Fortunately, Murong Yu stared at him for a short time and then looked away.

"I shouldn't have agreed to this kind of thing, but... Li Jie said before that this rescue mission was completed thanks to you, so I will make an exception."

Murong Yu said after considering it for a moment.

Ye Qianxing suddenly looked happy.

"Many thanks platoon is long."

I think they will be happy when Xia Xiaoyu knows this news.

Just when Ye Qianxing couldn't wait to share the good news, Murong Yu suddenly stopped him.

"You can't find them when you go now. The seventh squad had a mission not long ago and has left the barracks."

Murong Yu said, Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

It turns out that Xia Xiaoyu and the others have also received the task. It seems that the task in the border area is really enough.

No wonder Chu Xiong said that he has more opportunities to gain military exploits at the border.

"What about the first squad?"

Ye Qianxing asked again, Zhou Lang was assigned to the first squad.

"Um...oh, the first squad is still in the barracks, so I didn't do the mission."

Murong Yu said after thinking about it.

"Then I will take him to the tenth squad first, right?"

Ye Qianxing said quickly.

Murong Yu nodded, and then took out a piece of paper to write something, and finally stamped a chapter.

"Hold this and find the Captain of the first squad directly, and he will do it."

Ye Qianxing took this piece of paper and thanked Murong Yu for a few times. , Then left her office.

Go straight towards the direction of the first squad.

Soon, he came to the yard where the first squad was located.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the yard, he heard the sound of fighting inside.

Ye Qianxing didn't think too much about it. Fighting in the army is normal. After all, if there is any conflict between these warriors, they are often resolved through the most direct method, that is, a fight.

In a fight, all contradictions can be eliminated.

As long as it is not too much, the military leaders will not control it.

Ye Qianxing walked to the gate of the courtyard, but was stopped by two warriors.

"This is the yard of the first squad. You are not a member of the team."

Ye Qianxing took out the piece of paper given by Murong Yu and said.

"I am the tenth squad, come to you Captain."

The two warriors glanced at the seal on the paper, nodded, and put him in directly.

As soon as he entered the yard, Ye Qianxing browsed frowned.

He found that there were many people in the yard, and a battle was taking place in the middle of this group of people.

No, it's not fighting to be precise, but unilateral bullying. Several people are ordering their Spirit Pet to attack, but only one is curled up in the corner to defend.

And the defenders are Zhou Lang and his overlord Dragon Tortoise.

As for the attacker, it was a group of young people in their twenties who were all white.

At first glance, I know that it is definitely not a battle-tested warrior.

At this time, Overlord Dragon Tortoise is launching Earth Protection, and an earth-yellow shield surrounds it and Zhou Lang.

And those young people ordered their Spirit Pet to launch a fierce attack.

The Spirit Pets of these young people are all around ELevel 5. They are not higher than Dragon Tortoise alone.

The quality is not as good as Dragon Tortoise.

But the point is that the overlord Dragon Tortoise is completely a Spirit Pet who only understands defense, and has no ability to attack at all.

Under the combined attack of several Spirit Pets, the shield of Earth Protection began to appear one after another crack.

"What's going on?"

Ye Qianxing asked a warrior who was watching the battle.

The warrior glanced at Ye Qianxing with some doubts, but he explained it anyway.

"These people have just joined our first squad. I heard that they are all going through the back door for internships. Not just now, the young man accidentally touched them and was so bullied."

That warrior was a bit unreasonable for Zhou Lang, but he was not easy to intervene.

After all, there are rules in the team, as long as it is not too much, this kind of fight cannot be intervened.

Ye Qianxing's face suddenly sank.

Zhou Lang's character is very clear to him. A shy boy who dare not say much, how could he proactively provoke others.

I must have accidentally encountered these young people. These young people also thought that he was good to bully, so they got together to bully him.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing burst into flames.

He directly pulled away the onlookers of warriors, walked in and shouted.

"It's him* stop Laozi!"

Ye Qianxing furiously shouted, and all eyes immediately focused on him.

Zhou Lang, who was curled up in the shield, also heard this. When he saw Ye Qianxing, his tears almost shed.

He was originally an introvert, and being arranged alone in a squad made him very nervous. Now he is bullied by so many people and there is no one to help him. He is almost desperate.

At this time, a friend appeared, and his will to collapse was finally relaxed.

"Oh, who are you, want to be nosy?"

A young man walked out and looked at Ye Qianxing with a blank expression.

"You bullied my friend like this, why, do you think he is not covered by him!"

Ye Qianxing was not at all polite to the young man, coldly snorted.

A terrifying imposing manner radiated directly from Ye Qianxing, scaring the young man back a few steps.

The surrounding warriors also looked at Ye Qianxing in shock.

The killing intent he just released is not as good even if they have been battle-fielded and killed countless enemies.

Zhou Lang was immediately moved when he heard Ye Qianxing's words. I was also helped by some people.

I am not alone.

"hmph, it turns out to be the helper of this waste, do you want to vent your anger for him? Come on."

Although the leader of this group of young people was radiated by Ye Qianxing Murderous aura was frightened, but he stood up and said forcibly.

Even if you are afraid, you can't lose the imposing manner.

"Okay, as you wish."

Ye Qianxing doesn't talk nonsense, and rushes directly to the young people.

This group of young people suddenly eyes shrank because Ye Qianxing is too fast.

Their Spirit Pet was the first to react and rushed to Ye Qianxing.

"courting death!"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, even Spirit Pet does not have summon.

These Lackeys are not worthy of summon Spirit Pet at all.

The first to rush to Ye Qianxing was a jackal with ELevel 5 strength.

He rushed towards Ye Qianxing, sharp claw fiercely moved towards Ye Qianxing.

The warriors behind them were suddenly shocked and stopped drinking.

Fighting is not forbidden in military camps, but Spirit Pet is absolutely forbidden to attack humans, not only military camps, but the entire celestial dynasty.

But it was too late to stop them, because even those young people didn't expect that Ye Qianxing would not summon Spirit Pet, but rushed over by himself.

They want to stop Spirit Pet, it's too late.

Just when everyone thought they were about to see the bloody scene of Ye Qianxing being ripped apart by the jackal, there was a cry of mourning.

And this grief was not made by humans.

But the jackal.

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