The wild boar seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked towards the place where the spiritual medicine was originally piled up.

Sure enough, it was empty at this time.

The eyes of the wild boar were suddenly filled with blood red.

"Are those spiritual medicines from this wild boar?"

Captain of the seventh squad asked softly.

"Looking at it like this, it is obvious, yes."

Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile. Even if it is not a wild boar, it is definitely guarded by it.

"Why don't we give it back, it looks pretty awesome, Yazi."

A Bin blinked and said.

"hmph, after entering my Ye Qianxing pocket, there is no reason to return."

Ye Qianxing snorted.

The wild boar seemed to have heard Ye Qianxing's meaning, grunted, and slammed directly against the two long fangs moved towards Ye Qianxing.


Ye Qianxing yelled, and several people quickly dispersed.

And the wild boar seems to have determined that Ye Qianxing stole something, and specifically moved towards it and rushed away.

Ye Qianxing stepped back and dodged while using the system's eye to analyze the wild boar's information attribute table.

Spirit Pet: Bloodfang Boar

Attribute: Combat System

Evaluation: Two and a half stars

Level: E6

Ability: Barbaric Dash

Weakness: Flight type, ghost type

Promotion conditions:...

Evolution route:...

Note: I love eating apples

Ye Qianxing looked at the wild boar information sheet reflected by system, but was surprised to find out.

This wild boar is not an evil spirit, but a Spirit Pet!

Evil spirits and Spirit Pets are not very different in detail. Some Spirit Pets are mutated animals or plants, but some Spirit Pets are directly evil spirits.

For example, a child born by an evil spirit was stolen by humans and raised.

Then the evil spirit will be so friendly to humans that it will finally make a contract with the Spirit Master.

The only difference between evil spirits and Spirit Pet is whether they have signed a contract with Spirit Master.

Obviously, since system believes that this wild boar is a Spirit Pet, then it must have an owner.

Is this different space created by its owner?

It is definitely a very powerful character who can create a space.

But Ye Qianxing's attention was quickly placed in another place.

Note: Love apples?

When did the system come out with such a function, can it still detect the hobby of Spirit Pet?

But it was this hobby that made Ye Qianxing's mind divine light flashed, and an idea came out.

He directly took out a red apple from the universe of Xu Kun’s belly.

Ye Qianxing has a lot of fruits stored in Xu Kun’s stomach, anyway, there will be no moldy and expired conditions here.

At this point it can come in handy.

Ye Qianxing took the apple in his hand, and loudly shouted.


The wild boar's four hooves stopped immediately, and the blood-red eyes instantly restored to sobriety and calmness, and then looked at the apple in Ye Qianxing's hand eagerly .

The saliva flowed from its mouth.

"Fuck, this guy really likes apples? And there are wild boars who like apples?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback, I just wanted to try it, didn't expect It's really useful.

This guy's love for Apple is not so strong.

Ye Qianxing moved the apple to the left, the wild boar moved towards the left and looked to the left, and Ye Qianxing took the apple and moved it to the right.

The wild boar is like a puppy, looking eagerly in the direction of Apple.

drool all over the place.

Ye Qianxing threw the apple out, and the wild boar jumped up and swallowed it in one bite.

Then, looked at Ye Qianxing pitifully.

Ye Qianxing smiled immediately, this guy looks pitiful and cute.

"Want to eat?"

Ye Qianxing took out another apple, but the wild boar quickly nodded.

This guy can understand people.

"Well, as long as you take us to find those spiritual medicines, I will give them to you. The better the quality of the spiritual medicines found, the more apples."

Ye Qianxing laughed , It's like a weird crocodile who uses a lollipop to lure a little girl.

He originally thought that the wild boar would hesitate for a while, who knew this guy was nodded incessantly.

Perhaps in its opinion, those spiritual medicines are not as good as Apple.

At this time, the seventh squad Captain, A Bin and Xia Xiaoyu all looked at Ye Qianxing with incredible expressions.

This operation... simply goes against the sky.

"Why are you stunned, there is a free tour guide, let's go quickly."

So, under the leadership of the wild boar, the entire group started their treasure hunt.

I don't know if it is because Sutila and their positions are too far away or what is the reason, Erbaiwu can't smell their positions, which also makes Ye Qianxing a little worried.

But it's useless to worry, I can only take one step at a time.

"Huh, huh."

When Ye Qianxing was thinking about something, the wild boar suddenly shouted.

Ye Qianxing looked up, and they actually appeared at the door of a stone chamber again.

Opening the door quickly, Ye Qianxing saw the spiritual medicine piled up in the corner at a glance.

But at this time, in addition to spiritual medicine, there are several black robed man, and there is a wild cat corpse lying on the ground.

Spirit Pet: Cat of Wind

attribute: Wind Element

Rating: Two-star

Grade: E5

Ability: Very fast speed

Weakness: Rock type

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

Note: Dead


The wild boar saw the dead wind cat's corpse, and hurried forward, arching its corpse.

A feeling of sadness overflows.

Cunning Wind Cat is also a Spirit Pet, and its owner is likely to be the same person as the owner of the wild boar.

In this way, wild boar and sly cat are naturally friends.

The death of the Cat's Wind makes the wild boar very sad.

At this time, the three black robed man also heard the voice, pretended to be, and saw Ye Qianxing entire group.

These three monsters, who are obviously spiritual gods, all possess the strength above ELevel 5.

"jié jié jié, you humans are really out of luck, and you actually took the initiative to send it to the door."

One of the monsters was sneaked.

But before it could continue to speak, the wild boar roared in grief and moved towards them fiercely and dashed away.

"A little wild boar, dare to attack us?"

"Courting death!"

That demon coldly snorted, loudly roared, black on his body Robe lifted up, revealing its appearance.

It looks like a half-man, half-wolf.

Ten blade-like claws stretched out from the demon's hand, and moved towards the wild boar fiercely.

The wild boar does not evade, there is a sense of vow to perish together with him.

But the strength of the demon is much stronger than that of the wild boar. It easily escaped the wild boar's attack by jumping, then appeared behind the wild boar, and moved towards the wild boar fiercely with two bladed claws.


However, there was a sound of metal collision.

The demon was surprised to find that a seemingly young human did not know when he appeared in front of him.

He also held an alloy dagger in his hand.

"It still works for me, you can't kill it."

Ye Qianxing coldly said.

"Then I will kill you!"

The demon yelled, and the other paw moved towards Ye Qianxing's chest fiercely stabbed.

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