"Two Masters, please." Tong Nan was very stiff and bowed and walked into the arch.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the cold jade and said: "Come on, come in and see, if there is danger... I will run first."

芮冷玉揶揄 said: "Hello, you are the celestial division, you still want to run before you even go in?"

"Otherwise, every time I go to a dangerous place, I want to get out of the way, otherwise I can't live without the Master." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and strode in.

After the arch, it is the temple, probably because of the Jin people's high and simple, this temple is too simple compared with the above.

There are only a few pillars in the middle, and two rows of quaint pottery are placed against the wall. The color is dim and not gorgeous.

At the end of the temple, there is a huge coffin, the texture is like jade, and the whole body emits a pale yellow soft light, which is the light that illuminates the entire temple.

As soon as the boy came in, he walked into the ear room on the left. Ye Shaoyang wanted to follow up. He took a look at him and pointed to the sky.

Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw some rocks peeling off in the dome, revealing a piece of vermilion smooth surface.

"Glass tile?" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Tianbao Long fire glazed top." 芮Lengyu whispered, "A means of anti-theft tomb, the top of the tile is a thick layer of dragon fire oil, once the tile breaks open, the dragon fire oil sees the air, drops Falling down, it can burn the entire tomb."

"So horrible..." Ye Shaoyang's heart is a little nervous. For the ghost demon corpse, even if it is even more powerful, at least there is still a fight, but this kind of external disaster... After all, he is a human being, and he will die if he is burned.

The corpse in the temple was as thick as the ghost. Ye Shaoyang looked around and did not find any figures. His eyes were locked in the door of the ear room where the boy was drilled.

Cold and prevent a figure from the right ear room floating out, arched: "Ye Tianshi, hehe... girl."

The two turned their heads and looked at it. It was Lin Sansheng, who was very good-looking, with a smile on his face.

Ye Shaoyang looked at him up and down, cold and cold: "I thought you were eaten by ghosts."

Lin Sansheng smiled. "Ye Tianshi is no stranger. Xiaosheng really deceives you, but he also has difficulties. Please believe that Ye Tianshi believes that Xiaosheng... really treats you as a friend and never thought about harm."

"I hope there isn't," Ye Shaoyang pointed at him with a hook, and said: "Ghost trick, I have never been afraid."

Yan Lengyu saw the two men talking and tempered, and couldn’t help but say: "You brought us here, what to do, just say it."

Lin Sansheng nodded and turned to the left ear room. He said, "Mother, please show up."

Ye Shaoyang immediately turned their eyes.

A bright figure, coming out of the ear room, wearing a long skirt, wearing a jade crown, adorned with jewels, clothes are also covered with a variety of jade and jewelry, ring Pei Lin, in the soft cold light Yan Mingguang.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked on the spot. For the first time in his life, he saw this kind of dressed up. It was seen in costume TV dramas. It feels completely different, and those are props.

In front of this woman's clothes and the jewels on the top, it is absolutely genuine, this can be seen from Zhuguang.

There are four words in my mind: Feng Guan Xia.

This is definitely Feng Guan Xia!

Look at this woman's appearance, but also the country of the country, especially this body Feng Guanxia 帔, the temperament is noble and graceful.

Faced with this kind of woman, this temperament, Ye Shaoyang guessed, it is estimated that the average man will not have any evil thoughts, but just want to worship under her skirt.

Lin Sansheng bowed his hand and said, "The goddess."

Goddess? Ye Shaoyang suddenly woke up and muttered: "Queen..."

The woman walked to the place ten meters away from the two, stood still, and fixedly looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Although he did not have his own height, Ye Shaoyang felt a condescending pressure, and he was quite strong.

"Ye Shaoyang, Daomen Tianshi?" The voice is round and very sweet, but with a touch of indifference.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and answered.

"My name is Guo Shaoyi, the daughter of General Guo, and the wife of Jianwendi..."

Only this sentence made Ye Shaoyang stunned and lost his voice: "What, the bronze corpse king... is your father?"


Ye Shaoyang was a little speechless on the spot, only to kill the old man...

Guo Shaoyi said: "The Heavenly Master does not have to care. My father tried to commit suicide and cultivated into a bronze armor. He led the bronze armor army to fight, but he forgot a bit. The bronze armor has no mind. Even if it is strong, it can only kill. Some civilians.

There are countless Masters in the world, and they will not let them be mad for too long, but they will only be a clown. At the moment of his death, he is no longer my father.

I also wanted to get rid of him, lest he go out and kill innocent people, but that was the body of my father. I couldn't get started. I had to fake my hand in Ye Tianshi. I also helped me a lot. Thank you. ”

This statement is extremely measured and makes people feel very comfortable.

"So, those bronze corpses are you killed?"

See Guo Shaoyi nod, Ye Shaoyang asked: "You let Lin Sansheng lead me, will not just kill your father?"

Guo Shaoyi said: "Of course there are more important things. Ye Tianshi, Yin Xian first asked me to say something about the past?"

"Cough." Ye Shaoyang looked at the cold jade, his face was bright.

Unexpectedly, Leng Yuyu said faintly: "The Niangniang misunderstood, I am not a husband and wife, but a friend."

Ye Shaoyang said: "The people just talk about it, you care so much..."

Guo Shaoyi smiled at Xiao Lengyu and began to swear: "I was originally a female, and Zhu Xi was attacked into the capital. My father Bao Jianwen secretly escaped. I also fled, all the way, hidden name, finally here. The riverside found a place to live and lived.

Jianwen fled and hurried, most of the harem scorpions did not follow, and lost a few times halfway, there were only a few identities under the guise. My father is afraid that Jianwen is alone, and the owner will give me a promise, and the Queen of the Palace will be sealed. ”

Speaking of this, Guo Shaoyi smiled and laughed at himself. "I am a queen, but I want to come to you and know the situation at the time. I am similar to a village woman.

However, my husband and wife are respectful and respectful. It is very loving. I have been living in this mountain. After my father discovered this unfinished tomb, he secretly returned to the capital, contacted the old department, and called some people to turn around. Avoid chasing, sneak into this place, secret training, recruiting soldiers, and plot to reinstate.

Later, Zhu Xi’s sect, Hu Wei, came to find Jianwen Emperor, and actually found the whereabouts.

My father heard the wind, so the soldiers all hid in the ancient tomb, sealed the tomb, opened a secret passage in the middle of the mountain, secretly went down the mountain to purchase rice and oil. I am hiding in the mountains with my husband, dressed as an ordinary person, avoiding tracing. ”

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