Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3367 cannibal flower 1

After pulling up, everyone was surrounded. On the skin of the corpse, everyone saw the wound on the chest.

A number of long wounds, unfolding between the chest and abdomen of the corpse, intersecting the lines, look a bit like a tortoiseshell, and the pattern is not like Chinese characters. If you want to use the analogy of Chinese characters, it is a "壬" .

Yuan Xi and others squatted in front of the body and observed it.

"This is the sacrifice technique! The sacrifice in the black witchcraft!" Wu Apo said with a sigh of relief, the voice was a little trembling, "Four-nine piercings!"

"Predecessors want to make it clear!"

Wu Apo did not pay attention to Ye Chen’s inquiry, looked up, and looked at several elders with his gaze. Several people also looked close and observed each other.

"Yes... it’s four or nine soul-hunting techniques. I really didn’t expect this witchcraft to be used today...” Chen’s elders were also very emotional. They pointed to the “壬” shaped wound on the chest of the dead body and said to everyone: Look at this person. This person has been dead for so long. The flesh and blood are softened and rotted, but the wounds on the chest are still sunken and the flesh is not everted. This proves that this is not directly cut by a weapon such as a sword. In fact, This is before the murder, first quenched with bamboo and rattan, and branded it.

This bamboo vine is not a general bamboo vine, but... you can't understand the name of the Miao language. The vine grass has no Chinese name. In the long run, it is a kind of grass with strong spirituality. It is woven with bamboo rafts and soaked in five poisons.蛊盅里——The five poisonous scorpions are not elaborated. In short, it is a very evil witchcraft. Soak for forty-nine days, take it out and put it on the fire. The bamboo vine will burn when it is burning. On the body, quenching with flesh and blood, after the temperature has dropped, then simmering the syrup in the five poisonous scorpions, continue to roast on the fire, and then quenching with the human body... So one or two hours, complete the wound of the shape of "壬", The blood of a person will be dried and the person will die.

The soul is locked in the body, forming a 'human shackle'. This kind of person is used for sacrifice. The body can continue to produce grievances and absorb it for the ritual. Forty-nine people, but the sacrifice ceremony can last forever. Win over thousands of people in the past. ”

After listening to everyone, his face showed a horrible look.

Ye Xiaomu thought about how painful this person was in the process of being repeatedly baked by the bamboo and rattan? Why is there such a terrible sorcerer under the sun?

But obviously he is rare and strange. After listening to Ye Chen, he said: "I am blunt. Although this sorcerer is evil and cruel, some of the evil masters in our mainland have seen this means more than this cruel. I have to say that I have accumulated grievances. There are at least one hundred kinds of Maoshan. More sinister and effective spells, so... also ask the seniors to advise, what is the special place for these four-nine sorcerers?"

The wizards haven't spoken yet, and Ye Xiaomu first asked: "Has there really so many harmful spells in Maoshan?"

Ye Chen glanced at him with disdain. The expression was like telling him that he was not qualified to talk to himself. He said coldly: "You are a disciple outside Maoshan who does not enter the stream. I don't know if these are too normal. You still go back and ask you to teach, what is the world of witchcraft."

Elder Chen corrected the topic and replied: "Four-nine esotericism lies in the meaning of a 'wearing'. It is the meaning of needle-punching. The effect of this sacrifice is not great, at least not other spells can't be replaced. But in In Miaojiang witchcraft, the four-nine sorcerer will not be used alone, but with other witchcraft... to cast other spells on the basis of the four-nine sorcerer?"

Everyone listened to his statement, but it was strange. Ye Chen asked: "What kind of spell is it?"

"In principle, the four nine sorcerers can be used with a variety of witchcraft, especially those that are the most evil and the most terrible witchcraft."

Su Xiangyu took the words and explained: "For example, the four-nine esotericism is like a medicine primer, which is used with the main medicine. But the medicine primer is already special enough to show that the main medicine is more unusual."

Her analogy is easy to understand.

As for the "master medicine" of these blood witches, for the time being, these wizards cannot judge.

So everyone started to discuss other things, such as the origin of the corpse, and how long it has been soaked here. In this respect, everyone is not good at it, trying to arrest the soul, and the soul that has been sealed in the body has also been broken into fine, and then flew away after being released.

When everyone was unable to do anything, the crowd suddenly drilled a girl wearing a mask and a ponytail, wearing a rubber glove in one hand, checking it on the side of the body, and even opening her mouth.

There are many people on the scene, especially most of them are spontaneous wizards. Many don't know each other, so no one asks who she is.

For a long while, the girl held her chin with one hand and said: "This person is not in the water for more than three months, and his identity is a contemporary person and should be a farmer."

She held her throat in one hand, as if the scorpion was a little uncomfortable, and the voice was very hoar, a little weird. But Ye Xiaomu was a glimpse, and Shantou looked at her.

Ye Chen asked: "How do you know?"

"I used to be a forensic doctor. I can judge the drowning time from the degree of his body decay. He said that he is a peasant because the palm of his hand has an old man. Although he is soaked, he can still see it. As for the hair is green, that is Some kind of moss."

Everyone looked at each other for a month... It also fits in with the information about the blood witch.

"If I guess that's right, the deceased...and those in the pool are the people who have disappeared in recent months. You should have heard of it. In the past few months, within a hundred miles, they have disappeared. A lot of people." The girl said, took out the phone and took pictures of the deceased.

This scene makes everyone very suspicious, Ye Chen asked: "Who are you, which martial art?"

"I... you care what I do!"

The girl took the picture and turned and walked to the crowd.

"you come back!"

Ye Chen saw her ignore her, and suddenly felt that she had no face, even if people came by herself, but as a master of the spell guild, in the face of so many people being ignored, this can not be tolerated, so hello Two people went to block her.

The two men quickly followed up, and they were desperately trying to press her shoulders. Suddenly a yellow-faced man came out of the crowd to block them.

"What to do, let go!" The two were angry and pushed the man.

The man grabbed the two men's hands and pushed them gently. The two fell directly.


Ye Chen was really angry this time, just about to rush, but another person took the first step, drilled behind the girl, hands pressed her shoulders - the yellow face man looked at it, the hand lifted half and put it down again, messed up again Drilled into the crowd.

"Mom, is that you!"

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