"How is this possible!"

Tiger Demon's unbelievable voice sounded from the void, maybe it just used some method to keep Ye Qianxing's knife from stabbing to the point.

But what is certain is that it must be injured because there is still blood on the dagger.

"Hellfire, Nether Flame Strike!"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, a black flame shot out from his eyes and hit the air in front of him.


Suddenly, a tragic scream sounded, next moment, the body of the tiger demon appeared.

Its right shoulder was pierced by Ye Qianxing's dagger, and he was holding his head with one hand at this time, screaming in pain.


Ye Qianxing furiously shouted, drew out the dagger, and then fiercely inserted it into the tiger demon's neck fiercely.

The tiger demon was burned by hellfire's soul and could not hide.

The dagger was smoothly inserted into the tiger demon's neck, and the blood donated gushing out like spring water.

The tiger demon's eyes clearly revealed an unwilling look, but he couldn't stop Death God's summon, and fell straight down.

The dead cannot die again.

And at this time, those monsters and evil spirits are also dying under the cooperation of Erbaiwu and Vajra.

Those monsters and evil spirits are at most the strength of some E-ranks. How could they be the opponents of Erbaiwu and Vajra.

So it was almost a unilateral massacre, and none of them ran away.

"Xiao Ye, thanks to you this time, otherwise, we may not only fail to complete the mission, but the entire army will be wiped out."

Li Jie said with lingering fear.

He began to be grateful that he brought Ye Qianxing, otherwise he would be besieged by the spiritual gods this time, it would definitely be ten deaths without life.

It's fine if they die, but if the mission is not completed, then the loss of the celestial dynasty will be great.

Those members of the medical team are all elites from the heavenly dynasty.

"Brother Jie, let’s not talk about it yet. We have to go to Jiangcheng as soon as possible. Now that the spirits of the Spiritual God Sect know our whereabouts, they will probably also know our mission, medical treatment. The group may be dangerous."

Ye Qianxing said anxiously.

Li Jie immediately complexion changed, and then he said to the players.

"Get in the car and speed up!"


Everyone got in the car and continued moving towards Jiangcheng.

This time under siege, six people died and twenty people were injured on the tenth squad. The expression on Li Jie's face was obviously very sad.

"Brother Jie, you are not to blame. After all, no one knows that this will happen. Now that you have chosen to become a member of the border garrison, you are already ready to die."

Ye Qianxing patted Li Jie said on the shoulder.

"I also know, but it is impossible to say that it is impossible to be sad. After all, we are also comrades-in-arms who have been together for several years or even more than ten years, but don't worry, I will not do tasks with emotions. "

Li Jie forced a smile and said.

Because this time it is speeding up, it was originally expected to be half an hour away, and it was only ten minutes to arrive.

Jiangcheng city gate has broken open, Li Jie ordered everyone to park their cars outside and enter on foot.

After all, the situation created by driving is too great. Their main purpose is not to fight with spirits, but to rescue.

"Brother Jie, do you know the location of the medical team?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"Well, the people from the medical team sent us the military location. It seems to be hidden in an abandoned warehouse in the city."

Li Jie took out an electronic map, There is a mark on it, which should be the location of the medical team.

The entire group quietly entered the city, but soon discovered a problem.

They did not find a spiritualist, nor an evil spirit, but there were still many humans roaming on the street.

"What's the matter? Did the Spiritual God Sect retreat?"

Li Jie asked with some doubts, they stepped forward and came behind the nearest person.

Li Jie patted that man's shoulder.

"Hello, may I ask..."

Before Li Jie had finished speaking, the man turned around, and Li Jie was about to blurt out the words and swallowed his stomach.

I saw that the person's face didn't look like a person's face at all, it was almost like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of skin.

At first glance, it can scare a person out of heart disease. It is also because Li Jie has a strong psychological quality after joining the army for so many years.

Changing to another person, I’m afraid I’ll be fainted.

"Be careful!"

Ye Qianxing suddenly shouted loudly, almost when he tone barely fell, the man opened his mouth and moved towards Li Jie and bit him.

Although Li Jie is no match for those monsters, he is also a Small Captain and experienced after all.

I reacted immediately and kicked fiercely on that person's stomach.

The huge force kicked the man out directly.

But the shock also attracted the attention of many people on the street, and they all turned around.

Hiss! ! !

Everyone suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

All the people on the street have become human skin skeletons without any flesh.

Well, this term can't be used to describe them perfectly, like a skeleton in human skin.

"áo hǒu!"

Those human skin skeletons seem to smell the breath of living people, and they baring fangs and brandishing claws moved towards Ye Qianxing entire group and rushed towards them.


Li Jie was shocked and quickly gave orders. These people are obviously no longer humans, so naturally they don't need to be merciful.

"crack crack!"

The sound of firearm insurance sounded one after another, followed by sudden gunfire.

All the warriors took their weapons and moved towards the group of human skin skeletons and shot them, and every bullet could shoot through their bodies.

However, the warriors soon discovered something was wrong.

The human skin skeletons who were hit by the bullet, if they were hit in their arms or body, they would still rush towards them like a okay person.

And if you hit the thigh, you drag a leg or crawl towards them with your hands.

It's as if they don't feel pain at all.

This reminds Ye Qianxing of a legendary creature, zombie.

A zombie is a creature without consciousness and pain, and it is transformed by humans.

This group of human skin skulls is somewhat similar to the legendary zombie.

Ye Qianxing stared closely at the group of human skin skulls and opened the eyes of the system for data analysis.

Evil Spirit: Corpse Puppet

Attribute: Ghost System

Level: F1 to F9 level ranging

Features: death state, Consciousness disappeared, no pain, extremely sensitive to vitality

Weakness: headshot or beheaded, destroying their nerve center

"Aim at their heads, headshot!"

Ye Qianxing moved towards warrior shouted.

Then he immediately pulled out the pistol and moved towards the nearest corpse puppet and shot it in the head.


Although Ye Qianxing has never fired a gun, every boy has an inexplicable hobby about guns, and Ye Qianxing is no exception.

Although he has never fired a real gun, he has played with a fake gun. With his strong physical fitness and sensitive perception, he actually hit the head of the corpse puppet with a single shot.

The formidable power of this gun in Ye Qianxing's hand is so great that it directly exploded the head of the corpse puppet.

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