Initially, I was blushing and beating because of Qihai's words, but when I suddenly heard him say that there was a way, my heart was wild with joy, and I had even forgotten my bashful feelings.

"Really? Are you sure there's really a way? " I asked in surprise.

Qihai looked at me with a pained expression, making me at a loss of what to do.

His eyes were full of concern, as though he really felt some heartache for me.

Not daring to meet his eyes, I hastily averted my eyes.

"Ruxue, come over here, let's put aside the matter of our children, I will help you escape the Tathagata's evil palms, as for whether you accept me or not, then we can discuss further in the future, okay?"

This is obviously what I'm most concerned about. If he can't escape tomorrow's wedding, what future will he have?

"Alright, then I'll listen to you. Do you believe me when I say what I should do?"

As I spoke, I approached Qihai's side.

With complete confidence and confidence, Qihai whispered a few words into my ear.

It's just that after hearing those words, I found it a bit unexpected.

I tightly covered my mouth. "You, what did you say?" Isn't this a little too inappropriate? "

Seeing my stunned expression, Qihai calmed his expression and said seriously, "If you don't want to do this, then obediently marry Tathagata! Wait until you pay your respects to the heavens and earth, and enter the bridal chamber. Then, you will regret it. "

Qihai's words made me extremely conflicted. I admit that I really couldn't do anything about the method he said, but other than this method, it seemed that I really had no other choice.

My heart was so full of pain that it almost drove me crazy.

"This, take it. When the time comes, you are willing to do as I say and use this. If you plan on giving it up, then take care of it."

After Qihai finished speaking, I realized that there was something extra in my hands.

I looked down and my face went white.

My hands began to tremble, and I was shaking so badly that I left. However, I just held on to that thing and didn't let go.

Perhaps it's because I really, really wanted to break away from Tathagata, in my subconsciousness, so I treated Qihai as my only hope of survival.

When I came back to my senses and wanted to ask Qihai more about it, I realized that there was no one in front of me.

I hastily pulled myself together, as if trying to work hard to digest the shock I got from this matter.

After thinking about it all night, I finally made a decision.

At daybreak the next day, Aunt Li came and helped me put on my red qipao. After doing all of this, Aunt Li seemed to be in a daze as she looked at me and muttered to herself, "It's really exactly the same, and the expression on her face is so similar. It seems that all of this was correct.

The way the Aunt Li looks like, I don't like it at all. Her face is always stiff, as if she has a blood feud with me that spans eight lifetimes.

However, I didn't seem to care about any of this. This person was just a complete stranger, and didn't want to do anything to me.

Actually, I was completely wrong. I didn't know that not long after, Aunt Li would come and make my heart ache.

"Let's go, we have already prepared everything, Young Master Rulai is waiting outside!"

His voice was somewhat cold, as if it was encased in ice.

I followed her in silence until we reached the banquet hall of the villa.

Although I already knew that there was a banquet hall in the villa, I didn't know the exact location, and I had never been there before.

Looking at the huge banquet hall, there were actually a lot of people. To be exact, it should be the guests coming to attend the wedding.

Strange, where did these people come from?

There were only a few people in the villa. These people should be guests that Tathagata invited from somewhere else, right?

But what does that have to do with me?

I didn't really want to marry him. If I did, I would definitely be polite and beaming at the guests. It was just that these things seemed too far away from me.

"Mei Ruxue, you must raise my morale today. You definitely can't let me lose face." Tathagata whispered to me.

I said disapprovingly, "What do you think I would do? I'm not the uneducated sort. "

Tathagata seemed a little angry after being choked by me, but he didn't have the nerve to flare up in front of everyone.

Then, a man who looked like the host stood on a stage and said, "Today is Young Master Rulai's wedding day, everyone is very grateful to be able to attend the wedding. "Next, we will invite our bride up on stage to say a few words."

The moment the host said those words, I was immediately dumbfounded.

This host was too despicable.

Why did you target me first?

I stood there for a long time without moving.

"Are you stupid or dumb?" When Tathagata pushed me, I couldn't stand straight and fell forward.

At that time, I couldn't even mention how embarrassed I was to make such a scene in front of so many people.

What I didn't know, however, was that after I fell, my face began to itch. At first, it wasn't serious, but after a while, it became unbearably itchy.

I kept scratching my face and actually felt a tearing sensation coming over me. I didn't just feel that it was a little strange.

What was going on?

Why did he feel uncomfortable with the skin on his face?

At this moment, I suddenly heard the Aunt Li beside me cry out in alarm, "Oh my god, the Grandmaster is in trouble! Her face!"

The cry startled me. What about my face? Did I scratch it?

"What happened to my face?" I asked in astonishment.

Tathagata anxiously looked at me and his expression immediately changed as well. With a urgent voice, he said, "Aunt Li, hurry and call Grandma Hao over. Remember to be quick and do not delay any further."

Aunt Li did not dare delay any further, and quickly replied and ran out.

The guests below also seemed to have noticed something and could not help but look over as well.

Perhaps because they were further away, they didn't notice the change in my face.

At this moment, Tathagata said, "Everyone, please get ready at your seats. The witness will arrive soon. When she arrives, we will immediately hold the wedding ceremony."

Fortunately, Tathagata's words were very useful, so everyone quieted down. And none of it seemed to be on me.

I noticed that their faces seemed lifeless, devoid of any trace of human life.

However, although I was a little surprised, I didn't pay much attention to it.

Aunt Li ran along the way, afraid that she would miss something.

But just as she was about to reach Grandma Hao's room, she was stopped by someone.

"Aunt Li, where are you in such a hurry to go?"

Aunt Li was startled for a moment, but when she looked carefully at the person, she could not help but become anxious, "Hurry up and get out of the way, I have something important to do."

"Is that so? Is it really that important? "

Aunt Li was getting impatient, "What exactly do you want to do? Today is Young Master Rulai's wedding day, so don't touch his brows, or else you'll be in trouble by the time the time comes. "

"Is that so? Was Tathagata really that powerful? If I didn't guess wrongly, you must be going to find Grandma Hao now, right? "Now that your bride is in trouble, if we delay the matter any longer, the wedding will not be held and your good fortune will be ruined, right?"

Aunt Li was shocked, "How did you know?"

"Of course I know everything about you guys. It's just that I don't have the time to wait for you guys. It's about time for you guys to make use of that hour."

"You, hurry up and get out of the way." Aunt Li was really anxious. If she missed this chance again, she would have to wait for another three years.

Three years!

What sort of concept was this for everyone?

Thinking about this, Aunt Li became even more anxious.

"What if I just won't move?"

"You, you really are a hypocrite! Back then, if it wasn't for Young Master Rulai being merciful and forgiving you, you wouldn't even know what would have happened.

Hearing the scolding from the Aunt Li, he did not seem to take exception at all, "If one does not take oneself, then the heavens will kill the earth."

"You, you're really a scum."

"Whatever you say, today, Mei Ruxue is mine."

"You, you want to hit on her?" Aunt Li could not believe her ears.

"Right, to put it bluntly, I want to take her away. I want Tathagata to experience that sensation."

"You clearly do not love her, yet you want to do this? What kind of heart are you putting in?"

"Aunt Li, this is not something you can ask."

"No, with me here, I won't let you understand anything about her. It's fine if you love her, but I see a hint of evil in your eyes.

"Ahh, I said your eyes are quite accurate when you look at people, but I never would have thought you were right when you said that. I just don't love her. I just want to."

"What are you thinking? Don't say anymore, I won't let you succeed. "

The Aunt Li's eyes revealed a sinister light, and immediately started fighting with him.

Tathagata waited anxiously, glancing at the time from time to time. When the final time was fixed at six o'clock, his eyebrows finally furrowed together.

Tathagata stomped his foot, "Seems like I missed the chance, why hasn't Aunt Li returned yet?"

I also feel that it's strange, the distance from here to Grandma Hao's dwelling shouldn't be too far, but why hasn't she come back after walking for so long?

Tathagata seemed to lose his patience and quickly ran out.

At this moment, my heart was in turmoil as well. What was going on?

Not long after, I heard the He Bo's voice calling out to me.

Thus, a bad thought flashed through my mind, which was that something must have happened to someone, because as long as He Bo appeared, a bad thing would definitely happen.

My heart couldn't help but thump. Could it be that something happened to Aunt Li?

I no longer cared about my identity or status. I wanted to quickly head out to take a look, but I didn't expect that the banquet hall where a lot of people were gathered would suddenly disappear without a trace.

I was immediately startled by the scene before me. This was like a magic trick, a magic trick. Just now, there were people discussing something here, but in the blink of an eye, there was no one there.

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