught." Cao Weibo said while squatting on the ground, spit himself up to the present. Chicken feathers.

"Since you are fine, why not go out? We are worried about one."

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