Xia Xiaoyu, Sutila and Zhou Yue are all in the seventh squad, which can’t make them not worry.

"I'll ask Brother Jie."

With that, Ye Qianxing found Li Jie and asked him if the seventh squad had come back.

"Not yet, and I heard that the seventh squad seems to have lost contact with us."

Li Jie also frowned said.

Lost contact? Ye Qianxing became more worried.

"Brother Jie, do you know where they went to do the task?"

Ye Qianxing asked quickly.

Li Jie shook his head.

"Every squad's mission is concealed. Except for the platoon leader and their team's personnel who will participate in the mission, everyone else knows it. This is also to prevent the mission from being exposed."

"If you want to know, you can only ask if the platoon is longer."

No way, Ye Qianxing had to go to Murongyu's office again.

"What's the matter?"

Murong Yu asked impatiently, Ye Qianxing has come to her for the second time.

And Ye Qianxing came to find her, it's no good.

"Platoon is long, I want to know the news about the seventh squad."

Ye Qianxing asked directly.

"Every squad's news is not allowed to be exposed, so I can't tell you."

Murong Yu directly refused.

"But I have a few friends in the seventh squad. I heard that the seventh squad has lost contact with the military. I must know what happened to them!"

Ye Qianxing Persevere, other things can be discussed, he must know about this.

Murong Yu is frowned. She doesn't like Ye Qianxing's manner of speaking, but she also knows Ye Qianxing is impatient, so she has to bear it down.

"Yes, the seventh squad has lost contact with us, but we will arrange this, and you don't need to worry about it."

"You tell me where they will perform It's a task."

Ye Qianxing was already anxious at this time, and he didn't care about his attitude.

"Impudent, I have said it, this is a secret, you are not qualified to know!"

Murong Yu slapped the table sharply, but Ye Qianxing did not look scared at all , Still staring at Murong Yu.

Ye Qianxing will never compromise on Xia Xiaoyu's safety.

Don't say that what is in front of him is just a platoon leader, even if it is a general-level leader, he is not afraid.

The two looked at each other like this, and Murong Yu could see his persistence in Ye Qianxing's eyes.

After a full five minutes, Murong Yu was finally sighed.

"I know your mood, so I am not worried, but I have sent someone to look for it, but I can't find the seventh squad. I only found traces of battle there, and... …And the corpses of the seventh squad."

Traces of battle? Corpse?

Ye Qianxing's complexion suddenly changed, and he became even more worried about Xia Xiaoyu's safety.

"But don't worry, your friends are not in those corpses."

Murong Yu saw Ye Qianxing's worries and said.

But this did not alleviate his worries. Although their bodies were not found, it did not mean that they were safe.

Maybe they are in danger right now.

"Tell me their final position, I'm going to find them."

Ye Qianxing resisted the explosive mentality, gritted his teeth and said.

"It's useless if you go, I have already sent..."

Before Murong finished speaking, Ye Qianxing interrupted him directly.

"Tell me."

Although Ye Qianxing's tone is already calm, Murong Yu can still hear some anger from it.

She has no doubt that if she refuses, Ye Qianxing will really explode here.

Li Jie said that Ye Qianxing’s battle strength is not even lower than the D-Rank evil spirit.

Not to mention, he still has several powerful Spirit Pets.

If he really broke out, his own office would suffer.

"The military order cannot be violated. With your current status and status, I really can't tell you, but..."

The first sentence in Murong Yu almost made Ye Qianxing mad, but behind Ye Qianxing held back again.

"But if you are willing to join the special warfare squad, then you are qualified to know."

"Special warfare squad?" Ye Qianxing was a little confused.

"The special warfare squad is made up of talents selected from various platoon squad, directly managed by Old Xiao, and specializes in performing some very difficult special tasks. I am also one of them. If you want, I can apply for you to join. With your ability, it should be no problem."

Murong Yu said, in fact, she already had this idea.

Since Li Jie told her about the entire rescue mission, she has been very optimistic about Ye Qianxing.

Relying on strength of oneself to turn the tide of battle is enough to prove his ability.

"As long as I join the special warfare squad, can I know the status of the seventh squad?"

"en." Murong said nodded.

"Okay, I am willing to join."

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate and chose to agree directly.

Unless as a last resort, there is no way, otherwise he doesn't want to fall out with Murongyu.

"I will go to Old Xiao now, you wait for my news."

With that, Murong Yu left directly, and Ye Qianxing also returned to the tenth squad.

The waiting time is always suffering, let alone wasting an extra second is a crisis for Xia Xiaoyu and the others.

Fortunately, Murongyu's efficiency is really fast, and he responded in less than half an hour.

Old Xiao agreed with Ye Qianxing to join the special warfare squad.

I just don't know if this is because of the old general, or he really likes Ye Qianxing's ability.

Ye Qianxing didn't want to worry about this for the time being. He found Murong Yu again, and this time Murong Yu didn't hide it.

"The mission performed by the seventh squad is to go to a human city named Red Leaf City to help the people in that city deal with the spiritual gods. This is their final position before they lose contact."

Murong Yu gave a locator to Ye Qianxing, and there was indeed a red dot on it, as well as coordinates.

The Red Leaf City is not a city within the territory of the Celestial Dynasty, but a small border town in the South Vietnam, which is often disturbed by the spiritual religion.

And South Vietnam itself is not strong, internal trouble and outside aggression, there is no energy to manage a small border town.

So, the manager of Red Leaf City looked towards Southern Guard Pass and asked for help.

Tian Xianglai held a friendly attitude of willing to help others, so Southern Guard Pass sent three squads, the seventh squad, the fifteenth squad, and the thirty-fifth squad, to help.

And just a day ago, the three squads lost contact at the same time.

Murong Yu sent other squads to look for the cause, but apart from a few corpses and traces of battle, nothing else was found.

These three squads nearly three hundred people, just so suddenly disappear from the face of the earth.

"Impossible disappeared out of thin air, there is definitely a reason."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

With the strength of Xia Xiaoyu and the others, even if they encounter any danger, there is no resistance at all.

"Should I send someone to go with you?"

Murong Yu asked, she knew Ye Qianxing would definitely go, and she couldn't stop it.

But she didn't want such a talent to die outside.

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