But it's rather strange, since then, no, to be exact it should be Wen Mei, we just thought that she had returned with warmth.

Ever since she came back, the villa had become less deserted and lively.

I had a feeling that we were back in college.

However, whenever Tathagata looked at her with warmth, he always wore a strange expression, as if he couldn't see through her.

Everything seemed to have calmed down, and the things that I was worried about didn't happen. I thought that Tathagata would plot against me, but I didn't expect that I was overthinking things.

He just let me sleep in his room. He didn't think much of me, and that was the only thing that pleased me.

Today, Tathagata seemed to have something on his mind. At midnight, he would occasionally look at the sky. I don't know what he was looking at. I just thought he was a little odd tonight.

Although there were only a few people in the villa now, they still went to the buddhist hall to chant every night. This was an unchangeable fact, and I had already gotten used to it.

It's just that tonight was bound to be an extraordinary night. I had a faint premonition in my heart that something was about to happen.

As Tathagata recited, I felt a little absent-minded. I always felt as if something had appeared in my mind, but it was only a fleeting image that I couldn't catch.

I felt a sharp pain in my head, and immediately a figure flashed through my mind.

I snapped open my eyes. It was a woman, and someone I had known before.

Who is she?

Why did I see her?

What was so special about today?

I thought about it. It's August 15.

Yes, indeed.

But August fifteenth was a reunion day, and I was here alone.

Thinking about it, there were some things that made people sad.

Yet, a good day went by in such a miserable manner.

At last, Tathagata finished chanting ten minutes later. I saw him quickly walk towards me. He grabbed my hand and said, "Follow me. Don't turn your head on the way. You can't even turn your head if you hear any sounds. Do you remember?"

I looked at him blankly. I didn't know what he was up to.

When he saw me standing there like a fool, the strength in his hands increased even more.

I was almost dragged down to the ground by him, but he didn't have the slightest trace of tender affection for the fairer sex.

We stumbled toward the back yard. The whole thing seemed mysterious, but at the same time it made me a little delirious.

"Can you walk a little slower? I can barely breathe. "

Besides, I really can't walk anymore, okay?

"If you don't want to die, then shut up."

Tathagata's tone was urgent and uneasy.

Not daring to speak, I followed him.

Suddenly, I felt as if someone had slapped me on the back.

I felt a chill run down my spine. I couldn't help but tremble violently.

I was about to turn around and see who was patting me, but then I remembered what Tathagata had told me.

I was too scared to look back.

I would rather believe it than not.

I thought it was all right, but it only got worse.

Then my leg was grabbed, and my face went white with fright.

What kind of trouble was this?

Not only that, at the same time, there was a burst of singing coming from behind.

Heavens! What kind of horrible things have I experienced?

The song I heard was actually a very old song. I still remember the name of the song. It should be called some sort of sunny day.

It was just that the song seemed a little scary, and the sound was as desolate as it could possibly be. It made me feel uncomfortable.

Of course, Tathagata also heard this song, just like me. However, he didn't say a single word and continued walking with his head covered.

But why do I feel like this road is so long at this time?

You know, he's been gone a long time.

But if it were in the past, this journey wouldn't have taken more than ten minutes.

However, today was truly an evil day. It would take at least twenty minutes, yet he still seemed to be lingering at the same place.

I really don't have any strength left.

But even so, the man behind me seemed unwilling to let me go.

"Turn around. Why don't you turn around and look at me?"

My whole body quivered. Isn't this voice a little too scary?

Tathagata secretly grabbed my hand. Naturally, I understood what he meant.

However, even though I understand it, I am still unable to resist the grab of the woman behind me.

I felt as if my scalp were about to be ripped off by her.

This woman was simply going too far.

I didn't make a sound, I didn't even want to argue with her, but she still mercilessly scratched my head.

That pain could simply be described as heart-wrenching.

I couldn't help but cry out.

Ah!" "It hurts, let go of me, let go of me." I can't stand it any longer. I'm so sick of the pain that I've forgotten all about Tathagata.

I whirled around and shouted, "What are you trying to do? Who exactly are you? "

A face appeared in front of my eyes. It didn't seem as terrible as I had imagined, but it also seemed a little familiar. Maybe I saw her somewhere.

The woman seemed taken aback. Perhaps she hadn't expected me to look at her face to face.

She smiled strangely, revealing a row of bright red teeth, and said, "You're finally willing to turn back. That's great, my harvest today is truly not small."

I was secretly surprised in my heart. Her words were really weird. What would happen when I turned around?

Tathagata secretly shook his head, thinking to himself, It seems like what I fear the most is what comes. Now, I really have to face a dangerous situation.

Before I could react, the woman had already opened her bloody mouth and was charging at me with a fishy smell.

I felt a pang in my face, as if the woman had bitten me.

It only hurt a little, but I didn't put it in my heart. Who would have thought that the woman would suddenly move extremely quickly and grab my shoulder before flying away.

Tathagata's face paled as he hurriedly chased after her.

Just then, Grandma Hao also ran over after hearing the news, but when she saw that I was taken away by a woman, her face couldn't help but reveal a sad expression, "Truly a sin, what has happened? I didn't expect you to be scared of anything. You said that you would let the two of you meet no matter who you meet.

Grandma Hao did not dare to let her guard down. If it was in the past, things would not have turned out this way, but who told that today was the fifteenth of the eighth month, a special day?

Something special was bound to happen on this day.

I was taken to a place by a woman. Although I walked very fast along the way, I still found out that the place she took me to was actually a secret chamber in the buddhist hall.

I suddenly understood who she was.

She must have been the woman in one of the coffins I'd seen the last time I'd come in.

Yes, it was indeed her.

No wonder I look at her so familiar.

They had indeed met.

But, she should be a dead person, why should I have a grudge against her?

The woman looked at me sinisterly. After a while, she suddenly shouted, "Alright. Everyone, come out. Today, I have reaped quite a harvest."

As soon as I said that, I realized that a few people had actually come out of the other coffins.

There were adults and children among them, but I still had the leisure to count them. There were a total of four people.

None of them had any expression on their faces. They were all stunned, but their gazes were filled with greed.

The woman licked my face, revealing a greedy expression. "It feels so sweet. I think her blood should taste good."

Hearing the woman's words, the rest of the people were eager to give it a try as well.

I couldn't help but panic. Could it be that these people want to drink my blood?

The woman started to put her face against mine and bit my face with a speed that I didn't expect.

Suddenly, that piercing pain is incomparable, but this is just the beginning. When those few people saw that the woman was already enjoying my delicious blood, they were also eager to give it a try.

Thus, I don't know how many places on my face were bitten by them. I seemed to have become numb.

"Stop! You will regret what you have done! "

Tathagata's voice seemed to have descended from the sky, and it was believed that at this moment, hearing his voice was like hearing an extremely noble voice. I know he won't just watch me get bitten to death.

It's just that my head is starting to spin and I feel like I can't hold on for much longer.

The woman seemed to be very hostile to him. She glared at him, wanting to fight him.

Tathagata, however, seemed absent-minded. He was not optimistic about my situation, so he had no interest in fighting her.

"You really don't know her?"

The woman seemed to have steeled her heart. She just wanted to taste my tasty blood so much that she wouldn't listen to anything else.

"Cut the crap. If anyone wants to ruin my good fortune today, I'll fight to the end with him."

Tathagata felt that it would be useless to keep talking to her, especially on days like today. It seemed like he could only be tough with her.

At this moment, a pleasant whistling sound could be heard.

Suddenly, the woman seemed to have been immobilized and her emotions calmed down. In a moment, she was walking towards the coffin.

Similarly, those few people had also returned to their own coffins.

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