The headless corpse fell directly to the ground without getting up, and the dead could not die again.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing really killed the corpse puppet, those warriors moved towards the corpse puppet's head and shot.

I have to say that they are all battle-tested warriors, Spear Art is very powerful, almost no bullet was wasted, each of them successfully headed the corpse puppet.

After a while, all the puppets in the whole street were headshot, not one left.

"Brother Jie, you can't delay any longer, you must find the medical team as soon as possible."

Ye Qianxing said anxiously, at this time he already had a bad feeling.

"Speed ​​up, and meet this kind of'person' on the road again, Execute without any mercy!"

Li Jie immediately issued the order.

The entire group speeds up and moved towards the abandoned factory that Li Jie said.

Fortunately, all the corpse puppets I met on the road did not meet any monsters or evil spirits.

To deal with these corpse puppets, you don't even need Ye Qianxing to take action. Knowing their weaknesses, the warriors can easily kill them.

Soon, they came to the abandoned factory.

There were several soldiers with guns guarding outside the factory, and they all raised their guns when they heard the sound.

"We were sent by the Southern Guard Pass to rescue you!"

Li Jie hurriedly explained, and the soldiers suddenly looked happy.

After Ye Qianxing and the others entered the factory, they found many civilians and soldiers inside. A middle-aged man who looked like an officer came up.

"You are finally here, I'm afraid we won't be able to hide if we don't come again."

The officer came forward and shook hands with Li Jie.

"Will it be convenient for us to tell us about what happened recently, and where is the medical team now?" Li Jie asked quickly.

"The medical team is inside, I'll take you there first."

With that, the officer moved towards a room.

"You stay outside and guard, Xiaoye, let's go in."

Li Jie said, he has unconsciously regarded Ye Qianxing as an extremely important one in the team.

Otherwise, we won't let other warriors stay outside, just bring him in.

Ye Qianxing did not refuse, and followed Li Jie and the officer into the room.

In the room, there are five people wearing white protective suits. Except for them, there are stretchers. On the stretchers are all corpses.

It's just that their mouths are sealed, and their bodies are also tied. They can only struggle, but they can't get rid of them.

Those five people wearing white protective suits are doing research, presumably they are an elite medical team from the celestial dynasty.

But Ye Qianxing was a little surprised that the people in this medical team seemed to be young, and everyone seemed to be in their twenties or thirties.

One of the women looks very young, probably just twenty.

"Xiao Ye, are you surprised? Regardless of their age, but in terms of popularity and strength, many medical professors in the Celestial Kingdom are inferior to them."

Li Jie He whispered in Ye Qianxing's ear.

Such an achievement can be achieved at a young age, no wonder the military regulations bring them back safely after all.

"Young Lady Chen, the support sent by the celestial dynasty has arrived."

The officer walked up to the twenty-year-old woman and said respectfully.

A soldier is a guard home, defend the country, and a doctor is a rescuer for the wounded. Both are professions for the country and the people, so they deserve mutual respect.

The woman called Young Lady Chen stopped her movements and walked in front of Li Jie and Ye Qianxing.

When she took off the mask, Ye Qianxing discovered that she was not only young, but also extremely beautiful.

"After our research, we found that the people in Jiangcheng didn't seem to be infected with the virus this time, because I didn't get any new viruses from them."

Young Lady Chen She opened her mouth and said, her voice was very gentle, belonging to the kind of feeling that made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Why is that?"

Li Jie asked quickly, but Young Lady Chen shook the head.

"This is still unknown."

"If it is not a virus, I guess it is related to evil spirits."

At this time Ye Qianxing suddenly spoke. Immediately, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"This is?"

The officer moved towards Li Jie asked.

"Oh, this is a member of our squad. We are very strong. We were ambushed outside the city. If it weren't for him this time, we would have been wiped out."

Li Jie spoke frankly, the officer suddenly looked towards Ye Qianxing with respect.

Soldiers have always respected the strong.

Young Lady Chen asked with a frown.

"Why do you say it is related to evil spirits?"

"Guess, based on feelings."

Ye Qianxing shrugged and said, he naturally didn't He would say that this is what he saw with the eyes of the system.

The data analysis given by the Eye of System said that these corpse puppets are evil spirits, so it is obvious that they have become so sure that they cannot be separated from the evil spirits.

And why the Spiritual God Church suddenly chose to attack Jiangcheng, the two are by no means as simple as a coincidence.

"By feeling? Huh, this major event of life and death, you actually use one sentence to make a conclusion, you are extremely irresponsible for life!"

Young Lady Chen Suddenly became a little angry.

"I am not irresponsible for life, but these corpse puppets are already dead. No matter how much you study, it is impossible to save them. Rather than wasting time here, it is better to leave Jiangcheng with us as soon as possible. "

Ye Qianxing said indifferently.

"Puppets? Why do you call them puppets?"

Young Lady Chen was very careful, grasping this point and asked.

"...Some things can't be explained to you too much. I have a bad feeling now. Since we entered the city, I haven't met a demon or evil spirit of Spiritual God. This is absolutely If there is a problem, we must leave as soon as possible."

Ye Qianxing said, this uneasy feeling became more and more obvious as time passed.

"But we can't give up them because of your so-called intuition. I believe that as long as we work hard, there must be a way to save them."

Young Lady Chen insisted.

Ye Qianxing suddenly didn’t know what to say. From the system’s point of view, these corpse puppets are already dead. The impossible resurrection, the reason why they can still act, must be controlled by some kind of evil spirit. .

But he has no idea how to explain it.

"But there are still many survivors here. Are you going to use their lives to delay time?"

Ye Qianxing said quickly, Young Lady Chen was silent immediately, she He hesitated.

But at this moment, gunshots suddenly sounded outside.

"What's going on!"

Li Jie and the officer were suddenly shocked, and Ye Qianxing rushed out the door immediately.

At this time, the entire abandoned warehouse is surrounded by corpse puppets. At a glance, the number of these corpse puppets is over a thousand.

Among those corpse puppets, there are still many spirits and spirits, demons and evil spirits.

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