"Vajra! Erbaiwu! Sister Ruoxi! Xu Kun!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, four Spirit Pets appeared at the same time, this time facing dozens of monsters, even several of them A D-Rank, Ye Qianxing dare not care.

Xia Xiaoyu also brought out the fire summon, plus Zhou Lang's Xiao Ba.

They now equivalent to have five D-Rank Spirit Pets, and each of them is Peak in the same level of combat effectiveness.

Sutila entered a state of awakening at this time, but perhaps because his soul strength was not enough, he fell into a state of madness. Under his desperate play, he just dragged down several E9 level players. magician.

"Damn it, why are there so many more humans?"

That monster leader complexion changed, he is the strongest among the dozens of monsters, possessing DLevel 5 strength.

The leader of the demon roared, and it found that the flame hair above it moved the flaming feathers and burned the sky to kill many demon people. With a kick on its legs, it moved towards the fire and rushed away.


Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, Vajra Palm holding the Heaven Supporting Pillar moved towards fiercely, the demon leader leaping towards the fire.

The demon leader had to cross his arms to resist, and was forcibly smashed to the ground.

But it is also worthy of being a DLevel 5 demon, Vajra's strong stick was actually blocked.


A cold voice suddenly spit out from Ye Qianxing's mouth. He did not know when he had sneaked behind the demon leader, and the alloy dagger moved towards its neck. One stroke.

Ye Qianxing, who has space powers and alloy daggers, is simply the strongest assassin.

Although the demon leader reacted, it was too late. The alloy dagger had already passed through its back neck.

"How is it possible?"

However, the demon's neck was covered by a circle of scales, and the alloy dagger couldn't break its defense at all.

"You little fly, dare to sneak attack me, go to death!"

The demon traitor laughed, then turned around, sharp claws moved towards Ye Qianxing go with.

But Ye Qianxing has already avoided it.


At this time, Vajra's attack struck again, and the Heaven Supporting Pillar forcibly smashed on the head of the demon leader.

However, the scene of the brain bursting in the imagination did not happen, and the demon leader actually held it!

"Is it defensive?"

Ye Qianxing speculated, in that case, it can only attack its soul.

"Nether Flame Strike!"

A black flame spread from Ye Qianxing's palm to the alloy dagger. This is a combat capability he has recently realized.

The real temperature of Hellfire is not high, so don’t worry about destroying the alloy dagger. Attacking by covering it on the alloy dagger will directly hurt the opponent’s soul.

If you just throw out the hellfire, the opponent will most likely avoid it.

The chance of melee attacks is greater.

Ye Qianxing A teleport appeared behind the demon leader, and the alloy dagger fiercely stabbed it away.

"You can't hurt me."

The demon leader Leng said with a sneer, there was a tail behind it, and there was a barb at the top of the tail. .

moved towards Ye Qianxing fiercely moved towards Ye Qianxing fiercely.

Ye Qianxing discovered the conspiracy of the demon leader, but did not choose to stop, the alloy dagger continued to move towards the demon leader to stab.

"Little Kun, different space."

Ye Qianxing in the heart shouted, Xu Kun created a different space directly on Ye Qianxing.

The barb passed directly through Ye Qianxing's body, but there was no scene of splashing blood at all.

It's like the air of knowledge that this barb passes through.

Entering a different space, Ye Qianxing is still here, but the space has been changed.

Unless the demon leader's attack can break the space barrier, it is impossible to hurt him.

Almost at the moment when the barb was retracted, Ye Qianxing escaped from the state of alien space.

Next moment, the alloy dagger fiercely stabbed the monster leader.


A terrifying scream came from the collar of the demon leader, and the dagger did not really penetrate its body.

But hellfire has entered its soul, burning.

No matter how strong his defensive power is, it is absolutely impossible to block the hellfire.

"I'll give you some more stuff!"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, the hell fire in his body was released unfailingly and passed into the body of the demon leader.

The screams of the monster leader became more and more intense, and the other monsters wanted to help it, but were blocked by Vajra and Erbaiwu.

Just when Ye Qianxing felt that the hellfire in his body was about to run out, the scream of the demon finally began to weaken until it disappeared.

Although its body is still alive, its soul has been burned by the fire of hell.

It is basically a vegetable.

Half an hour later, dozens of monsters in the stone chamber were beheaded to death, and Ye Qianxing and the others inevitably lost several warriors.

But to be able to die in the battle with the demon, for them, it can be regarded as a good death.


Sutila is still in tyranny, and the demon is dead, so he put the vent on Ye Qianxing's side.

"Sister Ruoxi, protect him naturally and get rid of his bad state."

Ye Qianxing frowned, if this continues, even if Sutila can return to normal, he will stay repercussions.

Lin Ruoxi hurriedly injected a green energy into Sutila. After a while, Sutila's red eyes gradually restored to sobriety and calmness.

A blue light broke away from his body and turned into white.

"Tila, are you okay?"

Ye Qianxing quickly supported Su Tila and asked worriedly.

Suti pulled his feet sluggishly for half a minute before finally reacting.

"Thousand stars? Are you guys here?"

"Don't talk about this, do you have any discomforts, such as your brain."

Ye Qianxing asked quickly, it would be bad if the soul is damaged.

It was Soul Source who was injured, so he knew the pain.

Once Soul Source is damaged, Spirit Pet can no longer be contracted. Ye Qianxing still has the help of system, but Sutila is different.

Sutila was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"I just feel a little tired, apart from this doesn't feel much."

Ye Qianxing is just relieved.

"By the way, Yueyue!"

Sudila seemed to remember something, and quickly got up and ran to the place where Zhou Yue fainted.

At this time, Zhou Yue was being supported by Zhou Lang, and still did not wake up, a blood stain on his face looked very dazzling.

"It's all my fault, I didn't take care of her."

Sudila lowered her head and gritted her teeth.

Ye Qianxing can guess a little bit. The reason why Su Tila reached the awakening state ahead of time should have been stimulated, and it was probably because of Zhou Yue.

"Don't worry, he will be fine."

Ye Qianxing is the shoulder of Patted Sutila, comfortable.

He gave Lin Ruoxi a wink, and Lin Ruoxi nodded and cast a shower of rain.

Suddenly, everyone felt tired and exhausted, and even some of the old illnesses suffered by the warriors disappeared at this time.

Zhou Yue, who was supported by Zhou Lang, also slowly opened her eyes.

"Yueyue, you are awake!"

Zhou Lang and Sutila said at almost the same time.

"I...Am I not dead?"

Zhou Yue still couldn't believe it, but then she seemed to think of something and quickly touched her face.

"My face!"

Zhou Yue thought of her face was cut before fainting.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but laughed. Sure enough, what girl cares most is her little face.

"Don't worry, your face is already healed, you don't even have scars."

Ye Qianxing laughed.

If Lin Ruoxi's Life Power can't even cure this injury, he might as well get a piece of tofu and kill him.

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