Although I felt that it was extremely strange, I couldn't care less. I should go out and see what had happened first.

When I walked out, he suddenly heard He Bo shouting, "Young Master Rulai, Aunt Li is dead."

I immediately stopped in my tracks in shock. Isn't this news too sudden?

Just now, just a moment ago, Aunt Li was still standing in front of us alive and well.

At that time, almost everyone was attending the wedding, so who was it that caused Aunt Li's death?

Although I admit that I really don't like her, it's still a human life.

I trembled as I walked over and saw that Tathagata was carefully inspecting Aunt Li. After a while, I shook my head and said, "He Bo, I'll leave the things here to you. There's no hope for her."

He Bo's expression and manner were the same as usual. He nodded his head lightly and took Aunt Li away.

I simply couldn't use any words to describe my feelings right now.

Does this mean that today's wedding can be cancelled?

I probingly looked at Tathagata and asked, "Tathagata, then are we not going to use our nether marriage?"

As if he didn't know who it was, he suddenly roared: "Mei Ruxue, are you satisfied now? "This was all caused by you. Let me tell you, everyone here died because of you, and you are the culprit."

I was stunned by Tathagata's scolding. Why would he say such words? What did I do? Why does everything have to come to me?

I feel so wronged. Isn't Tathagata a little too indiscriminate?

"Are you right? Why am I to blame? It was clearly you who asked the Aunt Li to look for Grandma Hao, you caused all of this, okay? Why should it all be blamed on me? "

Aunt Li is dead, no matter what, I feel terrible, but he is still here blaming me, how can I not be angry?

I don't know where I got my courage from, and my words were very rude as well.

Tathagata looked at me as though he was looking at a monster. In the end, he started to laugh wryly. "Perhaps all of this is predestined. Forget it, now that the wedding has been cancelled, let's talk about it after three years."

Three years later?

I couldn't help but find it funny. Am I going to continue waiting here and hold the wedding ceremony with Tathagata after three years?

Am I crazy? Or was there something wrong with Tathagata's mind?

"Are you sure? You're not going to let me stay here, are you? " I looked at him vigilantly as I asked.

Tathagata said word by word, "You're smart this time. You're right, I want to keep you here until you know that the wedding is over."

I felt my vision go dark, and I nearly fainted on the spot.

"Why did you do this to me? Can you give me a precise reason? "

If I didn't know why Tathagata had to do this, I wouldn't be able to die in peace.

Looking at my questioning gaze, Tathagata said coldly, "Let me tell you the truth, you were born my woman. Right now, and in the future, you will be, so you won't be able to escape."

The answer seemed very personal.

In my heart, I could be said to have been stunned by his words.

I am his woman.

How could I not know that I was his woman?

Qihai's face suddenly appeared in my mind, I don't know why I unconsciously compared the two of them in the past.

Qihai was so gentle, so focused, yet Tathagata was so cold, so heartless, and compared to the two of them together, it could even be said that the sky and the earth were one.

I accidentally slipped up.

Just at this moment, He Bo ran over to Tathagata's side in a hurry, as though he was saying something in a low voice.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, Young Master Rulai. I just found this on Aunt Li's body." The He Bo gave a mysterious item to Tathagata.

But because the He Bo had his back to me, I didn't see what it was.

Tathagata hurriedly put away that item and then explained, "Do not tell anyone about the matters of the Aunt Li, understand?"

He Bo hurriedly nodded, "Yes, I understand, Young Master Rulai."

When Tathagata passed me, he shot me a fierce look, as if I had a deep grudge against her.

This incident happened too suddenly. Even until a few days later, I didn't walk out of the shadow and remained in a daze.

I just can't understand why so many people died because of my indirect causes.

Although I didn't do anything directly to kill them, I still died because of me.

I really don't understand. Is it because of my identity?

At the thought of identity, I even began to imagine, what is my true identity?

I took out the frame and looked at the photo, thinking that whoever it was must have had something to do with me.

"Who the hell are you? Why does it look like me? " I asked, curiously touching the face in the photo.

While I was still in a trance, I suddenly saw a few tears in the eyes of the person in the photo.

At first, I thought that I was seeing things, but after being stunned for a moment, I didn't take it seriously.

I continued to stare blankly at the photo, only to realize that the person on top seemed to be blinking at me.

This time I'm sure I'm not seeing things.

But it really happened.

"You can actually move?"

I feel a little frightened that I should be talking to myself here.

A photo is a photo, it's impossible for me to speak, but after that, it continuously surprises me.

It was also on this day that I discovered the secret in the photo, that the person above would shed tears and blink at me.

I still held the picture frame carefully every day, hoping that I would find something in it.

While I was in a daze, I felt as if I had once again dreamt of that girl called Qiduo. This time, she looked at me with a slightly sad expression and said to me, "I don't know what to do. I'm so lonely right now. I wanted to find my body, but I just couldn't find it. "

"Your words are very strange. You said that you want to find your body, then what exactly are you now?"

"I'm just a lifeless person."

These words sounded very strange.

"I don't understand."

"Yes, you may not understand it now, but you will understand it sooner or later."

"Can't you tell me now?"

Qiduo blinked her eyes and said, "Mom said, now is not the time."

"Mom?" Hearing this term, which I haven't heard for a long time, made my heart hurt.

Qiduo seemed to realize that she had gone overboard, "Enough, I'm leaving. I will come to find you everyday in the future. This will help you think of something."

Qiduo left and I woke up.

I opened my eyes and found Xiao Wen smiling at me.

"Xiao Wen, you're here."

I was a little listless, perhaps stimulated by the dream.

Seeing me like this, Xiao Wen asked, "You seem to have something on your mind."

"No, I'm just in a bad mood."

"Oh right, I'm here to tell you that we'll look for that thing again tonight. Once we find it, you won't have to stay here for another three years."

How weird, how did Xiao Wen know that I was going to stay for three more years?

These things are just the secrets between Tathagata and myself, and I can also be sure that when Tathagata spoke of these things again, Xiao Wen was not in front of him, so how did she know?

"Xiao Wen, how did you know I have to stay here for another three years?"

"Miss, I heard what he said when I was following Tathagata. Originally, I wanted to secretly follow him and see if I could find any flaws, but I didn't expect to hear the conversation between him and Grandma Hao."

So it was like this?

I immediately let out a breath of relief. I don't know why, but I seem to have a lot of suspicions about everyone recently.

Or maybe it was because he was always in a state of high mental tension during this period of time?

"Xiao Wen, what do you think I should do?"

Hearing my baffling question, Xiao Wen doesn't seem to know what I mean.

"Ruxue, isn't your question too general?"

I smiled bitterly. Yes, if I asked like that, Xiao Wen would know what I meant.

"Xiao Wen, Qihai told me that he likes me, I feel so conflicted."

After I finished asking my question, I actually didn't hear Xiao Wen's voice for a while. I couldn't help but look at her curiously.

I realized that Xiao Wen seemed to be somewhat dazed, as if she had some deep thoughts.

Xiao Wen stared at me, her tone was extremely strange, "You said that Qihai likes you? Did he tell you so herself? "

My face reddened, and I felt a little embarrassed. After all, this matter had always been buried in my heart and I had never told anyone before. I was only talking to Xiao Wen, if it was anyone else, I definitely wouldn't be able to tell her.

Because I had been thinking about Qihai, I didn't notice that Xiao Wen's expression had already become more and more unsightly.

"Yes, it was Qihai who confessed to me a few days ago. He even said that he wanted to bring me away from this place."

"What?" Xiao Wen shouted loudly. It had a wheezing smell.

I couldn't help but be shocked, "Xiao Wen, are you alright?"

Xiao Wen bit her lips tightly, as if she couldn't accept this.

"I, I'm fine." Xiao Wen said absentmindedly. She had only finished speaking, but had become somewhat absent-minded.

I felt even more baffled. Isn't her reaction a little too abnormal today?

"Can you advise me? Should I accept Qihai's feelings? "

For some reason, Xiao Wen suddenly roared loudly, "Enough, shut up! No more, no more. I don't want to hear it. "

I immediately shut my mouth and swallowed the words that I had yet to finish.

Xiao Wen's face was already a little purple, that look was just too scary.

"Xiao Wen, what's going on with you? Did I say something wrong? "

However, Xiao Wen acted as if she didn't hear my words at all, only that the expression on her face was intensely changing, one moment incomparably sinister, and the next moment not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

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