Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 628: Last trip

Xie Yuqing asked what should be done next, Ye Shaoyang told her without thinking, the only clue is now Li Xiaoqiang, and now he can only investigate according to the trajectory he lived: check the files he had turned over before, and go to the building. Look inside, what is wrong.

Xie Yuqing nodded and looked at the watch and said: "The time is not too early. Let's go back to Shicheng first, or go to the school to investigate?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and looked at Li Xiaoqiang's body. He said, "Where you don't go, today is his return to the soul night. I want to stay here for his spirit." In the face of the two people's questions, he said: "He is a mage, dead. After the uninvolved, I have met him and I have to give him a ride according to the rules."

Xie Yuqing immediately frowned and said: "Isn't he already flying away? You don't know if you send him a ride."

"The funeral was originally a kind of suspicion of living people. It should be said that even if he is still in the soul, he went to the Yin Shi report, and it has nothing to do with the flesh. Why should he bury the paper and burn it? After all, his body is still there. It is also part of his soul. Sending him safely and securely is a kind of respect for the dead. It is only related to his life, and has nothing to do with his soul."

After a pause, Ye Shaoyang went on to say: "Furthermore, I always have a feeling. Today, I have to go to the soul night to have an accident. This feeling was there before in the hall. I don't describe it well. It is a wizard's intuition."

Xie Yuqing frowned: "He is all flying, what can he do?"

"I just don't know, so I have to stay and see that he is cremated, I can rest assured."

Xie Yuqing nodded and said: "Then I can't accompany you, I have to go back and do a formal process to help you confirm your identity."

"My identity?"

"You will know when you look back." Xie Yuqing smiled mysteriously.

Pushing Li Xiaoqiang's body back into the freezer, Ye Shaoyang and his three men came out of the morgue. Just after arriving outside the door, they saw Lin Yongchang and the female student who presided over the funeral standing on the bend and looking at the side of the brain. To Ye Shaoyang, the sister immediately came over and said to him: "How are you here, what you want to buy back, we don't dare to mess, wait for you."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and didn't speak. The female classmate exchanged with Liu Yinshui and asked him if he had any procedures to do. If there is no problem, he wants to send Li Xiaoqiang's body to the hall and hold a farewell ceremony.

Liu Yinshui said that there is no problem, and with Lin Yongchang to go to the program together, Ye Shaoyang sent Xie Yuqing away, and then followed the female classmates to the hall, found a piece of paper, wrote down the things that the body needs to say goodbye, then The sister found two male students to buy.

Ye Shaoyang put three kinds of eggs and other offerings, made a long lamp, and placed it in front of Li Xiaoqiang's portrait. Although his soul has been destroyed, the procedure still has to go, and it is also a respect for the deceased.

After a while, Lin Yongchang and Liu Yinshui pushed a hail and entered the memorial hall from the back door. The hail is a crystal crucible with a freezer. As long as the plug-in runs, it can ensure that the body does not rot.

Because there is a habit of vigiling around the body, the funeral home is also happy to do this business.

Liu Yinshui did not feel like dealing with the dead. After saying goodbye to Ye Shaoyang, he left. Shortly after he left, the sky was dark and it began to rain.

Ye Shaoyang asked Lin Yongchang and another classmate to help, opened the hail, then took the cold water and placed it on the body. Then he started the procedure: Ye Shaoyang first put a piece of five emperor money into the body of the body, and dipped it with a towel. Three-knife money, covered on the face of the body, and then began to replace the shroud with the body.

This process looks very simple, but it is very particular, because after the death, the whole body is hard, plus freezing, the joints are stiff, the clothes are difficult to wear and difficult to wear, and according to the custom, you can't open your face during the dressing process. Towels, so that the deceased can not see that his body is not decent, and his heart is resentful. Although Li Xiaoqiang’s soul has been destroyed, his body should still follow traditional customs to show respect for the deceased.

This invisibly adds to the difficulty.

In this matter, there are skills but no shortcuts. Ye Shaoyang holds one arm of the body, pinches the muscles, strengthens the muscles, pushes the joints, and sets a procedure to finally open the joints.

Then, from the half body, simply wipe the body, put on the clothes, and then use the white cloth to tie the feet of the body, hands, fingers together, thumb buckle, hands clasped, placed on the lower abdomen, left hand on the top, right hand on the bottom, because according to the folk The argument is that the left hand is good, the right hand is evil, and the left hand is wrapped with the right hand, meaning that the future comes from the beginning, abandoning evil and promoting good.

After doing all this, Ye Shaoyang took off the towel that was placed on the face of the corpse, took out the copper coins in the mouth of the corpse, and looked around the classmates who watched it. He said: "This corpse can keep peace. Who wants to collect?"

Everyone did not dare to ask. After all, there was some taboo on the dead, and Lin Yongchang was later asked.

After that, the farewell ceremony was held. After the end, most of the classmates went back in the rain. Only a few students with good relations with Li Xiaoqiang stayed for the first seven vigils.

Ye Shaoyang was not familiar with them. They borrowed an umbrella and left the hall. They walked around the crematorium in the rain. They actually checked the yin situation here. They found that the crematorium was built in a mountain, surrounded by three sides. In the mountains, there is only one road leading to the city. Next to the mountain is the cemetery. The feng shui is the most lonely and wild ghost. The people in the daytime are all right. If it is at night, it is definitely not so peaceful.

Moreover, Ye Shaoyang looked at the rain curtain in front of him, worried about it, today is still a rainy day.

Because there are people who often guard the spirit, the funeral parlour also has a canteen. Ye Shaoyang walked to the entrance of the cafeteria and went in for lunch. When he came out, he was surprised to find that the rain had turned into a heavy rain and fell down.

Ye Shaoyang ran to the mourning hall in the rain, and looked at the dumbfounded eyes: the water outside the hall of Lingtang flowed into the river, and continued to pour into the hall. There was already a layer of water, and several male students were sweeping the water with a broom.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and saw that the terrain of the memorial hall was lower than the outside, so it would pour rain. It is said that this is nothing. But from the rain in the foot, Ye Shaoyang smelled an unusual smell, and everyone was draining, drew a test, and threw it into the water. After a few seconds, he looked up and the paper became Black, dark as ink!

Ye Shaoyang looked at the paper and the expression solidified. In this rain, there is such a strong corpse!

Thinking for a while, he understood where the corpse came from!

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