Grandma Hao acted like she was doing the most ordinary of things, expressionlessly placing the few dishes on the somewhat ancient looking table.

I really couldn't stand her bitter face. Every day, she would put on a face that was as ugly as it could get, and from the looks of it, it seemed that she wasn't going to eat in the dining room. She was going to eat in Tathagata's room.

"You guys want to watch me while you eat, is that what you mean?"

That was my understanding, so I pointed it out.

"Right, that's exactly what we meant. Right now, most of the people in the mansion are dead, and the restaurant is so empty. It would be better to just leave with the rest of us."

This was Grandma Hao's casual answer. She could actually speak of such a miserable thing with such indifference.

I'm really impressed with her. But Tathagata obviously agreed. What's the use of me objecting?

Forget it, I'm not going to argue with them. After all, I'm really hungry.

Just as I sat down, I heard an exaggerated voice, "Aiya, you guys really didn't tell me you moved here to eat. I say, Young Master Rulai, aren't you being too rude?"

Although Gentle Snow was smiling, her expression was somewhat stiff. He seemed to be trying to hide his smile.

"Aren't you looking for me yourself? You probably don't need anyone to notify you, right? " Tathagata replied sarcastically.

Gentle and warm seemed to be absent-minded, as if she had a heart full of worries.

It was as if her attention wasn't focused on eating.

Wasn't Gentle Heart sick? But it didn't seem to be sick?

Could it be that Dr. Zhou was lying to me?

But it doesn't make sense? Dr. Zhou's words did not do him any good?

"Gentle, I heard that you've gotten sick. Are you feeling better now?" I didn't know what was wrong with me, so I suddenly said this.

But to tell the truth, I felt a little regretful in my heart after asking this question. Don't you think I'm just looking for trouble?

It was as if she didn't see me, and her eyes were locked on to Tathagata, as if they would never be enough of each other.

I was a little embarrassed, because the warmth didn't pay attention to me at all, and even pretended that I wasn't there.

I am about to go crazy. Is this still a friend I once had? Ever best friend? It really didn't look like it at all.

I am almost certain now that the warmth in front of me is not the kind warmth that I used to know.

"Warm, what are you trying to say?" Tathagata seemed a little uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Tathagata, I'm sick now. I haven't shown any signs of getting better for a long time, so I want to go home and get the medicine I need before I come back."

When Tathagata heard what she had to say, his expression relaxed a bit. However, after hearing what she had to say, he tensed up again.

Obviously, Tathagata wanted her to leave and didn't want her to come back.

I couldn't think straight. Tathagata had told me that I could only enter and not exit this villa. Why did he wish to leave in peace?

I don't understand, but I can't ask.

"If you want to go, then go! Do you want me to send you back? "

Warmth shook her head and said, "No need, I'm leaving now. I think I'll be back in three days."

As he spoke, he looked at Tathagata strangely and warmly.

Tathagata didn't have any expression on his face, but his expression was as cold as ever.

It was different from before. It felt a little weird. I didn't know if I had felt wrong.

Anyway, she's gone, really gone.

Tathagata did not have a single reaction, and even Grandma Hao was not surprised.

The warmth was like an unwelcome person, it did not bring any ripples to anyone after he left.

What we don't know, however, is that after returning home in a warm mood, he seemed to have contracted a serious illness, and even started babbling nonsense.

"Dad, let me go, I have to find Tathagata. I want to marry him, I want to go."

WenJiu Chu was pacing back and forth restlessly, seemingly very agitated.

"I think there's something wrong with my sister. She left for quite some time, and not only did she not make any progress, she even made herself look like this. I think this matter is not simple at all."

Wen Jiuze frowned, "Then what do you think of the idea?"

"I think it's better to let her rest at home for now. I'll go there myself."

"You want to go?" It can't be that you have any intentions towards Tathagata, right? "

Wen Mei's face reddened slightly as she said, "Father, don't worry. Tathagata is my sister's, I won't fight with her over it. I'm just going to help you get that thing back so that you can fulfill your wish."

"That's good. You know your dad's feelings the best. This girl has always been well-built and simple-minded. You are the one who is calm when it comes to things. Now that you're gone, your dad will be a lot more at ease."

Wen Mei laughed indifferently, "Then let's not waste any time, I'll go now."

Wen Jiuze nodded, his gaze returning to the warm body. His eyes seemed to be filled with worry and love.

When Wen Mei saw this scene, her heart ached fiercely, as if she had been stabbed by a knife.

She couldn't help but clench her hands together, unable to feel the pain in her heart.

She didn't seem surprised on the surface, but there was a world of difference between her heart and the surface.

The moment Wen Mei stepped out of the door, she couldn't help but to turn her head and stare coldly at the strange door. Her eyes shot out a sharp ray of light and she couldn't help but say in her heart: "I will come back, but I definitely won't use an identity."

Her words were firm and forceful, as if she was already like a surging bamboo.

She left without looking back, not even taking a single piece of clothing with her.

The door behind her emitted a strange red light. It kept opening and closing, as if it was beckoning to her.

A few large words suddenly appeared on the door: Ancient Tomb of Wen Family.

He was surrounded by the endless forest, mixed with the sounds of the wind blowing, and occasionally the terrifying cry of crows. All of this seemed to be growing further and further away from Wen Mei.

Wen Mei strode towards the villa without looking back.

She didn't stop until she saw the door of the villa. She took out a small porcelain bottle from her pocket and wiped something on her eyes. Then, several large words appeared on the door.

Seeing this scene, Wen Mei revealed a knowing smile, "Looks like this is really the mysterious villa that disappeared a long time ago. I really want to see what kind of shocking things are inside."

Wen Mei knocked on the villa's door swiftly.

However, it was a coincidence that she knocked on the door, while Dr. Zhou carried her pitiful luggage and planned to quietly leave this place.

The two of them met just like that.

However, when they saw each other, both of them were stunned.

"Wen Mei, why are you here? Didn't I let you go back? This place is not suitable for you all. "

"Kirin, are you leaving this place?" Wen Mei said disapprovingly.

The Dr. Zhou nodded his head sadly and said, "Right, I do not wish to continue stepping into this muddy water, so I can only leave. "Why on earth do you have to come here?"

Seeing Dr. Zhou's urgent look, Wen Mei revealed a resentful expression, "I've come here for a reason that you should know for sure. Warmth is just a rice bucket, she got herself sent back half dead, am I not going to make a move?"

"You, you really haven't changed. You've always been so strong."

"Yes, you're right, I have no choice, I have no choice. "I'm going in to see Tathagata right now. If you want to leave, feel free to leave."

Seeing that Wen Mei had completely steeled her heart, the Dr. Zhou painfully pondered for a long time, but in the end, still gave a long sigh and said, "Wen Mei, you came. How can I leave? "I really don't trust you to stay here by yourself. I've changed my mind and I want to stay behind to protect you."

Wen Mei was secretly delighted, but she did not reveal it on the outside. She maintained her calm demeanor and said, "I did not force you to stay, and since you are willing to stay, then go wherever you should go quickly. It's best if you do not ruin my plans."

Dr. Zhou laughed bitterly to himself, thinking that she still hasn't changed at all. He's still as cold and powerful as before.

However, he couldn't just leave her alone like this. He really couldn't do it.

Wen Mei smoothly found Tathagata's room, and when I saw her, I suspected that I was seeing things.

It hasn't even been a day since he left, has it?

Why did he come back so quickly?

Tathagata didn't show any surprise, only said coldly, "Your movements are quite fast."

Wen Mei feigned innocence, "Tathagata, I didn't want to stay at home any longer, so I took some medicine and came over quickly."

Listening to Wen Mei's words, I felt that it was strange. However, after walking for less than a day, why does it feel like she has become a completely different person?

Isn't she a bit too fickle?

After greeting Tathagata, she said with a smile as she looked at me, "Ruxue, I was not in a good condition earlier, so I might be in a bad mood. Please don't take any offense to heart, just because we have been together for so many years, don't argue with me, can you not blame me?"

I think I was really confused by her.

Was she trying to please me?

Indeed, there was a world of difference between her and before!

Seeing my surprise, she immediately said again, "Ruxue, I know that you may still be blaming me, but it's all because of my sudden discomfort. It's definitely much better now that you've taken the medicine, I hope that in the future, we will still be best friends, okay?"

At that moment, I suddenly became teary-eyed. The word 'best friend' was so kind, it was a symbol of our previous good relationship. Now that I suddenly heard that word, I felt really close.

My heart melted in an instant.

I really didn't blame her, but I felt that she had become a little strange.

If you think about it, there's no need for us to be so nervous.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, Ruxue, I will go to my room to rest first. You rest too, I will come to find you tomorrow, we will have a good chat."

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