Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 810: Paper brothers and sisters

I took out a pack of quicklime from the backpack and handed it to the cold jade. After all, the demon corpse was a corpse, and the lime could not kill them, but it could cause trouble.

Ye Shaoyang turned to face the pair of paper dolls, touched the ink bucket, and quickly ran a red line on his left hand. He looked at the whole hand and wrapped it up. Actually, every rope winding position was exquisite.

After being wrapped up, Ye Shaoyang reached into the belt with his right hand and touched a few implements, ready.

The pair of paper people also came to the opposite side, the shadows of the people, cross-flight, a moment of virginity in front, a virgin in front, very fast, unpredictable, dazzling.

Ye Shaoyang's eyes followed the transformation of the two, swinging from side to side, and his face showed a flustered look.

In the blink of an eye, two figures came to the front, overlapping, and with a strong evil in their hands, they came to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly raised his right hand and squeezed the law to shoot.

"Oh..." The opposite figure was a point, the two paper people suddenly separated, and Ye Shaoyang hit a shot, and the two paper people separated on both sides and attacked again.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly took a step back and took it to the left.

The two figures flashed again, constantly changing, and attacking together, Ye Shaoyang was very embarrassed and tired.

"The niece also said that you are a god, hey, this is the ability!"

"Don't dare to show up in a battle!" Ye Shaoyang was furious, looking at one, and the right hand was tied with a triple knot, and the hand of the Huashan was smashed against a paper man.

The paper man breathed in, and a sinful gas formed a swirling flow, holding Ye Shaoyang's left hand and feeling his shoulders sinking.

"Hey, Heavenly Master is coming to catch me!" A series of weird laughs sounded behind me.

Ghost shoulders! Once you turn back, the shoulder light will go out and you will be able to get on your body immediately.

Ye Shaoyang's mouth showed a smile, his right hand grabbed a hand on his shoulder, stepped on the Kuixing, and constantly avoided the attack of the two paper people before and after. The speed and agility were improved by two grades.

While avoiding, Ye Shaoyang's right hand pinched the hand of the paper man behind him, pulled it hard, pulled it to the front, opened his left hand, and tied a red thread to the paper man's hand.

"Give me over!" The left hand forced a red line and put the paper man in front of him. The left hand and the five fingers continued to separate and closed again. The red line that was originally wrapped around the hand and seemed to be dead, like a shuttle, was constantly wrapped around the paper man. On the body.

This is a virgin among a pair of paper people.

Ye Shaoyang practiced while avoiding the attack of the boy. Less than ten seconds later, the virgin was covered with red lines, wrapped in a scorpion, screaming and screaming.

Tong Tong stunned, seeing this scene, where there are still thoughts, shaking his arms, evil spirits erupted with his palms, hit Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang did not fight against it at all, pulling a red rope and referring the virgin to the middle as a meat shield.

Tong Tong’s reaction was also extremely fast. He immediately removed the attack and flew backwards. He shouted: “You are despicable.”

"Despicable? You are not despicable, shifting shadows, before and after the attack, I will just count the meter." Ye Shaoyang smiled, his heart is very proud, if it is not their own weakness, showing panic, these evil spirits will not think that they control The situation, dare to use ghosts to shoulder to deal with yourself.

The right hand touched a large capital of the casting mother, rolled up with a charm, and recited a curse in the mouth. The magical character burned with red fire, and it was necessary to go to the mouth of the virgin.

"Tianshi!" Tongnan suddenly squats, evil spirits will not cry, no tears, but the expression looks very miserable.

"Although I am an evil spirit, I have been living in the tomb for a long time. I have never harmed anyone. I am working on the Heavenly Master, only because of the life of the goddess, asking Tianshi to let go of my sister, and the villain is willing to die!"

The virgin who was **** by the red line also cried. "Tianshi has killed me. I have let go of my brother..."

Brother and sister... When did the evil spirits play this set?

Tong Tong pleaded for a while, saw his expression unchanged, thought it was not allowed, got up and said: "If the celestial being really wants to destroy her, please let me go, my sister and I are here for hundreds of years, only May die together!"

Ye Shaoyang frowned and beat the sad card?

Sighed: "If you are a ghost, you can do it, and the evil spirits have no soul. After all, you can't overdo it."

When the boy saw a play, his eyes turned, and said: "As long as Tianshi does not kill, my brother and sister will lead the gods to see the goddess and persuade her to let you go..."

"Anniling?" Ye Shaoyang just want to ask a clear, behind the cry of the cold jade: "Three minutes, Ye Shaoyang, I can't stand it!"

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly looked back, and Leng Lengyu took the pine-grained ancient sword in one hand and the soul-killing gun in one hand, constantly killing the swarming demon corpse, which looked a bit uncomfortable, but it was already the limit.

There are too many demon corpses, and they are cold and jade.

"These demon corpses, what happened?" Ye Shaoyang asked the boy, "Is it a group of you?"

"This is the thing of the lower tomb, the body of no wisdom, even the maiden can't control it. You will follow me, and they will retreat after a while."

"Trust you once." Ye Shaoyang released the virgin, flew to the side of Yan Lengyu, and smashed a few demon corpses with the soul of the soul, let her back.

Then sprinkle a large number of copper beans, killing a number of demon corpses with a spell of "spreading beans into soldiers", temporarily blocking the offensive, returning to the virgin, mentioning her on his shoulders and saying: "Take me to see you." The goddess."

Tong Nan immediately leads the way.

Yan Lengyu looked at the virgin on the shoulders of Ye Shaoyang. Some of them were worried. When they walked, they asked, "What do you mean, are you collecting them?"

"Which can," the current situation is simple, a little embarrassed smile, "Do you think I am a little indecisive?"

"Do you think it." Yan Lengyu said coldly, but his heart was deeply appreciative of Ye Shaoyang's performance.

The reward and punishment are clear and the mind is hidden. This is the human being in her heart.

Running along the tomb, all the way to the corner, Ye Shaoyang turned back and used the headlights to shine, can not see the shadow of those face demon corpse, this is a little relieved.

Slightly slowed down the pace, Ye Shaoyang looked around the tomb, feeling broken, the air was damp and cold, exuding a thick ghost and corpse.

Can not help but secretly grasp the soul, so that the cold jade made a look, let her beware.

"Your ‘isiang’, who is it?” Ye Shaoyang asked the boy.

"The maiden is the maiden, and Tian Shi Mo asked, then I will know." Tong Nan smiled.

Walking around the tomb, after several martyrdoms, Ye Shaoyang secretly remembered the route and finally came to a tall arch under the leadership of the boy.

Behind the door is a huge space, and I don't know what makes a pale yellow soft light, illuminating the entire hall.

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