Ye Qianxing walked to Tie Zhu and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Listen, you are indeed guilty. You betrayed the tenth squad, betrayed the country, and associated with evil spirits. Even if you die hundreds of times, it is not an exaggeration."

By Ye Qianxing's sentence, Li Jie complexion changed.

They are all persuading Tie Zhu, this Ye Qianxing is good, but he actually came to help.

Isn't this driving Tie Zhu to death?

"Yes, what you said is right, I am to blame for my death!"

Talking about Tie Zhu, he started to struggle again and wanted to commit suicide, but Ye Qianxing gave it a hand. Hold him down.

"You are to blame for all deaths. Do you think you can wash away your sins when you die? Impossible? On the contrary, death is a coward's choice. You don't want to make up for it, but you want to die. Come to be free, you are a coward!"


Tie Zhu stopped struggling, his eyes lost, and he kept murmuring the word coward.

"You are dead, not only sorry to the heavens, sorry to the tenth squad, but also to your parents."

"If you are a real man, what you should do now is It’s not to die, but to think about how to redeem your merits and how to avenge your parents!"

Ye Qianxing almost roared, and even used shock, directly took Tie Zhu from Waking up in the absence of consciousness.

"Forgive me? Revenge?"

In Tie Zhu's eyes flashes through a bright light, Ye Qianxing hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot.

"The wizard of the undead is not dead. Your parents’ hatred has not been reported. The evil spirits and the inhuman organization are still trying to invade my heavenly land. Your mission as a border warrior has not yet been completed. You just die like this. Now, can you stare at me!"

At this time, Tie Zhu's last trace of death disappeared.

"Yes, I have to take revenge, I have to guard the border, I can't die!"

To make a person give up the idea of ​​death, he must feel that he still has Living needs.

Although Ye Qianxing’s words might turn Tie Zhu into a tool man who lives for revenge, he has no time to think about it so much.

Let him survive first, and then find a way to give him psychological counseling slowly.

Tie Zhu has completely no idea of ​​death. Several warriors have sighed in relief, and the eyes of Ye Qianxing are full of gratitude.

Although Tie Zhu betrayed them, they still didn't want to watch him die.

"Although Tie Zhu did a stupid thing, in the final analysis, our protection of his parents was incomplete, and fortunately it did not cause much loss. Let's intercede again. His punishment It shouldn' t be is too big."

"After you make a good transformation, maybe you still have a chance to come to this border and complete your unfinished tasks."

Li Jie moved towards Tie Zhu said.

"Captain, don’t worry, I have figured it out. Even if I die, I must die on the battlefield. I will not kill the murderer who killed my parents personally. "

Tie Zhu said firmly.

Li Jie is sighed in relief now.

"Brother Ye, it's really thanks to you, we big bosses, don't know how to persuade him, but thanks to you."

Li Jie moved towards Ye Qianxing Thank you for a said with a smile.

Ye Qianxing waved his hand and said.

"Brother Jie, in fact, I just told my own heart. In the final analysis, Tie Zhu has a heart dedicated to the country, so I can persuade him."

"Anyway, you played the most critical role in this mission. Without you, I am afraid we would all have to die here, and we would also have to be the puppets of this group of evil spirits attacking the Southern Guard Pass. "

Li Jie said with a look of fear.

"This mission is much more difficult than imagined, so you should be able to get more military merits. This mission mainly depends on you, so I intend to give all the merits gained this time You, this is what the other brothers mean."

"Brother Jie, let's talk about the merits of the war later. We have to deal with the aftermath quickly, in case the evil spirits return in a swirl of dust." I suffered."

Hearing what Ye Qianxing said, Li Jie was also nodded, and then went to do his aftermath work.

Soon after all the aftermath work was completed, the entire group left Jiangcheng.

A good city, directly from a prosperous border town, directly into a dead city.

After returning to the Southern Guard Pass, Chen Keyi, the medical squad, will leave.

Before leaving, Chen Keyi urged in every way that if Ye Qianxing went to Imperial Capital, she must contact her.

Ye Qianxing can only be nodded again and again.

Not long after Chen Keyi and the others left, Li Jie found Ye Qianxing.

After platoon's long review, the rescue mission was classified as a D-Rank mission, and the combat merits were doubled, and a total of 1,000 combat merits could be obtained.

He said that all the brothers said that all the exploits were given to Ye Qianxing.

But Ye Qianxing insists on splitting equally.

Finally, after the argument between you and me, the two took a step back. Ye Qianxing made the biggest contribution, giving 500 points of merit, and the remaining 500 points were evenly divided among the warriors in the team. They.

"By the way, Brother Jie, our squad currently has a few vacancies. Can we transfer a few from other teams? I have a few friends in other squads and want to bring them in."

Ye Qianxing took this opportunity to ask Li Jie.

Li Jie hearing this frowned, said.

"Brother Ye, it's not that I didn't help me, because the personnel allocation of squad is determined by the chief platoon, so you still have to apply to the chief platoon for this matter."

platoon long? Murong language?

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but smile wryly when he thought of Murong Yu's upright attitude.

Will she agree?

But I still have to try if I can, so Ye Qianxing moved towards Murong Yu's office.

As a platoon leader, the environment of Murongyu's office is much better than that of the small courtyard where Ye Qianxing is located.

It is a small single-family building.

There are two soldiers guarding outside.

After Ye Qianxing explained to the two soldiers that they were looking for the platoon leader, they went to inform.

Soon, they came back and said that Ye Qianxing could go in.

After entering, Ye Qianxing soon saw Murong Yu sitting in his seat reviewing documents.

Looking at her serious look, coupled with her relatively high appearance, she is really charming.

"cough cough."

Ye Qianxing hurriedly coughed, abandoning the bad thoughts in his mind.

Murong Yu also raised his head, looking towards Ye Qianxing.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it."

"The platoon is long, our tenth squad lost a few brothers in the previous mission, and it just happened to be vacant. I I would like to ask, can I bring my partners here?"

Ye Qianxing directly expressed his thoughts.

Murong Yu browses lightly raise and stares at Ye Qianxing without speaking, just looking at him like that.

This makes Ye Qianxing a bit sorry.

The key to being stared at by a woman is a beautiful woman, who has been single for more than ten years and blushes directly.

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