"...Small Captain, I want to participate in this mission."

Ye Qianxing thought for a while, but decided to speak out his own thoughts.

Deng Rong also echoed nodded again and again, they are not here to keep the gate.

Small Captain hearing this frowned.

"Naughty, you just came here, don’t understand anything, what qualifications to participate in the mission, and this mission has a very high risk factor, you just went to courting death, not only courting death, but also He dragged his legs and killed his comrade-in-arms!"

Small Captain angrily shouted, but then seemed to realize that he seemed a little too strict with the two recruits, and his tone softened slightly.

"I know that you just came to the border, and you all want to contribute to the country, but the premise of contributing to the country is to ensure your own safety. If you lose your life, how can you guard home, defend the What about the country?"

"Don't worry, after you get acquainted with here, your mission is absolutely indispensable."

"Small Captain, trust us, we can really participate this time The task will not be delayed."

Ye Qianxing insisted.

Small Captain frowned again. The mission was about to begin. He didn't have much time wasting persuading.

So he rolled his eyes and thought of a way.

"If you don't want to drag your feet, you have to have enough strength, Erdan, Tiezhu, you are out!"

Hearing the words of Small Captain, two in their twenties The young man came out.

"The two of them are at the bottom of our squad. As long as you two can defeat them, then I admit that you are eligible to participate in this mission."

Hear Small For Captain, Ye Qianxing was overjoyed and quickly said yes.

The two young people came out and faced Ye Qianxing and Deng Rong. Standing opposite Ye Qianxing was the young man called Erdan, who looked the same as his name, very honest and honest. .

"Little brother, if I accidentally use a lot of strength later, don't blame me."

Erdan laughed.

"Brother Erdan, I will give you these words too."

Ye Qianxing smiled, and after the two cup one fist in the other hand, they fought Posture.


Following the order of Small Captain, Erdan rushed towards Ye Qianxing directly, and a left uppercut moved towards his head.

This product is not very polite, Ye Qianxing thought he would still say let him do something first.

Erdan, as a warrior who has fought in the border for so long, his personal strength is much stronger than ordinary people.

At least Ye Qianxing is sure that if he is to face two or three adults, it will definitely take five minutes to solve it.

This is still no killer. After all, a warrior learns killing skills. If there are restrictions, the strength will naturally be greatly reduced.

Unfortunately, Ye Qianxing is not an ordinary person. Facing Erdan's left uppercut, Ye Qianxing just leaned back slightly and hid.

"Oh, the reaction ability is good."

Small Captain was surprised when he saw this. He could see that what Ye Qianxing had just dodged was just right.

But from this, it can be shown that Ye Qianxing is a practicing family.

Erdan was also a little surprised, but then it was another right uppercut, but Ye Qianxing quickly passed it.

"Don't waste time."

Small Captain spoke. Erdan became a little anxious at first, and began to wave his fists constantly.

But Ye Qianxing knew that Small Captain was actually speaking to himself, so he stopped being polite to Erdan, and directly grabbed the punch that Erdan slapped, and then quickly moved towards He threw a punch in the head.


His fist stopped when he was one centimeter away from Erdan's forehead, Erdan took a long breath.

Although he didn't get to this fist, he could guess from the strong wind brought by this fist. If it really hits his head, I'm afraid he can get a concussion directly.

"Thank you."

Erdan smiled honestly at Ye Qianxing, and did not vent his grievances to Ye Qianxing because of his loss.

"I'm sorry, Brother Erdan."

Ye Qianxing also smiled guiltily and hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

After all, this can be considered the task of stealing the second egg.

"Hahaha, there is nothing to be sorry for, but I am not as skilled as humans."

Erdan looked very generous, and then said to Small Captain.

"Captain, I lost, I am indeed inferior to this Little Brother, and I am sure that there are quite a few people in the team who are inferior to this Little Brother."

"Hey, Erdan, I don’t like to listen to you, let me meet him!"

"Let me come, I don’t believe that a recruit can beat me."

When I heard Erdan's words, some people immediately became unhappy and said one after another.

Ye Qianxing glanced at Erdan faintly, this guy was pulling hatred for himself.

"It's all quiet, I want to have a chance after the duel, we have to perform the task, Erdan, you and this Deng Rong stay here to guard the goal, Tie Zhu, return to the team!"

Small Captain yelled and Deng Rong played against Tie Zhu, but unfortunately he lost his skills.

After all, Tie Zhu has also performed several missions at the border, and he has fought evil spirits and cultists several times. He must be better than Deng Rong, a recruit who just came out of the Academy.

Ye Qianxing's words were purely an accident.

"It's okay, I will definitely bring you next time I have a mission."

Ye Qianxing patted Deng Rong's shoulder, comfortable.

"Well, Brother Xing, remember to tell me about the task execution process when you come back."

Although Deng Rong was disappointed, he didn't say anything.

After finishing finishing squad, he left the barracks.

Soon several large military trucks appeared in front of Ye Qianxing. One large truck can hold more than 20 people, and five trucks are filled with exactly one squad.

Ye Qianxing was assigned to the Small Captain car. After driving, Small Captain moved towards Ye Qianxing said.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My surname is Li, and I have a single name. You can call me Li team, or you can call me Jie like them. Both are fine. We don’t have too many rules here."

"Okay, then I will call you Jie Ge."

Ye Qianxing nodded, calling Jie sounds more intimate.

Li Jie said yes, and then continued.

"I put you in my car just to tell you about this mission. It's not very complicated. Our mission this time is a rescue mission..."

Li Jie Small Captain told Ye Qianxing of this mission, including all the details.

Because once a small detail is overlooked, it may cause the task to fail.

According to Li Jie, the mission this time is a rescue mission, and the goal of the rescue is an elite medical squad from the Celestial Kingdom.

Not long ago, a human city in South Vietnam was hit by a virus. As a neighbor of South Vietnam, the Chinese Dynasty sent a medical squad to that city.

However, they learned not long ago that the city was invaded by the spiritual gods, and the target of the spiritual gods seems to be the medical squad.

So, their task is to go to that city and bring the medical squad back safely.

If you have the conditions, it would be great if you can help that city fight against the spiritual gods.

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