Speaking of which, this guy is quite wrong, he is also a DLevel 3 monster, if face-to-face battle, even if Ye Qianxing and Vajra can win in the end, it will definitely not be that simple.

Unfortunately, it underestimated the enemy, which caused it to die without even exerting its full strength.

Ye Qianxing picked up the inner core dropped by the demon leader, and found that it was actually Fire Element, but it could be used by Huohuo, but it also needed some spiritual medicine as auxiliary materials.

So Ye Qianxing put it away temporarily, and waited for the accessories to be used before Huohuo used it.

"Brother Brother Xing."

Xia Xiaoyu finally reacted at this time. This is not an illusion, but a fact.

Ye Qianxing really came, and appeared by her side when she was most dangerous.

Xia Xiaoyu threw directly into Ye Qianxing's arms. After experiencing the desperation of death, she could even more feel her feelings for Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing patted Xia Xiaoyu's back.

"It's okay. With me, you will never be hurt at all."

Ye Qianxing comforted.

At this time, Captain and warrior of the seventh squad came over.

"Are you sent by Southern Guard Pass to support us?"

The seventh squad Captain asked quickly.

Xia Xiaoyu realized when she heard other people's voices, there are others here.

His face flushed suddenly, and he broke away from Ye Qianxing's embrace.

"That's right, but I'm the only one here."

Ye Qianxing said directly.

Hearing this The two of them showed disappointed expressions at first, but then thought of Ye Qianxing's strength, they suddenly felt hope.

Ye Qianxing is so strong, even if he is alone, it is completely enough.

"Why are there only a few of you? And why did you enter this different space?"

Ye Qianxing asked quickly.

"We also don't know. Originally, we were fighting against those demons of the Spiritual God Church. Then a black hole suddenly appeared. This black hole has a powerful suction force that directly sucked all of us in. "

"And when I came in, I found only Abin and Xiaoyu beside me, and no one else knew where they were."

The seventh squad Captain said truthfully, Ye Qianxing frowned.

Listening to what he said, it seems that this black hole should be a non-directional Spatial Teleportation entrance, so all of them were teleported to different locations.

"I don’t know what happened to the other people. It’s not just us human warriors who entered this ghost place, but also the spirits of the spirits. If they meet alone, they might not belong to those monsters. Opponent."

The seventh squad Captain said worriedly.

"It's useless to worry about these now. I don't know how big this different space is. The only thing we can do is to keep searching. Do you still have the strength?"

"Yes." The seventh squad Captain, A Bin and Xia Xiaoyu were nodded at the same time.

"Then let's go quickly, and try to find them before they meet the demon of the Spiritual God Church."

With that, when Zhou Lang arrives, the entire group will continue to start. Hurry up.

Erbaiwu only remembers the smell of Xia Xiaoyu, Zhou Yue and Sutila, so Ye Qianxing asked it to look for the smell of Zhou Yue and Sutila.

After all, in Ye Qianxing's mind, the safety of the two of them is the most important, followed by the human warriors.

After walking for another ten minutes, they saw some human corpses on the way, as well as the corpses of a few monsters.

Finally, they came to a stone chamber. They had been in the passage before. This was the first stone chamber they entered.

There are no people and no corpses in the stone chamber. It can even be said that it is empty, but there are some flowers, plants and fruits in the corner.

Ye Qianxing moved towards those flowers, plants and fruits, suddenly showing a surprised expression.

Scarlet Essence Grass: It grows in the lava earth fire and contains the power of Fire Essence.

Life Expectancy Fruit: It can eliminate all diseases and increase life essence.


All of these are spiritual medicine, and the quality of each strain of spiritual medicine is not low.

All the spiritual medicines are piled up together, and at first glance, they have been artificially collected here.

Who is he who can get so much spiritual medicine, and just throw it in the corner here?

Ye Qianxing is a little bit incomprehensible, but he doesn’t understand but he doesn’t understand. When he meets good things, he can’t be regarded as invisible.

Since there is no one else here, these spiritual medicine Ye Qianxing are not welcome.

Ye Qianxing walked to the side of the pile of spiritual medicine and waved his big hand. All the spiritual medicine disappeared at this moment and entered Xu Kun’s stomach.

But he took out the Scarlet Essence Grass and a few pieces of flower petals, and then took out the Fire Element inner core of the demon leader just now.

"The main materials and auxiliary materials are all gathered, Xiao Yu, called the fire out, to enhance its strength."

Hearing the words to enhance the strength, Xia Xiaoyu suddenly revealed Happy, quickly summon Huo Huo out.

At this time, Huohuo had rested in the contract space for half an hour, but it was still exhausted.

The battle just now consumed almost all its physical strength and energy.

Ye Qianxing first asked Lin Ruoxi to restore Huohuo’s energy and stamina, and then put the Fire Element inner core with Scarlet Essence Grass and the ground flame flower petals together to make a A dark medicine pill.

It looks like a black coal.

Huo Huo glanced at Ye Qianxing disgustingly, as if to say, young man, your cooking skills need to be improved.

"Cough cough, don't care about these details, hurry up and eat, you should be able to rise to D-Rank after eating."

Ye Qianxing said somewhat sorry. Xiao Ba also disliked him, and Huo Huo also disliked him.

It seems that I should find an opportunity to practice my cooking skills.

Huohuo very reluctantly took the black coal...No, it was the black medicine pill that swallowed it into his stomach, and suddenly a heat wave radiated from its body.

After five full minutes, Huo Huo made a long groan.

A powerful breath is released, proving that it has reached the strength of D-Rank.

Spirit Pet: Vermilion Bird

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