Southern Guard Pass is located in the southernmost part of the Celestial Dynasty, and belongs to the area of ​​southern Yunnan.

The speed of the helicopter was very fast, and several flying evil spirits were encountered on the way, but they were all directly bombarded by the laser cannons on the plane and turned into dust.

Two hours later, Ye Qianxing and the others could already vaguely see the magnificent Great Wall below.

The ancient Great Wall once helped the Southern Guard Pass to block many evil spirits and cultists who wanted to sneak into the kingdom of heaven.

Before the new era, the ancient Great Wall resisted foreign invasion, and with the advent of the new era, the Great Wall still guarded the heavenly dynasty.

After the plane landed, the middle-aged Na Cuntou moved towards Ye Qianxing and the others said.

"Come with me, the commander is waiting for you."

As he said, the middle-aged walked directly in one direction, and the six Ye Qianxing hurriedly followed .

Soon, they came to a camp.

There are two people in the camp, an old man about 60 years old, and a woman about 30 years old.

The sixty-year-old man sat there, approving documents, while the thirty-year-old woman stood respectfully.

"Old Xiao, the man has already been brought."

The middle-aged Ban Cuntou shouted respectfully, and the old man lifted the head.

Although there is a solemn killing aura in the imposing manner, the expressions looking towards Ye Qianxing and the others at this time are full of kindness.

"You are the young people that Old Chen said? I am the Chief-In-Charge of the Southern Guard Pass. You can call me Old Xiao."

Old Xiao hehe said with a smile, and then pointed to the middle-aged woman next to her.

"This is the Captain of the tenth platoon of the Great Wall Garrison, Murong Yu, you can go to her, I have important things here, I can’t entertain you anymore."

Ye Qianxing looked towards This platoon named Murong Yu is long and is about 30 years old. Although he stays at the border all the year round, his skin is well maintained.

Murong Yu looks very beautiful, but not that kind of beauty, but in terms of appearance, Ye Qianxing can only give her seven points.

But her body reveals a beauty not conceding to men, very heroic.

Murong Yu's face is straight at the moment, and I don't know if it is because of Ye Qianxing that they have this expression, or it has always been this expression.

"You come with me."

As he said, Murong Yu didn't care if Ye Qianxing followed or not, so he left.

Ye Qianxing suddenly felt that these soldiers were swift and decisive. Old Xiao was like that, that pilot was like this, and Murongyu was like that.

But it's normal to think about it. There may be a mortal danger on the battlefield for even a second. Perhaps it is this kind of environment that creates their swift and decisive character.

Ye Qianxing and the others quickly followed along, and finally came to another military camp.

"The Great Wall Defense Army is divided into ten platoons, each platoon is divided into one hundred squads, and each squad has one hundred people, although Old Xiao said let me try my best to arrange six of you in one squad , But it's a pity that there is a problem with the personnel allocation, so the six of you scored among the three squads."

Murong Yu said.

"I have assigned it to you, who is Ye Qianxing?"

"I." Ye Qianxing stood up.

Murong Yu glanced at him and said.

"Remember, this is a military camp. You can't answer anything else, you can only answer it."

"You and Deng Rong are assigned to the tenth squad."

Ye Qianxing was slightly taken aback when he heard Murong's words, and Xia Xiaoyu also showed disappointment.

She originally thought that she could be put into a team with Ye Qianxing.

"Do you have any comments on your distribution?"

Seeing the expressions of Ye Qianxing and Xia Xiaoyu, Murongyu asked.

Ye Qianxing just wanted to speak, Murong Yu spoke again.

"Even if you have comments, it is useless. They have been assigned and cannot be changed, at least for now."

Ye Qianxing was speechless for a while. It was you who asked if you had any comments. You are the one who says that it is useless to have opinions.

"Su Tila, Xia Xiaoyu and Zhou Yue are assigned to the seventh squad."

"As for you, Zhou Lang, you are assigned to the first squad."

Murong Yu continued.

"This is your status token. Take the status token and report to your respective squad."

Murong Yu threw a few small cards to Ye Qianxing and the others. Sit down and approve the documents.

Ye Qianxing and the others sighed after leaving the camp.

"It's okay, at least it's a platoon, and it's still in the same military camp, and the Murong language has also been said, and it can't be changed for the time being, which means there is still a chance."

Ye Qianxing comforted.

"Don't worry, Qianxing, I will take care of Xiaoyu for you."

Sudila said with a humble expression, Ye Qianxing immediately rewarded him with a roll of eyes.

"It doesn't matter who takes care of who."


"Brother, I'm not by your side, you must pay attention to safety. And your personality has to be changed. Don’t be too shy. You have to get in touch with the people on your squad. Maybe they can help you in the future..."

Zhou Yue faces Zhou Lang A lot of talk, but Zhou Lang just replied with a yes.

After chatting for a while, several people moved towards the area where their squad was located, and Deng Rong followed Ye Qianxing.

"Hehe, Brother Xing, didn't expect that we were actually assigned to a team. Take care of us in the future."

Deng Rong chuckled and said, Ye Qianxing did not treat him long ago. I was disgusted, so I also smiled.

"Take care of each other."

When they said this, the two had already reached the area of ​​the tenth squad, which was a yard that didn't seem to be small.

Two fully armed soldiers stood at the gate of the yard.

"Two big brothers, we are new here."

Deng Rong stepped forward and handed the status token to the two soldiers guarding the gate. One of them took a look He said something to follow me.

Then they moved towards the courtyard, Ye Qianxing and Deng Rong quickly followed.

Soon, the soldiers brought Ye Qianxing and two to a man about forty years old.

"Captain, both of them are new recruits, just here."

"Well, step back."

The man was nodded and waved to the soldiers Back down, and then looked towards Ye Qianxing and Deng Rong.

"Platoon said that there will be two new recruits, it is you, promise, this is your combat uniform and some basic weapons."

The man pointed Pointing to a small room, Ye Qianxing and Deng Rong walked in. There were indeed some clothes, bulletproof vests, and weapons such as pistols and ordinary daggers.

Although these were of no use to Ye Qianxing, he still put them on.

This is not only used to protect themselves, but also represents their identity.

"You are here at the right time. Our squad has just received the task, but there is not enough manpower."

After Ye Qianxing and the others are dressed and armed, Small Captain said .

Ye Qianxing looked happy when he learned that there was a mission. If there is a mission, it means he has a military exploit. This is a good thing.

However, the next sentence of Small Captain disappointed Ye Qianxing.

"Just as you are here, the task of guarding the gate is left to you."

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