
Ye Qianxing's eyes turned into two vortex, and the demon looked at each other, as if the soul was about to be swallowed by the vortex.

The demon fell into a loss of consciousness, Ye Qianxing directly swung a dagger into its neck, and the demon was killed instantly.

"Old wolf!"

The other two monsters suddenly creded out in surprise and moved towards Ye Qianxing one after another and rushed away.

"Vajra, finish them!"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, a huge silhouette full of golden light suddenly appeared beside Ye Qianxing.

The two monsters who rushed towards holding a black iron rod moved towards fiercely.


Hearing only a muffled sound, the two monsters were directly hit by a stick and hit the wall.

Killed immediately.

"I helped you take revenge."

Ye Qianxing said to the wild boar. He could vaguely see that the wild boar seemed to shed a few tears.


Ye Qianxing sighed, all things have spirits, animals also have feelings.

Even, they pay more attention to feelings than human beings.

He walked to the corner where the spiritual medicine was piled up. The spiritual medicine here is similar to the spiritual medicine stored in the stone chamber of the wild boar, but the type is different.

Ye Qianxing discovered several spiritual medicines that could be used to upgrade the Fury Fire Lion and Frost War Tiger, so without the slightest hesitation, he took out the refining into a pill medicine and fed the two Spirit Pets. .

The two Spirit Pets were immediately upgraded from ELevel 5 to ELevel 8, and they were upgraded to Level 3. The seventh squad Captain and Abin were very excited and thanked Ye Qianxing again and again.

The wild boar stared at the dead wind cat's body in a daze, even if it was an apple.

Ye Qianxing sighed, it seems that the idea of ​​looking for it to help lead the way is lost.

But anyway, the wild boar helped them find a lot of good things, so Ye Qianxing still took out ten apples, put them on the ground, and left them for the wild boar.

Then he left the stone chamber.

After walking for several hours, I also met many warriors who survived.

So Ye Qianxing and their team have grown a bit.

"wang wang wang~ !"

Suddenly, Erbaiwu screamed wildly.

To others, Erbaiwu is just a dog barking, but Ye Qianxing can hear its meaning.

It means that it smells Sutila and Zhou Yue, and they are together.

"Very good, Erbaiwu smells of Tira and Yueyue."

Ye Qianxing exclaimed excitedly, Xia Xiaoyu and Zhou Lang were immediately excited.

The entire group quickly followed Erbaiwu moved towards one direction.


At this time, in a stone chamber several times larger than the stone chamber that Ye Qianxing had been to before.

Sutila and Zhou Yue are confronting a group of spirit gods.

The number of this group of spirit gods is about thirty, among which there are more than ten with ELevel 5 or higher, and there are even five D-Ranks. Their formation is not unforgiving.

Although Dabai and Xiaoyu are the strongest at the same level, they are also extremely passive when facing so many monsters at the same time.

In a short while, Xiaoyu and Dabai ran out of energy and were trampled underfoot by the demon.


Zhou Yue creded out in surprise, a demon walked in front of her, grabbed her neck, fiercely raised it.

"Cancel the contract with your Spirit Pet, otherwise, I will kill you."

The demon said sharply, Xiaoyu's quality is extremely high, and naturally this group of demon will not Let it go.

The demons of the Spiritual God Sect like to collect some Spirit Pets with very high quality or with powerful bloodline, and then extract their blood to enhance their own strength.

"Let her go!"

Sudila's eyes were red, and he actually rushed to the demon who was holding Zhou Yue's neck fiercely, biting fiercely on the demon's hand.

"jié jié jié, I just stand here and let you bite, and you can't bite me."

The demon sneered, kicked directly, Sutila Flew out directly.

Then a few monsters directly surrounded Su Tila, punching and kicking him.

"If you don't do what I said, then I will use it to scratch your beautiful little face."

The demon stretched out a pointed and long piece of land. Nail, rubbing on Zhou Yue's face.

Zhou Yue was so frightened that Huarong was eclipsed, but she was always reluctant to contact Xiaoyu.

She knew very well that once Xiaoyu was taken away by these monsters, the consequences would be very serious.

"It seems that you don't believe that I would do this. If so, then I will let you see."

The demon is coldly snorted, and his nails penetrate Zhou Yue deeply. Suddenly, a blood stain appeared on his face.

"I will let you, let her go!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

Next moment, a powerful energy suddenly burst out of Sutila's body.

Da Bai also burst out with a powerful energy, shaking the demon who stepped on it.

A man and a beast actually flew up in the sky, bursting out a burst of dazzling rays of light.

The two rays of light finally met and blended with each other, and the monsters were all stunned by this scene.

Next moment, the rays of light disappeared suddenly, and a person covered in silver armor appeared in front of the demon.

If you look closely, you can still vaguely see that his face is Sutila.

At this moment, he turned out to be half human and half Qilin.


Sudila yelled, and instantly appeared in front of the demon who pinched Zhou Yue.

Pinch it by the wrist and pinch fiercely.

The demon felt pain and let go of his hand. Zhou Yue fell to the ground and fainted.

"roar! !!!"

Sutila let out a roar that humans could not make, punching towards the head of the demon.

Sutila's fist is covered with dual energy of fire and frost, just like Dabai's zero-degree blasting skill.

The fist fiercely hit the demon's head, directly exploding it.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!"

The demon leader cried out inconceivably.

Are Spirit Master and Spirit Pet integrated together?

At this time, Su Tila was filled with anger. What he was thinking at this time was killing.

So he actually took the initiative to move towards the dozens of monsters and rushed away.

"This situation is unprecedented and must be captured alive and handed over to Sir Sect Lord for review!"

The monster leader ordered, and dozens of monsters immediately surrounded Sutila.

Although Sutila merged with Dabai and exploded with extraordinary power, he was still passive under the siege of dozens of monsters.

I don’t know how many times I have been attacked.

At this time, Sutila was not afraid of pain at all, and did not appear to be defensive at all.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing and the others finally arrived.

Ye Qianxing suddenly creded out in surprise when he saw Su Tila's appearance.

"This is... the state of awakening!"

Although Ye Qianxing has never seen anyone reach the state of awakening, the situation of Sutila at this time is exactly the same as the description of the state of awakening. .


Zhou Lang noticed that Yueyue fainted there, criticized out in surprise, and hurriedly moved towards there and ran.

Xiao Bahu is by Zhou Lang's side, and no demon can approach him at all.

"Resolve these monsters first!"

Ye Qianxing shouted, no matter what Sutila's situation is, the first task is to solve these monsters.

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