Waiting for death? Self-destruction? These seem to be machine sensitive words.

But, I was a bit confused, didn't I already die? Am I alive now?

But if there was life, why was it chosen by him to hold an underworld marriage?

I was really confused. After returning to the villa for so long, I actually still couldn't figure out whether I was alive or dead. I have failed too badly.

"There's something wrong with life and death. If God really wants me to die, then I have no choice."

Tathagata said ruthlessly, "You are really stupid. You brought me so much trouble when you had nothing better to do. If you want to die, go and die. "

After saying that, Tathagata left me with a menacing look on his face.

I was so weak that I couldn't get off the bed. I could only sit on the bed and stare blankly.

Forget it, investigating the reason is useless now. Perhaps my life will come to an end from now on.

However, I don't know why, but I feel like I'm actually missing Qihai a lot.

Could it be that I really like Qihai?

I don't think I've seen him for days. I wonder how he is now?

If I were really dead, would he feel sorry for me?

In my heart, I started to think about Qihai nonstop, and couldn't get rid of him no matter how hard I swung.

"Qihai, we are not fated to be together in this life. If there is a next life, I am willing to be together with you."

I revealed an extremely beautiful smile, as if an illusion had appeared. I realized that the Qihai that I missed was currently standing right in front of me.

I immediately cried out in surprise, "Qihai, you're here! Did you hear what I said to you in my heart? "

Qihai looked at me gently with eyes full of love, "Yes, I heard you, I'm here to take you away, to bring you to a place. I won't let you die, I love you."

I smiled in satisfaction. I didn't expect that in the final moment of my life, I would still be able to create such a beautiful scene. I was already very satisfied.

"Alright, with these words of yours, I am satisfied. I was really happy to see you at the last moment. " A tear fell from the corner of my eye as I slowly closed my eyes, as if I had already smelled the scent of death.

It seemed to me that the essence of my body had vanished.

I don't think I'll ever see the sun again.

I felt like I was flying. Am I going to heaven?

I thought to myself that maybe it was true, that I was going to see my loved ones soon.

Actually, thinking about it, death wasn't that scary either.

"Are you crazy? Are you really going to save her? "

The woman glared viciously at the man before her. She seemed to be able to see the persistence in his eyes.

"Right, we haven't gotten the thing yet, so she can't die yet. If she dies, then our plan will be in vain. "

"Hmph. What you said was really nice. Actually, you don't want her to die, right? Because you really have feelings for her? Or is it a fake performance? "

Listening to the woman's exasperated voice, the man said impatiently, "You're really crazy. In order to achieve great things, you have to be carefree. You're being fussy and petty, do you think we can accomplish any great things?"

Hearing the man's reprimand, the woman seemed to be dumbfounded. She recovered instantly and couldn't help but shout, "You better understand that I'm your superior and your woman. Don't you think that you're treating me too much?"

The man was neither impatient nor impatient. "Yes, of course I know what you're talking about. I've also promised you that when we succeed, we'll get married."

After the woman heard this, her expression slightly eased, "Then, do you think that if we save her, she will be able to help us find what we need?"

"I will do everything in my power to let her find it."

The man spoke with determination, but his hands didn't stop moving just because he spoke.

It could be said that her emotions were complicated. It was clear that he was really determined to save her, let alone the reason why. Just by looking at his anxious expression, she knew that he was determined to win.

Although he had just expressed his attitude towards her and said that he would marry her in the future, she was still worried and jealous. Looking at all of this, she felt as if she was about to lose control.

He never cared about anyone's attitude. As long as someone was disloyal to him, she would choose to execute that person. She would never let someone who had second thoughts to her live, let alone someone who betrayed her.

However, he couldn't be cruel to him.

Even though he knew that there really was a position for her in his heart, he still chose to believe his words. Though he made himself uncomfortable.

Her hands were tightly entwined together, and her heart was in extreme pain. However, she was still able to endure it.

She did not want to hurt him, no matter how angry or sad she was, as long as he showed her a charming smile, a sincere expression, or even a fake coaxing, she would immediately be immersed in it and would choose to forgive him.

Even though she disapproved of this matter, she suppressed the hatred in her heart. At this moment, she was thinking, when I find what I need, I definitely can't let this woman stay!

She gathered her emotions for a while before saying, "Alright, since you've made your decision, I will only show my support. Things can't be delayed any longer. Now that Wen Jiuze is dead, I feel that this matter is definitely not that simple. There must be some sort of secret behind it, and we might not have much time left. "

He did not raise his head, his hands still moved, "I will investigate the matter with Wen Jiuze thoroughly, the two of us will divide up, go investigate the warmth."

"What?" Are you doubting the warmth? "

"Warmth is not simple, it is not as simple as it appears on the surface."

The woman was a little stunned in her heart. Gentle warmth meant that her identity was not simple, because she was the only successor to Ancient Tomb of Wen Family. I know this, but does she have another identity?

"I feel that without Wen Jiuze, Ancient Tomb of Wen Family would not be able to bring about a great change, and that it would be so warm that it wouldn't even be worth mentioning."

"Aren't you thinking too simply? One day the facts will prove everything. "

As he said that, he stopped what he was doing. He carefully held onto the viscous looking object and gently placed it in my mouth. He was so focused and meticulous in his actions.

The woman looked at everything with jealousy, but was powerless to stop it.

He slowly loosened his tightly knitted eyebrows until everything was fed to my mouth.

"Alright, send her back now! We have very important things to do. " The woman said.

The man said unhappily, "She hasn't completely recovered yet. When I confirm that everything is fine, I will naturally send her back."

Ru Lai held onto something like a treasure and returned to her room. She directly went to my room.

He couldn't help but feel a little upset when he saw the empty room.

He was originally out of breath from being rushed along the way, but now he was out of breath.

"Mei Ruxue, where did you go? Don't you know that your current situation is very dangerous, very serious? " Because of her anger, Tathagata was agitated and careless. The object in his hand slipped out of his hand and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces. The items inside spilled all over the floor.

The floor was littered with the pieces of a bowl, as well as a thick green liquid.

As if he had been shocked silly, he looked at the remnants on the ground and couldn't help but turn pale, "Could it be that this is heaven's will? It's all fated by the heavens? "

"What happened? Young Master Rulai? " Grandma Hao looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

Tathagata was enraged as he gritted his teeth and said, "Grandma Hao, how are you doing these past few days? Don't you know anything about such a serious matter? "

Grandma Hao was startled by Tathagata's words. What had he done wrong again? In the past few days, his temper seemed to be especially explosive. He would always go into a rage for no reason at all.

"Young Master Rulai, what happened? Could it be that something happened to Mei Ruxue? "

"She is currently in an unknown situation. Our plan has failed."

"What?" Grandma Hao's shock was not an act, it was from the bottom of her heart. Towards these words, she could not accept it.

"Right now, she's gone missing. However, based on her current appearance, it's impossible for her to walk even a single step. So, it's very likely that she's already been viciously attacked."

Grandma Hao's face became extremely ugly.

"How can this be? How come I didn't notice any of these anomalies? "

"That's why you're neglecting your duty."

Tathagata was obviously disappointed to the extreme by Grandma Hao. He turned around and walked out the door, as if he didn't want to say another word to her.

At this moment, Grandma Hao's heart did not resent Tathagata. What she truly resented was herself. Why was she so careless, to the point where she was unable to reverse the situation?

No, he had to think of a way to salvage the situation. Perhaps, there was still room for manoeuvre?

She did not have any time to think and quickly walked out of the villa.

She didn't want to wait any longer. That would be too much of a torment for her. Right now, she had to personally find her to make up for her mistake. Otherwise, she wouldn't forgive herself.

Grandma Hao walked in a hurry, as though she did not have a specific goal in mind.

Tathagata went to the secret room in the buddhist temple. Looking at the Female Cadaver in the coffin, he said urgently, "Do you know that you made a huge mistake this time? It's all because of you. "

But the Female Cadaver did not react at all.

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