Here is the crematorium, burning the body every day, a lot of ashes will ascend with the smoke, landed on the surrounding land, which has a small amount of corpse, it will slowly dissipate normally, but under this heavy rain, no It is avoided that the ashes particles in the nearby soil and the corpse gas contaminated above are brought together to form corpse water.

This kind of corpse water does not affect the living man-made, but the flow of the house is full, it will interfere with the mage's perception of the nearby atmosphere - there are corpses everywhere, in case there are really zombies or ghosts coming in, it is also very It is easy to detect.

Ye Shaoyang asked people to find a few rain-proof cloths, padded on the threshold, blocking the backflow of rain, and then several boys joined hands, using the broom and iron shovel, the water in the hall was swept out from the back door, but in the house The corpse will not be able to escape for a while.

In order to prevent accidents at night, Ye Shaoyang came to the door, and everyone did not pay attention to it. A sticker was placed on the porch to protect the security in the hall.

After finishing these things, Ye Shaoyang took a futon and sat down at the corner of the mourning hall. The students were all burning paper in front of the lantern.

It’s raining early in the morning, less than five o'clock, the sky is dark, because the umbrella is not enough, everyone discussed it, and the two boys can buy food in the canteen, and then they will slowly return the two big bags of lunch. In the front of the mourning hall, I ate it in a circle. Some people greeted Ye Shaoyang to eat in the past. Ye Shaoyang was not too embarrassed to eat with strangers. The excuse was not hungry.

After a while, the female student who had dealt with before took a box of food and said, "Let's grow up overnight, eat some food, or there is no place to buy at night."

Ye Shaoyang said thank you, this took the box lunch and ate it. The female classmate sat next to accompany him to eat.

"Look at the process you just entered for Xiaoqiang, good professional, have you been a teacher?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and excused his family in the mountain village, retaining some of the tradition of funeral, and he also looked at it from a young age, so he learned. The female classmate believes that it is true.

Where does she know that the funeral of the mountain people in the vicinity of Maoshan is hosted by Maoshan disciples, and this kind of thing is usually given to outside disciples, but in the first few years of the introduction, Qingyunzi will let Ye Shaoyang Going to follow the outside door to take care of the brothers.

At first he did not understand why this was the case. Later, he gradually understood that Qingyunzi did this in order to cultivate his fear and understanding of death. Simply put, the funeral of the host was much more, and the understanding of life would be more than others. Layer, for a person who is a monk, this is very important. As the saying goes, it is impossible to be a person.

The two chatted while eating, and Ye Shaoyang learned that the female classmate named An Xiaoshao was a person from a certain place in Yuzhou. The name Ye Shaoyang had never heard of it. It was the squad leader of Li Xiaoqiang’s class, and both of them were cadres of the student union. Usually, the relationship is very good.

Ye Shaoyang seized this opportunity and inquired about the situation of Li Xiaoqiang before his death. The result was similar to that of Liu Yinshui, so he changed the situation of Lifen Garden.

"You also heard that the place is haunted?" An Xiaoshou said, "The history of our school is very long. It is said that the school was built during the Republic of China. Over the years, there have been many haunted legends in many places, but there are three The haunted legends of the places are the most, one is the No. 3 anatomical building, one is the Forgotten River, and the other is the Lifen Garden."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked: "Forget the river?"

"Oh, that's the black ditch, because there are a lot of haunted legends, and the water is black, it looks terrible, so we privately call it the Forgotten River; the third anatomical building is the building opposite Lifen Garden. The building, that building heard that it used to be an anatomy class, and later it was abandoned, but there is also a specimen pool with some bodies inside."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, knowing that she was talking about the building she had noticed before.

"Hey, do you know what is wrong with that building?" An Xiaoshu suddenly lowered his voice, and looked at Ye Shaoyang mysteriously.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head.

"Listen to me, the shape of the building is not a standard rectangle, but a little arc on both sides. It is a trapezoid. What is a trapezoid, that is a coffin!"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved and asked: “Why should I build this building into this shape?”

"Who knows, this building was built in the 1960s. It has been more than 50 years. Who knows why. This building was originally used for classrooms. Later, because of a very terrible thing happened. Later, it was discontinued and changed into an anatomical building..."

"What? Wait a minute, how do you know so clearly?" Ye Shaoyang asked curiously.

"I looked at the information," An Xiaochao glanced at Li Xiaoqiang's photo and sighed. "It's because of Xiaoqiang. We are both at the student union, often together, just before." Time, I saw that he always went to the archives room, very curious, so he went to look for him once and found that he was looking at the file about the third building. I stood behind him for a while, you guessed that I saw what?"

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, An Xiaoshao will play the true color of his words, and he will put it in his ear and say in a voice that no one else can hear: "The information says, in which year I forgot, anyway, it is No. 3 In the years when the building was first built, there were students suicides in succession. A total of 50 students committed suicide!"

Ye Shaoyang squatted and said, "Fifty people commit suicide, how is it possible!"

Because of the excitement, the voice was a little louder, and several students across the street turned around and looked over.

An Xiaoguang didn't make a sound, and when they all turned their attention away, they said to Ye Shaoyang: "It's true, this is recorded on the file, and the people who said that the dead are all in one class, all on the same day. Suicide, most of them are jumping off the building. They also use their own belts to hang on the poles, and they use each other to kill each other..."

Ye Shaoyang brain filled up the scene, suddenly felt the whole body cold: catching ghosts and demon for so many years, have never seen such a strange thing, 50 people collectively committed suicide, if it is a ghost to lure, how strong this resentment can Do it?

“What happened to the school later?”

"The building was then deactivated and used as a morgue building."

Ye Shaoyang said: "No, I mean, how to deal with this matter, is there so many people, is there no follow-up?"

An Xiaochu shook his head and said: "I really didn't, I just saw this page. I couldn't help but scream. I was discovered by Xiaoqiang. He said that I shouldn't look at this. I just drove me away. After I went back, I have been thinking about this matter and I have been asking around, but no one knows this news, and there is no record on the Internet.

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