Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 677: Great youth

Ye Shaoyang picked up a handful of water and sent it to the girl to continue to tease.

"I beg you, Master, I am afraid, I am not harmful, let me go out?"

"There is no time to talk to you about the conditions, you come out and come out." Ye Shaoyang loves to ignore.

"Oh, I can't stand it!" In the girl's mouth, the tongue that was supported by the five emperors suddenly trembled. A green light squeezed the tip of the tongue and flew out, falling straight into the water.

With a bang, the water splashed, and everyone rushed to look away. Only one green scorpionfish was seen in the tub. The head was full of a grinding disc, and there was a red sarcoma on the top of the head, which looked very disgusting.

These people have seen such things in the presence, and suddenly they are so scared that they can’t speak.

Ye Shaoyang stepped on the back of the scorpion, looked at it and sneered: "It turned out to be a hoe, but you have been repaired for a hundred years. Do you think it can be rampant in the world?"

Yan Jing was stepped on his feet, only to bury his head and drink water. Suddenly his neck stretched out and he vomited a black gas.

Ye Shaoyang had expected that he would play a magical symbol, absorb the black gas, and look at it in front of him. The black blood flowed on the charm, and it gave off a stench. It suddenly wrinkled. "If you kill, you will not be able to stay." "Let the pony throw his backpack.

Yan Jing knew his fate, unable to struggle at the foot of Ye Shaoyang for a while, knowing that he could not escape, and no longer resisted. Looking up at Ye Shaoyang, he hated and said: "Get rid of our Yi people, who are you?" And there is no place to die."

"Oh, I know."

For this kind of mortal time to find some psychological comfort, Ye Shaoyang has never ignored, you have to kill it, still care about letting people rush to blow a few words?

Take a pack of realgar from the backpack, open it and pour it directly into the water.

The realgar enters the water and perceives the demon, and the small tub immediately immediately sprays the waves, just like boiling water.

"Ah..." 鼋 鼋 发出 发出 撕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"I am the emperor's pioneer, you killed me, the emperor will not let you go..."

Emperor? Where is the emperor? Ye Shaoyang loosened his leg and wanted to ask it to come up and ask clearly. As a result, the body has melted into a pool of blood, countless fines, flying out of the tub, and Ye Shaoyang secretly sighs. These are all absorbed by the hoe. Ghost.

Ye Shaoyang went back to see the girl lying on the sofa, but she did not move there. She quickly stepped forward to untie the ropes of both hands, and let people take the water, the more the better.

The manager simply took a bucket of pure water. Ye Shaoyang poured out some girls to drink, and the rest was unwelcomely spilled on her. After a while, the girl coughed and resumed breathing.

Ye Shaoyang watched for a while, seeing the girl's face gradually getting better, got up and told the fat man, sent it to the hospital to add some water, wake up for an hour, and then send his bank card number to him through the mobile phone.

The fat man is thankful and said that he would go back and make a payment.

Ye Shaoyang and his three people left the private room and changed their clothes. Zhou Jingru wanted to open a good room for them. Ye Shaoyang didn't want to waste. When he insisted, Zhou Jingru had to drive to send them back to the university town to rent a house.

On the road, Pony and Zhou Jingru inquired about the situation of the girl. Ye Shaoyang said that it was only a hundred-year-old Wang Bajing, not worth mentioning.

"The emperor that he said in his mouth, what is it, is it very powerful?" Zhou Jingru asked.

Ye Shaoyang explained: "With the word "Emperor" as the title, only the ghosts and demon who have lived for more than a thousand years, because adults are exposed to feudal society, thinking is still at that time, so give them a name. It’s the emperor, the king, and the emperor’s ghosts are countless, but the real cows are almost destroyed.

A few were forced to squash in the ghost domain and dare not show up, so I don't know what it is. ”

When the car drove to the place, Ye Shaoyang said goodbye to Zhou Jingru, talked a few words, then got off the bus and went back to rent a house with the pony.

After entering the house, Ye Shaoyang also felt a little tired. He refused the pony's proposal to stay up late, went back to the room, undressed and went to bed, and couldn't sleep for a while, and closed his eyes to outline the details of tomorrow's action.

Suddenly, he was relieved and placed a silver light in the belt of the bed. When he turned his head, the evil spirits were released. A white figure rose like a smog and fell to the window, making it a human figure.

A white robe, even the face is covered. It is Yang Gongzi.

Ye Shaoyang snorted and immediately relieved, saying: "How come you?"

"Why can't I come out?" Yang Gongzi said.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "What about Xueqi?"

"Of course, still in the mirror, she has no soul, can't get out." paused, Yang Gongzi said, "How do you think about saving her?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, there is no soul body, Xue Qi can only live in the imaginary space in the mirror forever, and there is really no good way for himself.

Ye Shaoyang saw him carrying his hands, standing by the window, looking up at the starry sky, he couldn't sleep, just got out of bed, walked to him, stood shoulder to shoulder, looked at the small half of his face under his hat and said: "What if I lick your hat?"

"You can try."

Ye Shaoyang shot lightning, his right hand smashed a law, and shot Yang Gongzi.

Yang Gongzi did not move, the sleeves waved, and a powerful evil condensed in front of him to form an enchantment.

Ye Shaoyang felt that his palm was blocked. He immediately changed the law, broke the enchantment, and moved forward to less than two inches. It was an enchantment that blocked the way, and Ye Shaoyang’s hand changed again...

A total of five tactics changed, and repeatedly smashed the five enchantments under Yang Gongzi's cloth, until they were about to touch his face. The palm felt a strong evil erosion, and could not advance an inch, and put down the palm of his hand.

"The big Taiji five-handed, you change so naturally." Yang Gongzi's voice, but also with a slight horror.

"You know, I am not too busy to be open, and I will practice every night."

"But you are progressing too fast," Yang Gongzi thought of, and asked, "Is it the reason for learning the congenital gossip?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded without concealing. "I tried to use the congenital gossip to breathe the big Sunday, the meridian translocation, and it is easy to reach the infinitus, and to breathe a week's harvest of suffocation, which can triple the time."

Yang Gongzi silent for a moment, said faintly: "You have such a big creation, it is estimated that one day will be able to achieve the strength of the road."

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