Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 678: Preliminary study

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "Do you mean that you can't do it now?"

"You don't want to be too confident." Yang Gongzi turned to face him, opened his mouth and suddenly said: "Can you put on the clothes first?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced down and looked down at the boxer shorts on his body. He said, "Dry, I will go to sleep soon, are you going to sleep in trousers?"

Yang Gongzi’s mouth groaned and spit out two words: “Indecent.”

Ye Shaoyang cut out: "It's all big men, what are you doing?"

Yang Gongzi had to turn his head to the side and said: "Look at how much you trust and seal the seal for me, how about continuing to make a deal?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Well?"

"Do you know where the **** is coming from?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said: "Do you know?"

"I know that Kuimu Wolf Star invades the ghost gold sheep's chart, not only the main killing, but also the main demon star shift, it should be in the vicinity of this area, or how long, there will be a big demon here..."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sinks.

"You know, the big demon must have Nedan. For anyone, it is a rare treasure."

Ye Shaoyang slowly took the lead, the cultivation of the goblin, all above the inside Dan, but the low-level goblin's inner Dan has little effect, can only be used as a forensic medicine, as long as it is repaired as a big demon over thousands of years, Nedan Can bear the fire of the industry and burn it without breaking, it is the real baby, in the hands of the Master can play endless magic...

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang remembered the reason why Yan Lengyu said when he was separated from himself. Could it be that she was looking for the position of the big demon? But such a big thing, why didn't you get a clue?

"What is the big demon?" said Ye Shaoyang.

"Every three or five hundred years, the big demon is born, absorb the moon, and temper the inner Dan. I don't know what the demon is coming out this time, but I can feel the breath of it, its power is far more than a few Time, maybe, this time is a demon king."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart trembled, the demon king... for thousands of years of cultivation, that is not covered, and he is definitely not an opponent.

"Right, how can you feel the existence of the big demon, how can I not feel it?"

"I am a chaotic gas, I can feel the truth of the universe, any slight changes."

"It sounds great."

Yang Gongzi went on to say: "I will help you grab Nedan. You just have to promise me a condition."

"Given Nei Dan to you?"

Yang Gongzi disdainfully smiled. "I don't want this thing, but I want you to do me a favor. This is busy, only you can help. You don't ask what it is, promise me just fine."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "How can this be done? If you let me kill or commit suicide, how can I get it?"

"I won't let you kill, just let you find someone, but this person is not easy to find, and it is dangerous, just like this."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it carefully and nodded. "If you really want to find someone, you can say it. But I have an additional requirement... Hey, can you open your hijab and let me see your face?"

Yang Gongzi slightly decapitated and said: "My face is not something you can see, but when you find that person, you will have a chance to see it. If you are still interested in seeing it."

"I am interested, the more I can't see it, the more I want to see it."

Yang Gongzi smiled and smiled, his figure floated and flew out the window.

"Snowy is very good in the yin and yang mirror. When you are retreating, you don't have to bother her. When I find the news, I will come to you."

Watching his figure slowly disappear, Ye Shaoyang went back to the bed and sat down, thinking of the things that Yang Gongzi said, the big demon was born, killing and dying... If it is true, it may form a catastrophe, no matter what, he only The soldiers can stop and try their best.

Early the next morning, at seven o'clock, Ye Shaoyang was woken up by Xie Yuqing's phone and asked him to take a taxi to meet at the highway junction.

After getting up and washing, Ye Shaoyang called Lao Guo again and asked him to rush to the Health College to meet outside the school. When he went out, the little horse had to follow, saying that he was going to fight for Lao Guo, and Ye Shaoyang had to take him.

Going out for a breakfast, the two took a taxi to the highway junction and found Xie Yuqing's car. After going up, Ye Shaoyang called Zhou Jingru again. He learned that the diving equipment had been sent to the Health College and found a person who knew the diving. Ye Shaoyang wants to call the phone number and learn that people are waiting outside the college gate.

In less than an hour, the car drove outside the health school, Ye Shaoyang found the diver who was introduced by Zhou Jingru. This guy introduced Zhao Liang, who was driving a small truck. Ye Shaoyang looked at it roughly. There are two on the car. Set of diving equipment.

After a while, Lao Guo also arrived. Ye Shaoyang asked the pony to follow him. He went to the anatomical building to investigate the corpse. He and Zhao Yuqing sat together on the small truck opened by Zhao Liang, and entered the school under the guidance of Wu Haibing. The car is close to the black water ditch in the garden of Lifen. It is located in a remote place and no students will come.

Ye Shaoyang changed into a diving suit with the help of illuminating, put on a goggles and a hat, hung the oxygen cylinder, and after listening to Zhao Liang's instructions, he plunged into the black ditch.

The water in the black ditch is very cold. Although wearing a diving suit, I still feel cold and biting, and Ye Shaoyang has to release hernia resistance.

There was nothing left to see, and Ye Shaoyang had to dive all the way. As a result, the water quality turned clear.

Ye Shaoyang dive to a depth of tens of meters in one breath, finally in the end, look around, there are mud everywhere, there is no imaginary tomb.

After walking for a while, I found that the water was flowing in one direction, so I swam over and finally found a swirling stream that swirled into a cave. The cave was like a black hole in the Milky Way. Can't see.

The water flow slowly into the black hole, and the speed is not fast, so Ye Shaoyang was able to stand at the bottom of the water. After observing it for a while, I found a very strange phenomenon: whenever the branches, dirt and debris are close to the black hole, they are immediately blocked, and only the water can enter.

Ye Shaoyang curiously got together, and it was not a problem. There was an enchantment force that kept himself out.

Hands hold the enchantment and release the suffocating feeling. At this moment, a ripple suddenly formed on the enchantment, forming a line of writing: "If the enchantment is broken, the slogan will return to the market, and the zombies will be more."

This sentence made Ye Shaoyang give up the idea of ​​breaking the enchantment. He squatted on the enchantment, opened the eyes of the sky, scanned the past in the black hole, saw a circle of water flowing, floating a long strip of things in the middle, carefully Look, all the bodies wearing helmets and armor.

Copper armor! Ye Shaoyang secretly inhaled, carefully observed for a while, and found that each bronze armor had a charm on his face, motionless, as if he was sleeping.

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