"No need. Too many people are troublesome. I can go by myself."

Ye Qianxing refused directly. As he said, too many people are troublesome.

Murong Yu blinked, this guy speaks too directly, doesn't it mean that others are cumbersome?

But Murong Yu didn't struggle too much. Since Ye Qianxing doesn't need a helper, then forget it.

Ye Qianxing put the locator away and left Murong Yu’s office directly, went back to the courtyard of the seventh squad, found Zhou Lang, and explained the situation to him.

"Brother Xing, I also want to go together."

Zhou Lang said quickly.

"But this trip is dangerous and unpredictable. They disappear for no reason. It's too weird, maybe..."

Ye Qianxing frowned, it is more convenient for him to act alone.

"Brother Xing, I won't hold you back, Xiao Ba has now awakened Black Tortoise bloodline and has been promoted to D-Rank. I am fully capable of protecting myself."

"Yue Yue's life and death are unknown now, I'm impossible to do anything."

Seeing the anxious color in Zhou Lang's eyes, Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

Zhou Yue is Zhou Lang’s younger sister, and their siblings are deep, so what right do they have to stop Zhou Lang from going?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing figured it out.

"Well, without further ado, let's set off quickly."

After everything was ready, Ye Qianxing asked Li Jie for a military off-road vehicle.

In this new era, getting a driver’s license for military vehicles has become one of the school’s graduation requirements, so Ye Qianxing still knows how to drive.

The Red Leaf City is not far from the Southern Guard Pass, and it is not too close. It must take a long time to walk.

If you drive, it will take half a day.

The Red Leaf City city gate has been broken. Ye Qianxing found that the street was dilapidated as soon as he drove in. At first glance, he had experienced war.

Occasionally, I can see a few people sorting out the ruins. They should all be survivors of this city.

Ye Qianxing randomly found a few news about the seventh squad, but they all said they were not clear.

After the invasion of the Spiritual Gods, they hid them and didn't know what was happening outside.

But it’s right to think about it carefully. If they knew, I’m afraid that the few groups of people Murongyu sent in the past would not have any clues.

No way, Ye Qianxing had to follow the locator to find the last location before they lost contact.

This is the suburb of Red Leaf City. Even if it has been cleaned up, it can be clearly seen that there are traces of fighting.

Some blood-reeking qi can still be faintly smelled in the air.

Ye Qianxing carefully inspected everything within a few kilometers, but found no trace at all.

In other words, they disappeared out of thin air in this position.

"How could it disappear out of thin air? Even if the army is annihilated, it is impossible to leave any information."

Ye Qianxing frowned, his brain running wildly .

But he couldn't figure out how many brain cells he killed.

This fact is so weird!


Just when Ye Qianxing felt that he was going crazy, a crisp voice sounded in his mind.

Ye Qianxing was slightly taken aback.

"Who is talking?"

"Master, it's me, Xiao Kun."

That voice sounded again, Ye Qianxing just remembered it , This is indeed the voice of Xu Kun.

Just because I just consumed too many brain cells, my thoughts can't keep up.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly brought out Xu Kun summon, and then asked in the heart.

"Why did you call me? Did you find anything?"

"Yes, master, I perceive that there is a different-dimensional space here, but this different-dimensional space The concealment is very strong. I only felt a little faintly before, but I have not fully sensed it until now."

The voice of Xu Kun sounded in Ye Qianxing's mind.

"Different-dimensional space?"

The so-called different-dimensional space is another space, but this space must be attached to one space.

So the different-dimensional space can also be called a subspace, which is attached to the mother space of the earth and the stars.

And different-dimensional spaces are generally created artificially, such as virtual kun, which can create a different-dimensional space.

If a person enters a different-dimensional space, then although he is still among the earth and stars, others cannot see or touch him.

Those who can create different-dimensional spaces are those who understand Power of Space.

"Little Kun, do you mean that they are likely to have entered that other-dimensional space?"


Xiao Kun nodded .

"Then can you send us into that different dimension space?"

Ye Qianxing asked quickly.

This time, Xu Kun was silent for two minutes before saying hesitantly.

"I can give it a try, but I am not too sure, because my level is too low now, and I can feel that the level of that different-dimensional space is much higher than mine."

"Then you give it a try."

Ye Qianxing made a decision, and Xu Kun began to urge Power of Space to find the entrance to that different-dimensional space.

About half an hour later, the voice of Xu Kun with some weak feelings sounded in Ye Qianxing's mind.

"Master, I can't find the entrance to that other-dimensional space, but I have found its location. I can open an entrance forcibly, but...that would be dangerous."

Ye Qianxing hearing this is lost in thought.

There is no doubt that the shuttle between different-dimensional spaces is very dangerous, because once an accident occurs, it is likely to be involved in space turbulence.

But if Xia Xiaoyu and the others really enter that other-dimensional space, then he must enter.

There is no Spirit Pet in the space system. If they want to figure it out, they can only wait until the channel entrance of the different dimension opens next time.

But God knows when it will open again. It may be a day, a year, or even a hundred years.

"Go on, take a gamble."

Ye Qianxing took a sharp breath and made up his mind.

It is absolutely impossible to let him choose to give up his friends.

With the permission of his master, Xu Kun began to urge Power of Space to forcibly open a black hole.

"Master, hurry in, I can't hold it anymore."

Ye Qianxing's urgent voice sounded in Ye Qianxing's mind. Ye Qianxing was too late to think of anything else, so he hurriedly greeted Zhou Lang. , Both jumped into the black hole.

With a strong feeling of dizziness hitting his mind, Ye Qianxing knew that this was a normal reaction to travel between two spaces.

After regaining consciousness, Ye Qianxing realized that he was already in a channel.

And Zhou Lang beside him is still in a sluggish state.

Ye Qianxing has spatial ability, so it has some immunity to the side effects of space shuttle.

But Zhou Lang can't do it.

After waiting five or six minutes, Zhou Lang finally came back to his senses slowly.

"Where is this?"

Zhou Lang asked in confusion as soon as he woke up.

"We are lucky, we didn't fall into the space turbulence, this should be the different dimension space."

There are no lighting tools all around in this channel, but But it was bright, and this alone made Ye Qianxing feel strange.

"Where shall we go?"

Zhou Lang asked, and Ye Qianxing shrugged.

He is also here for the first time, where does he know how to go.

But now there are only two roads, one after the other, Ye Qianxing simply walks straight forward.

I don't know how long this passage is, or even if it has an end. Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang walked for more than ten minutes, and they all felt like they were stepping in place.

If Ye Qianxing didn't make a mark in one place, and then didn't see the mark all the way, he would even think he was really stepping on the spot.

"There are blood stains."

Zhou Lang suddenly pointed to the wall criticized out in surprise, and Ye Qianxing also looked quickly.

Indeed, there are blood stains on the wall, and it does not appear to be dry, obviously it was left not long ago.

"Hurry up!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, the two of them accelerated and walked forward.

Soon they found several corpses lying not far away, all human corpses, wearing Southern Guard Pass uniform combat uniforms with signs on them.

The tenth platoon, the seventh squad.

The tenth platoon, the fifteenth squad.

The tenth platoon, the thirty-fifth squad.

Sure enough, they are the three squad members that Murong Yu sent to Red Leaf City to support.

Ye Qianxing checked their situation and died. Judging from the injuries on their bodies, they should have been killed by evil spirits or spirit gods.

"Since they all disappeared together, then those evil spirits and cultists must have also entered this different dimension space, I hope they are all right."

With that, Ye Qianxing will These corpses were put into the portable space.

They are all warriors who guard the country. Even if they are dead, their bodies must be brought back.

Continuing on their way, they walked for dozens of minutes, and they met a fork in the road.

Choose left or right?

Once they choose the wrong one, they will probably never find Xia Xiaoyu and others.

Ye Qianxing brought Erbaiwu summon out and asked.

"Erbaiwu, can you smell them?"

What excites Ye Qianxing is Erbaiwu nodded, that is, it can be found by smelling Xia Xiaoyu and others them.

Erbaiwu sniffed vigorously, then moved towards the passage on the left.

Not long after leaving, Ye Qianxing vaguely heard the sound of fighting, and could feel the temperature rise here.

one after another The heat wave sprayed over.

"Is it Xiaoyu? Who is she fighting with?"

Ye Qianxing's heart was shocked, and the temperature rise directly reminded him of Huohuo.

Did Xiao Yu meet danger?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang quickly moved towards and rushed forward.

The further you run, the higher the temperature, and the heat wave assaults the senses.

This familiar feeling makes Ye Qianxing more and more sure that it must be the flame hair.

"Zhou Lang, I will take a step first, you are more careful."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Zhou Lang and said, Zhou Lang was nodded.

"Brother Xing, you go, don't worry about me."

Zhou Lang knows Ye Qianxing's speed, if he ignores him, he would have arrived at Ye Qianxing's speed. .

Ye Qianxing was also not polite. He directly used the skill space teleportation, and he ran a few kilometers away in a few breaths.

And he finally saw both sides of the battle.

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