"Our main task is to rescue the medical team. If conditions permit, we can try to rescue as many people as possible."

Li Jie said, Ye Qianxing also understood this task. Target.

"By the way, this is your combat exploits bracelet. If this mission can be completed by Perfection, we estimate that we should be able to gain a lot of combat exploits."

Li Jie will be a combat exploit. The bracelet was handed to Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing took the bracelet, fiddled with it, and soon the screen lit up.

"Hey, why do you have one hundred combat merits directly?"

Li Jie was a little surprised when he saw the number one hundred displayed on the Ye Qianxing bracelet.

Ye Qianxing was also a little surprised, but immediately understood.

"It should be that I have made some contributions in the war of spiritual invasion in Jiangnan City before."

Ye Qianxing explained that he didn't expect old The general actually helped him count into the battle exploits.

Because the combat merit bracelet is universal in the celestial dynasty, so no matter where it is, as long as the combat merit is obtained, it can be displayed.

"Well, I also heard about Jiangnan City. You can get a hundred combat merit points, which shows that you have made a lot of effort in that war. Even if you are here, I think It is not easy to get one hundred combat points."

Li Jie looked at Ye Qianxing with a little shock and said.

Just when Ye Qianxing wanted to be humble, the brother who was driving suddenly spoke.

"Captain, Jiangcheng is coming soon."

Jiangcheng is the destination of this trip. It is a city on the border between the Kingdom of Heaven and South Vietnam. There are people from the Celestial Kingdom. There are also South Vietnamese.

So this time the mission is mainly to rescue the medical squad. If possible, we also need to save some compatriots as much as possible.

"Okay, speed up, we have to arrive as soon as possible, otherwise in case the medical squad goes out..."

Before Li Jie finished speaking, the whole car stopped suddenly. The warriors in the carriage fell down suddenly.

Ye Qianxing grabbed the railing in time to barely stabilize.

"What's wrong!"

Li Jie shouted furiously, and the driver rang out in horror.

"Captain, we are surrounded!"


Li Jie's eyes suddenly widened, and a group of people quickly opened the car door vehicle.

Only then did they discover that the cars in front had overturned, and a group of evil spirits and demons surrounded them.

Looking at this number, it is no less than them.

"Damn, we are overcast, these beasts knew we would come."

Li Jie was so angry that his faces were shaking, and all the warriors were assembled at this time. Together.

It's just a pity that several of the warriors who drove in the front car were killed.

The warriors who escaped also suffered a lot of injuries.

The finished apprenticeship was unfavorable, and a few pawns were lost on the way, which made Li Jie very angry.

"jié jié jié, I have known for a long time that your celestial military will send people to support, but didn't expect only one squad came, which is really a shame."

The half-human, half-tiger cultist stood up, and beside him stood a dark tiger.

Spirit Pet: Shadow Tiger King

attribute: Shadow Element

Evaluation: Three-star half grade

Level: E9

Abilities: nether shadow raid, dark energy release

Weaknesses: Light Element, thunder and lightning system

Promotion conditions:...

Evolution route:...

Behind this tiger demon, there were dozens of demon men and evil spirits who were not bad in strength.

Is this the rhythm to destroy them?

"Ready to fight!"

Li Jie loudly shouted, and all warriors sent out their Spirit Pet summon.

At the border, the types of Spirit Pets of the warriors are relatively unlimited.

Some are tigers, some are wolves, some are lions, and some are crocodiles.

However, what the warriors pay attention to is their own battle strength after all, so their Spirit Pet is relatively not very strong, and there are not many of them above ELevel 5.

Li Jie also brought out his Spirit Pet summon.

Spirit Pet: Wild Golden Ox

attribute: Combat system

Rating: 3-Star level

Level: E6


Abilities: violent impact, rage

Weaknesses: flight system, ghost system

Advancement conditions:...

Evolution route:...


Li Jie loudly shouted, and all the warriors rushed towards the group of demons and evil spirits with their Spirit Pet fearless.

Although they knew the disparity in strength between the two sides, they still chose to fight without hesitation.

It is because of the belief in the warrior's heart that is rather die than submit.

Li Jie also ordered his violent Golden Ox to kill the Shadow Tiger King, however, the levels of the two are too far apart.

The violent Golden Ox can't even touch the Shadow Tiger King.

"jié jié jié, go to hell!"

The tiger demon sneaked up, turning his body into an afterimage to kill Li Jie.

Li Jie quickly drew out his pistol, moved towards it and shot fiercely.

I have to say that Li Jie is a Small Captain, Spear Art is really good, every shot can hit the tiger demon.

But unfortunately, they were blocked by Tiger Demon's claws as hard as Vajra.

"Look at my alloy bullet."

Li Jie was coldly snorted and quickly took out an alloy bullet and put it in the magazine.

Then moved towards the tiger demon shooting.

Tiger demon seemed to have noticed the difference in this bullet, and his face suddenly changed.

At this moment, it can't hide, it can only raise its arms to resist.

The alloy bullet directly penetrated the tiger demon's arm, but it did not hit its vitals either.

On the contrary, he angered the tiger demon.

"Dare to hurt me, I want you to die!"

The tiger demon roared, and the speed suddenly increased.

Li Jie didn’t have time to put in the second alloy bullet, it was already pulled in front of Li Jie, and the sharp claw moved towards Li Jie’s neck fiercely pierced.

Li Jie eyes shrank, although he is powerful, it is only compared to the ordinary person.

In front of such a demon with evil spiritual power, he is nothing at all.


Just when Li Jie thought he was bound to die, a silhouette appeared in front of him.

It is Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing held the alloy dagger in his hand, which happened to block the sharp claw of the tiger demon.


The tiger demon was a little surprised, the human being in front of him was able to block his own attack.

"Xiao Ye, run fast, you are not his opponent!"

Li Jie shouted behind him.

Although he is very grateful to Ye Qianxing for saving him, he knows that even if he has a spiritual outfit, an ordinary person is impossible to be a monster's opponent.

"Brother Jie, this monster is handed over to me."

Ye Qianxing said indifferently, and before Li Jie could speak, he moved towards the tiger demon fiercely kick go with.

"hmph, overestimate one's capabilities."

The tiger demon coldly snorted, also kicked and collided with two feet, something unexpected happened.

The Tiger Demon actually went backwards several steps, but Ye Qianxing stayed still.

"He actually repelled the demon?"

Both eyes of Li Jie were about to come out, he was too surprised.

"Vajra! Erbaiwu!"

Ye Qianxing yelled, and the silhouettes of Vajra and Erbaiwu appeared beside him.

Li Jie is shocked again, he actually has two Spirit Pets!

And from this imposing manner, I feel that the breath of these two Spirit Pets is not weak.

"Do you want three to one?"

The tiger demon glare like a tiger watching his prey, staring at Ye Qianxing, and Erbaiwu and Vajra beside him.

Ye Qianxing alone is not easy to deal with, coupled with two powerful Spirit Pets, I am afraid he can only temporarily avoid the edge.

"Three fights one? You also deserve it?"

Ye Qianxing was sneaked, and then said to Vajra and Erbaiwu.

"Those little ones will leave it to you, don't keep one."

Vajra and Erbaiwu were nodded at the same time, they moved towards the monsters and evil spirits and rushed away.

"hmph, believe oneself infallible human beings, you are bring about one's own destruction."

Tiger demon sneaked, if only Ye Qianxing is one, it would still have a battle. force.

Ye Qianxing ignored the tiger demon, but rushed directly towards it, very fast.

"Shadow attack!"

The tiger demon loudly shouted, next moment, its silhouette disappeared out of thin air.

This is the ability of the Shadow Tiger King, this demon actually inherited the ability of the Shadow Tiger King.

Ye Qianxing stabbed the air with a knife. At this time, his sensitive perception suddenly noticed a killing intent sweeping from his left side.

The distance is very close, even less than one meter!

But Ye Qianxing can't know the specific location, so he can't resist and can only avoid it.

"Space transfer."

Ye Qianxing loudly shouts and silhouette also disappeared out of thin air.

At the moment he disappeared, two paws crossed. If he was still standing there at this time, the position where the two paws crossed would happen to be his neck.

"How is it possible? How could he be so fast as a human?"

The tiger demon said in an incredible way, showing his figure.

In its view, Ye Qianxing escaped its attack by virtue of speed.

At this time, the tiger demon began to look around for Ye Qianxing's traces. However, it was surprised to find that Ye Qianxing was gone.

"Are you looking for me?"

At this moment, a familiar and cold voice rang in its ears.


The tiger demon creded out in surprise, turning around almost subconsciously.

And the moment it turned around, a fist magnified in front of its eyes.

Next moment, it felt that its face was hit hard by something, and a powerful force directly shook its whole body out.

The tiger demon quickly opened his eyes forcibly, and saw the alloy dagger in Ye Qianxing's hand close in front of him.

As a tiger demon who has fought countless times with the military, it knows the horror of these spiritual weapons. If it is stabbed, it is impossible to block it with his defensive power.

"Shadow attack!"

The tiger demon shouted again, and his body disappeared again.

But Ye Qianxing remained unmoved at all, and continued to move towards that position.

It's just invisible, but it still exists in that place.

Sure enough, Ye Qianxing soon felt his dagger inserted somewhere, and a burst of blood spurted out.

But this time a paw also moved towards his chest and patted it.

"If you want to die, then die together!"

The tiger demon's almost crazy voice sounded, and the sharp claws flicked across Ye Qianxing's chest fiercely.


Li Jie, who was not far away watching the game, creded out in surprise, but then his sad expression froze.

Ye Qianxing stood in place, five more scratches appeared on the clothes on his chest, but there was no blood spraying out like the tiger demon imagined.

On the contrary, a faint golden light flashed away. Through those scratches, it can be seen that Ye Qianxing's skin is not damaged at all.

There is not even a trace of white marks.

It’s as if it wasn’t caught at all.

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