After knowing that he could also go to the border to practice, Sutila and the others expressed that they were very happy. Several people ordered a table of wine and bluntly said that they were not drunk.

Ye Qianxing also let go and drink.

At the dinner table, Ye Qianxing took out the box with the inner armor and handed it to Xia Xiaoyu.

"Xiao Yu, I gave this to you. Put it on, and you will be fine even if you encounter D-Rank evil spirits in the future."

Ye Qianxing said.

Xia Xiaoyu hearing this was moved suddenly.

"Brother Brother Xing, I can't accept it, it's too expensive."

Xia Xiaoyu waved her hands again and again. As the daughter of Xia Family, she is not without eyesight.

The inner armor that can withstand the attacks of D-Rank evil spirits must be extremely precious, the kind that money can't buy.

"No matter how precious you are, will your life be precious? If you listen to Brother Xing, you will accept it, otherwise I will be angry."

With that, Ye Qianxing Straighten up his face.

Xia Xiaoyu's tears were immediately moved.

At this time Sutila joked quickly to ease the atmosphere.

"Cough Cough, Thousand Stars, you can't be so partial and forget what you want to see. You only prepare such a good gift for Xiaoyu, don't you give us some preparations?"

"Well, I just forget what color is righteous, who made you colorless?"

Ye Qianxing shrugged and said.

"Actually Qianxing, if you don't mind, I don't mind either."

As he said, Sutila still pretended to be ashamed, and blinked at Ye Qianxing. Blinked.

Ye Qianxing almost spit out the overnight meal.

But it was just such a joke that restored Xia Xiaoyu to her state, and she was no longer pretending to be.

Guaranteeing your own safety is the greatest reward to Brother Brother Xing.

"Okay, to be honest, I actually want to prepare for you all, but the strength he doesn't allow, but it doesn't matter, we can earn merit points when we reach the border, when the time Comes can redeem these treasures, me and you generals, there are many good things for the military."

Ye Qianxing explained, everyone looked forward to it.

They didn't think about how dangerous it would be to go to the border, but they were looking forward to the experience there.

Ye Qianxing didn't hit them either, they would naturally feel it after they went there.

Now, let's give them a beautiful fantasy.

A few more days, in the past few days, Ye Qianxing didn't go to school, so they stayed in Chuangshen Studio most of the time.

This makes those customers happy.

The original limitations of Chuangshen Studio really made them feel uncomfortable, and they often had to make an appointment for a few days.

Well, Ye Qianxing and the others have more time, and the restrictions have been relaxed.

More and more customers came to the door. During this time, in just a few days, Ye Qianxing made a lot of money.

Until the old general called, he said he had contacted the old comrades on the Southern Guard Pass.

Let them go today.

So, after packing his luggage, Ye Qianxing took Xia Xiaoyu and the others to the military area.

Chu Xiong had been waiting outside early, but this time he was not alone, and there was a youngster by his side.

I look familiar at a glance, but when I take a closer look, isn’t this exactly the Deng Rong of the Wolf Warrior Academy?

"Brother Ye, you are finally here."

Chuxiong moved towards Ye Qianxing said hello, and found that he was staring at Deng Rong, so he quickly explained.

"That's the case, Xiao Dengzi also plans to go to the Southern Guard Pass, but he is different from you. You go as an intern, and he directly chooses to join the Southern Guard Pass."

Upon hearing Chu Xiong's words, Ye Qianxing looked towards Deng Rong's expression suddenly admired.

Regardless of his character and strength, at least his willingness to join the Southern Guard Pass is worthy of his admiration.

Once fully enlisted, unless they reach retirement age or are seriously injured, they are not allowed to leave, otherwise they are considered deserters.

In this way, Deng Rong is still willing to join, which shows his firm will.

The Southern Guard Pass is no better than Jiangnan City, where you have to face danger all the time. Maybe you were chatting with your teammates in the last second, and the next moment was killed in Yellow Springs.

"Since we are walking together, then take care of each other."

Ye Qianxing extended the hand to Deng Rong, and the two shook hands, even if they were all relieved.

"Let’s go, the old general’s comrade-in-arms has already sent someone to pick you up. It should be almost time to see."

Chu Xiong said, the entire group entered the military area, where there are The apron dedicated to receiving fighter jets.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Qianxing got there, they saw a very dazzling helicopter.

Although it is a helicopter, there are many equipment that a fighter jet should have, and it even comes with many new technological weapons, such as laser cannons, etc. The formidable power is absolutely super powerful.

"Are you six? They are all small dolls."

A middle-aged man of about 30 years old came out of the helicopter with a slab-inch head and a special dress. The uniform, dark skin and strong muscles all show his strong combat effectiveness.

"Little children, you are sure to go to the Southern Guard Pass, I can tell you that, there, no one will give you special care because of your young age, whether you are the son of a high official or After the nobility, when you arrive at the border, you all have only one identity, that is, the warrior."

"In the face of life and death, you are all equal."

middle-aged man moved towards Ye Qianxing said several people.

"Don't worry, these few have directly experienced the invasion war a while ago. They all understand these."

Chu Xiong spoke, middle-aged. man This is nodded.

"Well, since none of you want to quit, let's go. I can tell you that I hate deserters the most. Once you get on my plane, if you want to regret it, I will I just threw it down to you, I did what I said."

The middle-aged man continued, seeing no one speaks yet, nodded, he got into the plane.

Ye Qianxing shook hands with Chu Xiong, and asked him to help with the old general after he got on the plane.

Soon, the plane started and flew in the air, watching the buildings below get smaller and smaller until they turned into black spots, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but sigh.

This is the first time he has taken a plane, and it is also the first time he has left Jiangnan to go to other cities.

Although he already has ideas beyond peers, he is still only a minor after all. At this time, apart from excitement, he still can't help but feel a little nervous.

"There are water and bags on the plane. If you get airsick, you will vomit it in the bag. But if you really get airsick, then I advise you not to go. The bones are too bad, and you will be tortured if you go. ."

The middle-aged man said while driving the plane.

Although his tone is very bad, Ye Qianxing can also hear that he is actually for their good.

Maybe these guys from the military are too straight to speak euphemistically.

However, Ye Qianxing also likes these straight-tempered people. If he always likes to make rounds, he doesn't like it on the contrary.

People like that are too tiring to get along with.

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