Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile.

I just accepted the benefits of the old general, and immediately rejected their request, even if it is Ye Qianxing, shameless is also sorry.

But it is impossible for him to lose his freedom.

"Old general, I am a person, uncontrolled, I just like freedom. If it is short-term, there is nothing wrong with it, but if I have to stay in the army for a long time, I am afraid I will be crazy."

Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile, and said in a tone as softly as possible.

"Oh? Do you mean that you are willing to let you join the army for a short time?"

Who knows that the old general was not disappointed when he heard Ye Qianxing's words, but was a little excited. Look like.


Ye Qianxing suddenly became a little confused, and didn't understand what the old general was excited about.

But he always feels like he has fallen into a pit.

"Hehe, short-term is also possible. I have a few internships for you. In this case, you only need to stay in the army for two months. After two months, you can Free to leave, of course, even if you want to leave during these two months, you can still leave."

The old general chuckled and said.

"Interns? The military also has interns?"

Ye Qianxing was dumbfounded, with an incredible appearance.

"Of course, and the number of internships is very precious. Once the internship period is completed, even if you leave the military, your files can still remain in the military, and you can still enjoy the military in the future. Fang’s preferential policies."

Chu Xiong said, this kind of quota is very precious, and the old general is actually willing to give it to Ye Qianxing.

It seems that he really values ​​Ye Qianxing very much.

"Generally speaking, this kind of quota is only available to the children of the family with background. Those Great Family will let the younger generation take this quota to go to the military to practice, and they can also enjoy the benefits of the military, and even It may be possible to make more contacts. It can be said that there are so many benefits." According to Chuxiong's words, Ye Qianxing has also begun to be interested in this internship.

Two months, not too long, Ye Qianxing is completely acceptable, can he refuse the request of the old general, and most importantly, he can still enjoy the benefits of the military.

Does that mean that he can directly exchange those good things with the military in the future?

"How about, Xiaoye, would you like it?"

The old general asked with a smile, while still a little nervous.

"Old general, if it is only two months old, I would naturally be willing, but..."

Hearing the previous words, the old general was very happy just about to prepare, but listen By Ye Qianxing's sentence, his heart was raised again.

"But what?"

"However, the old general, since I'm going to the military for training, I don't want to stay in the military in Jiangnan City. Of course, this is not because I look down on Jiangnan. City."

Ye Qianxing quickly explained.

"As Big Brother Chu said, Jiangnan City is located in the middle of the Celestial Kingdom. It is too comfortable. Since it is a training experience, I would like to go to relatively dangerous places so that I can truly experience it. Effect."

Hearing Ye Qianxing's words, the old general was silent for a while.

Just when Ye Qianxing thought the old general was upset, the old general was laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, Xiaoye, you really make me like it more and more. Yes, Jiangnan City is too comfortable. Only in the face of constant danger can you break through your limits."


"In this way, the border gate closest to Jiangnan City is called Southern Guard Pass. Guardian is the southern part of our Heavenly Kingdom. There happens to be an old comrade of mine. I can recommend you to it."

said the old general.

"Southern Guard Pass?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback, he didn't know the border.

After all, he has been living in Jiangnan City, and he has never understood this.

"Ai, Xiaoye, do you think why our kingdom is peaceful compared to other countries? Do you know why Jiangnan City is so comfortable? It's because of the borders."

"The warriors at the border guard the kingdom of heaven and do not allow those evil spirits or inhuman organizations outside to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is precisely because of the existence of the border that our country can be relatively peaceful, even the spirit god we met last time. Teaching invasion is almost commonplace at the border gate."

"There is no time for peace, but someone is carrying the weight for us."

Speaking of which , The old general's originally laughed expression became serious.

Ye Qianxing also immediately stood in awe when he heard the words of the old general.

There is no time to calm down, but someone is carrying the weight for us. This sentence struck a certain string in Ye Qianxing's heart and gave him a sad taste.

"Southern Guard Pass, as the name implies, guards the southern part of our heavenly kingdom. The cities in the south are so comfortable because of the existence of the Southern Guard Pass."

"Old General, I have decided, I am going to the Southern Guard Pass!"

Ye Qianxing said firmly.

If it is said that he was only for himself before, in order to be able to get better experience and earn more combat merit.

So now, he has one more reason in his heart, that is, to do what he should do.

What a celestial person should do is for the country, for the people, for relatives and friends, and for himself.

"Okay! Then I will contact my comrade-in-arms immediately, you go back and wait for the news first, I think it will not be long."

The shoulder of the old general patted Ye Qianxing, in At that moment, he felt Ye Qianxing's patriotism.

He was very pleased, although Ye Qianxing only agreed to join the military temporarily, but what about it?

As long as he has a patriotic heart, even if he is not a soldier, the old general believes that Ye Qianxing will definitely come forward in the future if he is not a soldier.

After leaving the military area, Ye Qianxing went back.

He contacted Xia Xiaoyu, Sutila, and the others to come out for a gathering, and then told them that he planned to go to the border for these two months.

Anyway, I already have a pass to recommend to the Imperial Capital Academy. Naturally, I don’t need to go to classes now. You only need to wait until the beginning of school with the pass.

When I learned that Ye Qianxing was going to the border gate, Sutila and the others also hurriedly said that they would be with Ye Qianxing.

"Well, not everyone can go, there is a certain number of places, so let me ask the old general, if possible, let him give you a place too."


With that, Ye Qianxing called the old general directly in public.

After explaining the request, the old general agreed without even thinking about it.

"I originally intended to give you all the places here. You can bring whoever you want. I have no opinion."

These are the original words of the old general. It can be seen that he is still very optimistic about Ye Qianxing.

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