Su Yan, a pair of unrequited love, looked up and looked at the chicken above the head. "The people haven't played enough yet, don't send us back."

The chickens saw the two of them coming over, and they were very happy. They flew up and down to help them clean up the nearby locusts. They cried in their mouths: "This thing is big, it’s delicious, you wait for me for a while, I have such an opportunity, you let me eat more!"

A few people have nothing to do, and they look together to observe the surrounding environment.

Su Yan pointed to the stone sculpture hidden in the thick fog not far away. "I see this worm is endless, it is all released by this thing, or we will destroy it in the past, but it will be a blessing to everyone!"

Everyone felt that there was no problem, so Su Yan let the chickens cover them to the stone carvings. The chickens just didn't want to go out. There were more locusts to eat in the depths. It was more happy, so they took care of them.

The stone carvings seem to be much taller than before, and... As they approach, they gradually feel dizzy, and Ye Xiaomu even hears a strange sound, which is completely different from the usual sound. This sound seems to go directly into consciousness. In the depths is a series of strange characters.

Cao Weibo couldn’t stand it anymore, bent down and vomited.

Ye Xiaomu quickly remembered the quiet Jing Jing, the feeling of dizziness, chest tightness and nausea was really better, but he could feel that the force still tried to invade his consciousness, and he could only try to recite the curse and remind everyone to follow.

As the stone statue gets closer and closer, the eyes of the stone image appear in their sight. Then, they see the kind of eye-catching eyes, a spirit in their hearts, and they want to remove their eyes, but they can't do it.

They fell down on the ground one by one.

The people of the Great Wuxian family joined hands and gradually arrived. They saw the eyes of the stone statue and their eyes could not be moved. Even though they had witchcraft body, they did not last long and fell to the ground.

Only Ye Xiaomu and Su Yan did not fall, although the inner heart was strongly disgusting, but only two of them did not fall. Wang Xiaobao did not fall, but sat on the ground and used the big Sunday to breathe into the state of mind, and the whole body was shining, without any harm.

"what's the situation!"

The chicken found the situation on the ground, leaned down and rushed down. I wanted to rush to the side of the Soviet Union. I suddenly thought that the culprit was the stone statue, so I rushed against it.

A group of energy fluctuations rose up, like an invisible big hand, grabbed it and slammed it on the ground.

The chickens struggled, and the Su screamed, screaming their potential and trying to rescue them. As a result, they were caught by a force on the way, and they also headed down to the ground.

Ye Xiaomu flew in front of his body, and his hands were cold. In the midst of a thousand miles, the annihilation was pinned in one of the eyes of the stone statue. Black blood is shot.

At this moment, Ye Xiaomu’s eyes seemed to flash back. I saw a lot of strange pictures. The stone statues were shaking sharply. The mouth carved by the stone suddenly opened, and a black gas was sprayed. Ye Xiaomu sucked in and felt the whole person. Surrounded by darkness, there was a very stimulating feeling that came from all directions. At first he thought it was hot, and then he discovered that it was cold.

I don't know where this is, I don't know how to get out of trouble. Ye Xiaomu is calm and calm down. Think about Wang Xiaobao's meditation on the big Sunday, so he has to do it quickly - although I don't know if it works, But this is the only thing he can do now.

Sure enough, once I entered the state of vomiting, the stimulation of the whole body was much better.

But with a little distraction, the feeling of excitement immediately became stronger.

Nowadays, there is no way to think about it. Ye Xiaomu forced himself to calm down, put aside all the distracting thoughts, and began to spit up.

Hey, hehe...

He felt the tremor of the earth, it seemed to be... footsteps?

It was dark and couldn't be seen anywhere, but Ye Xiaomu's consciousness seemed to see a giant who was looking at him.

Yes, it is to pick up a stone statue and a bearded "humanoid octopus monster". It is not the most horrible evil thing I have ever seen, but the feeling that brings him deep inside is such fear and evil. This is from unknown. The deepest fear.

As soon as he got nervous, Ye Xiaomu immediately felt cold and biting, and he thought that he couldn’t beat him anyway. He simply put his heart on the side, put away all the distracting thoughts, and continued to adjust his breath.

That monster came to the front.

Ye Xiaomu can smell the rancid smell on his body, which is even worse than the dead body... He can feel that the monster is testing himself, as if there is something in his body that makes it feel confused.

Ye Xiaomu’s deep heart suddenly rises to a feeling that he must not be distracted. He must concentrate his attention on the matter of vomiting. Only in this way can there be a chance to survive.

He entered the state of self-forgetting, face-to-face with the most evil monster in the world, and actually did his heart.

As the stone body was attacked, Su Yan and Ji Zi felt a loose body, and the chicken successfully escaped from the air. Then he caught the Su smoke from the air, flew to the ground, and then looked at Ye Xiaomu, and found that he was sitting like Wang Xiaobao. Meditation on the ground, the difference is that Wang Xiaobao is shining Buddha light all over the body, while Ye Xiaomu is purple.

Su Yan instinctively felt that he should not bother him.


There are water drops on the face.

It's raining?

Su Yan looked up and saw that there was rain falling, like a little rain, but when many raindrops fell in the air, it seemed to be on something that could not be seen, and then the thing became visible and was rained. Hit the ground, the locusts... They look like flies, but they are very large, especially the head is very large, and there is a needle on the mouth.

After the locusts were exposed to the rain, it was like encountering dichlorvos. One by one, they could not fly at once. They fell on the ground, and they were struggling, but they soon died, and then they became a cigarette.

There are so many locusts, like locusts crossing the border, black pressure is everywhere, but the rain is more fine, and as the rain continues to fall, the locusts also fall to death in batches, and eventually almost all died.

There was a voice outside the poisonous cockroach. "The saint has been equipped with a herb against the head lice, and the technique of returning to the spring, killing the locusts, you can go to save the people, but not too close to the stone statues!"

It turned out that Wu Ling believes that the girl has taken it!

Everyone took a sigh of relief and they used to save people.

Most of them were rescued. Unfortunately, there are very few people who have been plagued by the cracks for too long. Their eyes have collapsed and their heads have split open. Naturally, they can’t live. After leaving the body, they stand on the side and look at themselves. The body was crying.

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