Warm and quiet in the embrace of heaven, she didn't refuse this time, because she really was very tired, her whole body didn't have the slightest bit of energy. She felt that she didn't want to continue being so stubborn, even now, just being able to quietly stay in the embrace of heaven for a while was still fine.

Heaven's Will had thought that even if Gentle Snow did not have any strength left, she would definitely oppose his suggestion before she sank into a deep coma. However, he hadn't thought that he would be wrong this time.

Warm and beautiful nodded before she slowly passed out.

There was no time to think about it, and Heaven's Will quickly picked up the warmth in his arms and left.

After they left, a mass of black gas appeared in the sky above the tomb. That mass of black gas slowly turned into a human face.

The black qi circled above the tombstone and said with a fierce look in his eyes, "Hmph, Wen Jiuze, do you know that you have obtained a dragon vein? However, I do want to change things for you. I want to see with my own eyes something unimaginable happen in your family. "Hahaha."

The black aura seemed to be laughing very happily, as if everything was under his control.

The black gas continued to move toward the grave, doing something. Only after several hours had passed did the black gas stop.

"Well, that's great. It's done. Now I'm waiting to watch a good show."

The black gas quickly disappeared. As for where it had gone to, no one knew.

was getting weirder and weirder. In the past, I could guess what his intentions were, but today, it seems that I am unable to guess what kind of card he will use next.

"Young Master Rulai, what happened just now? I'm really confused. "

"Grandma Hao." Tathagata suddenly stopped in his tracks. Only, when his gaze touched Grandma Hao's face, Grandma Hao saw a pair of terrifying eyes and instantly, his expression changed slightly from fright.

"Young Master Rulai, what do you want to say?"

Grandma Hao immediately looked away.

"Remember, do not ask what you are not supposed to ask. If I want you to know, I will tell you."

From the looks of it, Tathagata did not want Grandma Hao to know what was going on or that he was dreading something else, so Grandma Hao indeed could not understand.

Grandma Hao lowered her head, and said, "Yes, I understand, Young Master Rulai."

Grandma Hao did not dare to continue speaking, since she had chosen to follow him in completing this mission, then she should have long prepared herself for everything, even if she would die, or perhaps more than once. She had long ago ignored all of this.

Grandma Hao thought about it and anxiously followed along with Tathagata's footsteps. She had made all the preparations that could happen.

When I returned to the villa, I found that Tathagata seemed to be preoccupied.

I didn't want to see him like someone owed him money, and when I saw him come back with a straight face, I wanted to run into the room.

But before I could take more than a few steps, what I feared the most happened.

"Stop." Am I that scary? "

I shut my eyes in despair. I must have been avoiding him. What else did he want?

"What exactly do you want to do? Can't you let me go? "

"Let you go? Do you think it's possible? This is all your doing. If it weren't for you, you wouldn't be here right now. Do you know that now? How serious is it? "

God knows what he was talking about.

I didn't understand what he was doing.

In fact, he didn't want to understand either. He had a family but didn't want to go back. His father let him marry a warm and warm woman, but he didn't agree.

I've already completely given in to him. This person is simply a torturer.

Looking at my bitter expression, I don't know if Tathagata felt sympathy for me, but I heard a barely audible sigh.

However, the torture I anticipated did not happen.

After a while, I felt that everything had quieted down. My intuition told me that Tathagata was probably not here anymore.

I turned my body around and my mood immediately lightened up.

So Tathagata had truly left.

Now I know that I was really tired when I was with him, and I don't know when that would be the end of my days.

My biggest wish is to find out the cause of death of my relatives and the origins of this villa. After that, I will leave this place, and maybe, I can even live happily with the person I love. Thinking of the person I love, for some reason, the appearance of Qihai appeared in front of my eyes.

For some unknown reason, Tathagata had suddenly made the decision to temporarily cancel his nightly study of scriptures in the Buddhist hall. As for the reason, he didn't mention it.

I think so. I think he wants me to go to the buddhist hall to listen to his chanting. Maybe there are only Grandma Hao, He Bo and me there because there aren't many people, so he feels bored right?

As for whether it was really because of this reason, no one knew.

From today onwards, Tathagata has cancelled his chanting, but he leaves the house every night at 12 o'clock. As for where he went, I don't want to ask, nor do I want to know, because I don't think it has anything to do with me.

I also enjoy the leisure, who knows, my idea seems to be a little extravagant.

At twelve in the morning I heard Tathagata go out, and my little heart settled down, and I seemed to be able to get a good night's sleep.

However, just as I closed my eyes, I heard a faint voice say, "Come on, hurry up. I need your tears."

I felt my consciousness start to blur. To my surprise, I actually followed the directions given by the voice and headed in that direction.

I don't know how I got to the darkroom in the temple, but when I came to, I found myself in the darkroom.

When I came to, I was no doubt feeling very strange. It was strange that I should have come here without knowing it.

The familiar coffin was right in front of my eyes, but I didn't feel much fear. I must have already experienced it once.

The lid of the coffin slowly opened and the Female Cadaver appeared in front of me once more. I couldn't help but look towards the Female Cadaver.

I don't know why, but when I saw Female Cadaver's peerlessly beautiful face, I felt my heart ache, and I always had the urge to cry.

I don't know why I want to cry, but once I have this thought, I can't help but look at it quickly.

Just like yesterday, my tears fell onto the Female Cadaver's face. After a while, my tears stopped.

I was even more astonished. These tears could be said very quickly, but they could also be said to be able to leave as quickly as possible.

My eyes are still fixed on Female Cadaver's face, but today, I seem to realize that her face is slightly redder than yesterday.

Her face was not as pale as it had been yesterday.

My stomach was full of questions, but it was full of coffins and no one could tell me the answer. But at the same time, I was also very curious, who were the people in the other coffins?

My gaze shifted to the other coffins, and my curiosity increased.

"Thank you for your tears. Come, let's go back. Don't stay here any longer."

That faintly discernible voice transmitted over. I left the dark room as though I was sleepwalking.

When he returned, he found that he was no longer sleepy.

I still vividly remember what happened just now and kept thinking about that incident. This matter was really too weird, causing me to lose all traces of sleepiness.

After two days of the same thing happening, I don't know if tomorrow will be the same.

However, it was a good thing that this matter was not discovered by Grandma Hao today, otherwise she would have to meddle in other people's business again.

The following time, Tathagata still went out every night at midnight. As before, after he left, I was summoned to the secret room by that voice and couldn't help but cry towards the Female Cadaver.

This kind of day continued for ten days. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, but my body didn't have the slightest bit of strength. My entire body was in a daze, as though I was in a sickly state.

When I had nothing to do in the morning, I inadvertently looked in the mirror and found that my face was completely devoid of color, just like that "Female Cadaver."

I couldn't help but be shocked. I immediately mustered my strength and carefully looked at the face in the mirror.

"Is, is this me? "How terrifying." I looked away from the mirror.

I kept shaking my head, touching my face, which was so thin that only bones remained.

"What a sin."

Tathagata's voice echoed behind me, and I could tell he was angry.

"I'm already like this, and you're still making sarcastic remarks?"

I couldn't help but be infuriated. Isn't this fellow too despicable? Why wasn't there any sympathy?

I didn't really expect him to care about me, but he shouldn't have said such a thing, right?

"You're just looking for it yourself, aren't you? I've been busy these past few days, and you actually secretly did these things behind my back? "

"What did I do? What did I do to make you say that about me? " I actually wanted to say it out loud, but I used a lot of strength and my voice was still pitifully soft.

"Do you want me to tell you again what you've done? Don't you know it yourself? "

Due to my excitement, I couldn't help but cough violently. My face instantly flushed red.

"I only found out today when I went to the Buddhist Hall. Originally, you would go to the dark room every night, but now I have no other choice. You were the one who brought about your own destruction. You just wait to die. "

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