On both sides of the battle, one party has three people and three Spirit Pets, while the other party has more than ten people.

The more than ten people are all half-human and half-evil spirits. Obviously, they must be those demons of the Spiritual God Sect.

As for the three Spirit Pets on the other side, one of them is Xia Xiaoyu, and the powerful heat wave was indeed released by the fire.

On Xia Xiaoyu's side, in addition to her, there are two other people who are all wearing the uniform uniform of the seventh squad.

And their Spirit Pet is just two ELevel 5 violent fire lions and Frost War Tiger.

Huohuo is at E6 level, while Fury Fire Lion and Frost War Tiger are at ELevel 5. On the other hand, the ten demons of the Spiritual God Sect are all ELevel 5 or higher, and there is even one with D-Rank. strength.

Furious Fire Lion and Frost War Tiger can only hold each other's two monsters, and the rest are all blocked by fire.

Although Huohuo possesses Phoenix bloodline and is much stronger than the average E-rank Spirit Pet, it is also very difficult to face seven E-rank and one D-Rank opponents at the same time.

"jié jié jié, this little bird seems to have Phoenix Bloodline, tsk tsk tsk, if you can supply it to Sect Lord, it will definitely be a great achievement."

That name The spirit of D-Rank teaches the demon to smile evilly.

It didn't make a move, but watched it coldly. In his opinion, his side obviously had the upper hand, and there was no need to make a move.

The strong have their own dignity, this is its inner thoughts.

"Xia Xiaoyu, leave us alone, hurry up and go. With the strength of you and your Spirit Pet, without us, there is no difficulty in running away."

The warrior of the seven squad said to Xia Xiaoyu.

He can naturally see that Huohuo can hold the seven spirits of the spirits, and its strength is absolutely extraordinary.

As long as Xia Xiaoyu wants to run, these monsters can't help her.

However, Xia Xiaoyu cares about the two of them, so she doesn't want to leave alone.

"Captain, don't talk about it anymore. Since we are comrades in arms, I am impossible to abandon you to live alone. If you were you, you would definitely not do that, would you?"

Xia Xiaoyu said firmly.


The Captain sighed of the seventh squad, he didn't know how to persuade Xia Xiaoyu to leave.

"Huohuo, blazing feathers burning the sky!"

Xia Xiaoyu loudly shouted, Huohuo waved his wings, and dozens of fire feathers shot out.

But it is obvious that Huohuo's face is showing exhaustion.

Even if it is a Spirit Pet, the skills are impossible to use infinitely and need to consume their energy.

And Blazing Feather Burning Sky, as a ranged skill, requires a lot of energy.

In order to stop the monsters on the opposite side, Huohuo has already activated Blazing Feather Burning the sky no less than five times.

And these monsters on the opposite side are also very smart. They don't rush to attack at all, but keep walking around, consuming the energy of the fire.

If this goes on, it only takes some time, and they can take the opponent without a single soldier.

After launching this wave of blazing feathers and burning the sky, Huohuo's wings were already a bit immobile. If this continues, it will probably be difficult to support its flight status.

"This little bird is no longer good, just do it, remember, you must catch it alive!"

The D-Rank monster gave the order, so the seven E-rank monsters gathered Qi moved towards Huo Huo rushed away.

"Li! ”

The goblin light flashed in the exhausted eyes of the fire, and it made a long cry and waved its wings.

A karma fire, Burning World Zhan, suddenly shot out, directly cutting a demon in half.

This sudden attack frightened several other monsters, but then he discovered that Huo Huo finally lost his combat effectiveness after launching the Karma Fire Burning World Slash, and fell down.


Xia Xiaoyu made a distressed call and directly took Huohuo into the contract space.

"Why are you still stunned, as long as you catch this chick, her Spirit Pet is still ours!"

The D-Rank demon leader shouted, the rest The six monsters laughed hideously, and walked towards Xia Xiaoyu.

Xia Xiaoyu suddenly complexion changed, without Huohuo's help, she is basically impossible to be the opponent of these monsters.

Are they really going to be taken away by them?

Xia Xiaoyu felt desperate in her heart. If she were taken away by them, it would be worse than death.

"Brother Xing, I'm sorry, we may never be able to..."

Ye Qianxing was the only thing Xia Xiaoyu thought of at this time.


The Captain of the seventh squad, and another warrior stood in front of Xia Xiaoyu.

I swear that if I want to catch Xia Xiaoyu, I have to step over their bodies.

"Except that girl, everyone else, kill without mercy."

The D-Rank demon leader said lazily.

The eyes of the six monsters suddenly showed bloodthirsty colors, and they walked towards the two warriors.

The hands of the two warriors holding the guns trembled a little, and they didn't think that they would be the opponents of these six monsters.

Although they are afraid, they will never take a step back. This is their dignity as a warrior.


A demon stretched out its sharp claws and was about to move towards the two warriors.

At this moment, there was a puff puff puff falling to the ground behind him.

Before the demon turned around, he felt a chill in his neck, and then he completely lost consciousness.

Next moment, Ye Qianxing's silhouette appeared in front of the two warriors.

Behind him, Xia Xiaoyu looked at this familiar figure and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

There is an incredible feeling, this... shouldn't it be an illusion.

Otherwise, how could Brother Xing appear here?

Maybe there is something like fate in this world, Ye Qianxing happened to arrive when Xia Xiaoyu was threatened with her life.

If it is such a few minutes at night, everything may be too late.

The two warriors stared at Ye Qianxing dumbfounded, and instantly killed six E-rank monsters. Is this too terrifying?

At this time, Ye Qianxing is looking at the demon leader of D-Rank coldly. If he comes a few steps later, Xia Xiaoyu may be in danger.

If you dare to bully Xia Xiaoyu, you must be prepared to accept Ye Qianxing's anger.

"Who you are, why can I kill my spiritualists with strength of oneself?"

The D-Rank monster leader also looked incredible Ye Qianxing, then asked.

"The one who killed you, want to know why, go and ask Yama!"

Ye Qianxing coldly said, and his body turned into an afterimage, instantly appearing in the demon leader In front of, the alloy dagger moved towards his neck is a thorn.

Ye Qianxing's own strength has reached the level of E-rank seven or eight, plus this alloy dagger, even the evil spirit of D-Rank is completely possible to kill.

But the demon leader in front of him seemed to be quite strong, and he escaped Ye Qianxing's attack when he stepped back.

"You are indeed very strong, but in my eyes, still not enough......"

Before the demon leader finished speaking, he felt a huge force hitting him. He flew out immediately and hit the wall hard.

spit out a mouthful of blood.

And the silhouette of Vajra has appeared where it was just now.

"Don't you know a word, the villain died of talking too much?"

"Vajra, finish it."

Ye Qianxing sneered, directly Ordered.

Vajra roared wildly and rushed directly to the side of the demon leader, and the Heaven Supporting Pillar blasted down.

The demon leader has just been hit by Vajra with a baton, and has long been crippled, and now he has no ability to evade at all.

I can only watch the stick smash down, without even having to say a last word, my brain shattered and died.

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