Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3368 Cannibal Flower 2

"Mom, is that you!"

Everyone looked at Ye Xiaomu and rushed over. He didn't know what happened. He suddenly heard him shouting loudly and was shocked. This shock is no less than the body that I saw before.

"Who is your mother, go away!"

The girl was stopped by Ye Xiaomu, trying to turn around and leave, Ye Xiaomu saw her face to face, more certain, went up and held her shoulder, and asked him not to tear off the mask.

Ye Xiaomu stunned on the spot.

Su smoke rushed over and looked at the girl's face, suddenly covering his mouth. "Auntie..."

Really Ye Xiaomu's mother, Xie Yuqing!

The shock of Ye Xiaomu’s heart is inextricably added. He never imagined that his mother would come here. How is this possible!

"You are a rabbit, this is recognized by you!" Xie Yuqing gave him a look.

"You are my mother!" Ye Xiaomu is also very wronged. After all, he has lived together for more than ten years. Even with a mask and a scorpion, he still has doubts from the beginning.

"Cough, I am coming, I am handling the case... I didn't say it before. Recently, many people in this area have disappeared. I am here to investigate this."

"So how do you know..."

"We also have intelligence. I suspect that it is related to a certain mysterious religion. Just listen to Lao Guo saying that you are coming here. I wonder if there is anything to do with the two things. Follow you all the way, just to see so many people. It’s spontaneous, many people don’t know each other, and I’m coming in.”

After Xie Yuqing finished, she shrugged helplessly and turned to say hello to Su Yan.

"Auntie, I did not expect that you will come here... Oh, you must not worry about Xiaomu, I want to come over and see."

Xie Yuqing turned her eyes blankly at her heart. "You young people will toss, if I don't ask Lao Guo, he still doesn't tell me."

"Mom, those before... you all saw it?"

"Yeah, you are so powerful, I almost sent my life before!"

Ye Xiaomu's face turned red, and went to Xie Yuqing's side. Some looked at her with disappointment. "Then you see those... illusions... I know you don't believe these, oh, I don't express well. , that is..."

"You are worried that your mother is scared by ghosts!"


What Ye Xiaomu thinks is that Xie Yuqing is an ordinary person. Don't say anything about ghosts and gods. Even if you believe, as long as you haven't seen it with your own eyes, the feeling is completely different.

Before I dealt with the gargoyle, what happened to Xie Yuqing, I don’t know if her worldview can withstand such an impact.

"Your mom, I have been a policeman for so many years, I haven't seen it before, I haven't told you about it."

Ye Xiaomu scratched his head, still thinking about what the police had to do with these... Yuan Xi came over and greeted Xie Yuqing affectionately, shouting aunt.

Ye Xiaomu turned to look around, only to find that everyone was watching their mother, suddenly blushed, waved and said: "Misunderstanding misunderstanding, everyone is busy."

Ye Chen and Qiu Feng and others looked at each other and felt very speechless. How could the official people mix into their team or Ye Xiaomu's mother... but his mother looked very young and looks beautiful. Ok, look like a girl in her twenties. A lot of people couldn't help but look a little more.

"Okay, you don't want to honed, I am coming, you let me stay here and do your own thing." Xie Yuqing screamed at him arbitrarily, no longer paying attention to him.

Then things continue...

Some people suggested that the bodies should be picked up first, then the pond was investigated, and there was something under the bottom that was always strong.

So the two men used the shovel to pull the corpse that was first dragged up first—it was just pulled up and half of the body. The result was pulled to a large and a half and pulled, as if something had pulled the feet of the body below.

The water did not dare to go anyway, so someone found the rope, tied it to the corpse of the corpse, and pulled it up hard. This dragged it out again, and the shocking scene appeared:

The knees of the body are down, and the two feet are actually together. It looks like a sultry person, but the latter half is not a tail, but a long tube-like thing, similar to the color of his body. It extends all the way to the depths of the pond.

The other end extends deep into the pond.

The first reaction that everyone saw in this matter is what this special thing is.

This time, even the people of the Great Wuxian family were a little surprised. Everyone went together and went to the lower body of the body with a flashlight. They found that the thick "pipe" was placed on the leg of the body, but it was extraordinarily tight, as if Growing together.

"What to do?" I don't know who asked, but no one answered.

Ye Chendao: "There must always be a demon in the abnormal situation. No matter what it is, let's sprinkle some lime and sulfur down. See what happens below. After confirming the safety, go back and check. What do you think?"

Everyone has no opinion.

Although the scene is still calm and calm, there is nothing unexpected, but the things are too strange, and it is this deadly atmosphere, which makes people more worried. I want to find out what is under the lake, why the evil has always been strong and high, it seems that this is the only way.

A few bags of quicklime and sulphur sprinkled into the water. The pond was not particularly large. The lime and sulphur were scattered in the water. The lake began to bubble. Everyone was staring at the lake. They couldn’t help but hear a scream and turned around and looked around. Actually, it was the dead body that stopped at the shore. The head cracked into several petals like a petal. It slammed the head of a mage on the edge and bit the skull out of the scalp and numb sound. more than.

When the nearby people tried to rescue, the corpse actually looked at the head of the mage, and the brush shrank into the water and disappeared.

Everyone was ashamed, and they were so anxious that they couldn’t jump to save him. Even the tragic guy didn’t know for a moment. Suddenly, just in the position where the body sank, the green hair (this color...) floated up and remained in the old position.

Everyone is looking at each other. This is what you mean. In such a short time, can the Master be eaten up?

However, this quiet did not last long. In just two minutes, the water in the pond suddenly swelled, and the water splashed from the middle, as if a huge water pipe was hidden underneath and began to spray water.

The bodies slammed up like springs, and their heads opened into petal shapes, and they began to attack these people on the shore.

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