Erbaiwu has already brought the Vajra claws of the spiritual outfit given to him by Ye Qianxing, which can make up for its weak combat effectiveness.

The Golden Steel Claw fiercely hit the Demon Claw Dark Ghost, directly breaking its defense.

"Double Nether Flame Strike!"

Two hellfires sprayed out of Erbaiwu's two heads, and the directly burned devil claws screamed again and again.

Hellfire, for the evil spirits of the ghost system, is simply a disaster.


Long Chen furiously shouted, brandishing an alloy dagger, and directly cut off the head of the demon ghost.

"Damn it!"

While contending with Lin Ruoxi, the undead wizard is watching the battle here.

When it saw the demon claw ghost dead, it cursed, and then began to wave the wand in its hand.

A black vortex appeared in front of it.

"Want to run?"

Ye Qianxing was shocked, a space teleportation appeared behind the undead wizard, and the dagger stabbed fiercely.

Unfortunately, it was still a step slower, the dagger just scratched its black robe, revealing the true face of the undead wizard.

This is a creature that looks a bit like a human, but looks much more terrifying than a human.

It crouched, its chin and nose were long and pointed, just like an old witch.

"Human kid, I remember you, one day, one day, I will make you pay!"

The undead wizard let out a stern roar, and then jumped in In the black vortex.

next moment, black vortex disappeared, and lost the control of the undead wizard, all the corpses collapsed directly to the ground and turned into an ordinary corpse.

Ye Qianxing frowned tightly.

This time he was considered to have offended the undead wizard, and failed to kill it. It would definitely not just let it go.

It seems that you have to be careful in the future.

"Brother Ye, they... are all dead?"

At this moment, Li Jie walked out with everyone, looked at the corpses all over the floor, and asked with some uncertainty. .

"It's okay, you can come out."

Ye Qianxing nodded, this time the biggest secret mastermind is the undead wizard, it ran away and the matter was solved.

It's just a pity that more than half of the entire Jiangcheng died, and Necromancer is not dead yet, it is very likely that he will return in a swirl of dust.

They are impossible to stay here.

Ye Qianxing told Li Jie about his ideas, and Li Jie was also sighed.

"Brother Ye, you can't blame you. It would be great to get rid of them. As for the survivors in Jiangcheng, let's take them back to the Heavenly Dynasty. After all, some of them are also celestial people."

Ye Qianxing said that he has no comments, and Li Jie is still responsible for these aftermaths.


Just when everyone was doing the aftermath, but Ye Qianxing had nothing to do and was bored.

A beautiful voice came from behind.

Ye Qianxing doesn't need to look at it to know, it must be the Young Lady Chen.

Because besides the survivors, there is only this girl.

"Is there something?"

Ye Qianxing turned around, but saw Young Lady Chen's face that she wanted to say but couldn't say something.

Young Lady Chen was obviously fighting inside, and finally gritted her teeth and bowed to Ye Qianxing.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have questioned you before. If it weren't for you this time, we would be all over."

Young Lady Chen said with a guilty expression on her face.

Ye Qianxing quickly helped her up, and then laughed indifferently.

"Don’t care about these, I forgot, besides, your questioning of me is normal, after all, I really can’t tell my reasons, you are also responsible for the lives of these people, so don’t I need to apologize to me."

Young Lady Chen hearing this, seeing Ye Qianxing's expressions all change, seems to have more respect and curiosity.

There are also some meanings that Ye Qianxing can't understand.

"My name is Chen Keyi, this is my business card."

Chen Keyi handed a business card to Ye Qianxing. It was very simple, with only one name and one number.

"We should return to Imperial Capital when we go back this time. If there is something in the future, you can contact me and I will try my best to help you."

Ye Qianxing did not refuse. He took the business card and said.

"My name is Ye Qianxing, uh... I don't have a business card here, but I will go to Imperial Capital in the future, maybe I can meet again."

Listen Ye Qianxing said that he would also go to Imperial Capital in the future. I don't know why, Chen Keyi was actually a little bit happy.

Even the corner of the mouth inadvertently outlines a beautiful smile.

She didn't even notice it herself.

"Let me die, I have no face to live again!"

Just when the two of them didn’t know what to say and the scene was a bit embarrassing, a roar suddenly spread. Come.

Ye Qianxing and Chen Keyi moved towards at the same time, looking at the direction from which the sound came, only a few soldiers were pulling a person.

And that person is holding a gun in his hand, against his head.

If it were not for the gun insurance to be stuck by a warrior, this person would really commit suicide.

"Is Tie Zhu?"

Ye Qianxing complexion changed, moved towards that way.

At this time, Li Jie, who was doing the aftermath work, also rushed over.

"What are you doing!"

Li Jie asked, and one of the soldiers quickly explained.

"Captain, Tie Zhu is already awake, but he keeps moving towards going to death, we can't stop it anymore."

Li Jie frowned, walked forward directly, Squeezed Tie Zhu's wrist and exerted a slight force.

Tie Zhu's hand holding the gun suddenly softened, and the gun fell to the ground.

A warrior quickly put the gun away.

"Captain, I'm sorry to you, I'm sorry to the tenth squad, I'm sorry to Heaven, you still let me die!" Tie Zhu cried out and knelt directly.

Li Jie's face suddenly showed bitterness.

Tie Zhu, although he has only joined their squad for a few years, because he is the youngest, everyone treats him like a younger brother.

Looking at him like this now, the tenth squad is not sad.

But he did betray Squad, causing Squad to die several brothers.

"Stand up for me, put away your tears, I said, as a man, a warrior, except for his parents and the country, he is not allowed to kneel or cry!"


Li Jie shouted furiously, but his voice was trembling.

Tie Zhu immediately stopped the cry and stood up slowly.

Ye Qianxing also came here at this time.

He just came to the tenth squad, and he doesn't have much affection for these people.

But seeing this scene makes him feel a little bit empathetic.

Said Tie Zhu was wrong, he was indeed wrong, because he betrayed the squad and revealed his whereabouts, causing the squad to lose several brothers, and also putting the survivors and medical squad in danger in Jiangcheng .

But he was right, because he was all trying to save his parents.

Since ancient times, there is a dilemma between loyalty and filial piety. Who can make a choice on this? Although Tie Zhu chose filial piety in the end, he must have been in pain.

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