Zhou Yue hurriedly touched her face. As expected, it was still so smooth, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

"Brother Xing, thank you."

Zhou Yue said gratefully, but Ye Qianxing shook the head.

"What you really want to thank is Tira, he almost became crazy in order to save you."

Hearing this Zhou Yue looked towards Su Tila, there seemed to be Some different colors.

"Thank you, Tira."

Zhou Yue said sincerely, she also vaguely remembered that Sutila would rescue her without death before she fainted.

Sutila flushed suddenly.

"We are all friends, don't be so polite, don't..."

Seeing Sutila's red face like a monkey butt, Ye Qianxing wanted to laugh a little.

He blushes even if his face is as thick as a city wall. It can be seen that his feelings for Zhou Yue are more than just friends.

But Ye Qianxing didn't break the two of them. Let it be. At least Ye Qianxing thinks that they are quite suitable.

"By the way, Qianxing, what happened to me before?"

Sudila suddenly asked with a serious face. He has some memories of the previous events. But it is very vague.

It was like a dream, he felt that his body was completely out of control.

When it comes to this matter, Ye Qianxing also has a serious face.

"If I'm not wrong, lift you to enter the so-called awakened state, which is to merge with Da Bai. After entering the awakened state, you will have the power and ability of Da Bai , The combat power will be much more powerful than Dabai itself."

"Awakened state?"

Sutila was a little confused, not only him, but everyone in the room had never heard of it. This noun.

Ye Qianxing was not surprised by this. As Teacher Jiang Lin said at the time, existence that can reach the awakened state is very rare, so few people know this.

Even Ye Qianxing doesn't know much about this so-called state of awakening.

"I don't know much about this state of awakening. Anyway, you can start the state of awakening by reaching 100% of the fit between you and Spirit Pet, and you should have accidentally turned it on beforehand under a crisis. Awakening state."

"But because you and Dabai are not compatible enough, you will fall into a state of madness, unable to control yourself."

Sutila heard half-heartedly. If you don't understand, Ye Qianxing doesn't explain too much, just ask Jiang Lin to explain to him after returning to school.

At this time, Da Bai suddenly walked up to Sudila and said a few words to him.

But no one understands except Sutila.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"Dabai said that we were fused before, because of a blessing in disguise, my fit with it soared to 70%, so I now have some of its strength and abilities."

Sutila said in a bewildered voice, obviously she still didn't understand.

Ye Qianxing is always happy.

"Tila, congratulations. As long as the fit with Spirit Pet reaches a certain level, it can indeed gain its power and ability. Now you can feel carefully whether you have Ice in your body. and Fire Strength?"

Hearing this, Sutila closed his eyes as expected.

Everyone looked at him blankly, wanting to see what the so-called fit is.

One minute has passed, two minutes have passed...

Five minutes have passed, just when everyone thought it was nothing.

Suddenly, a rush of heat and cold filled the stone chamber.

The left half of Sutila's body is covered by a scarlet red flame, and the right half of his body exudes dreary and cold aura.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Yue asked with a shocked face.

"This is the ability he got from Dabai, Ice and Fire Strength, with a 70% fit. Lifting has gained at least half of his power from Dabai."

"In other words, he now has no problem fighting against an ELevel 5 evil spirit alone."

Upon hearing Ye Qianxing's words, everyone looked at Sutila with envy.

The biggest flaw of human beings is that their combat power is too weak, so that when facing monsters or evil spirits, Spirit Pet must separate a part of their minds to protect and control Spirit Master.

Many people hope that they can have a strong power. It is because of this idea that people in inhuman organizations like the Spiritual Gods have fallen.

I didn't expect, in addition to trading with evil spirits, there are other methods to become stronger.

A few minutes later, Sutila returned to normal, her face full of excitement.

"Haha, Qianxing, I finally know why you are so strong. It turns out that you have the power of Spirit Pet for a long time."

Sutila laughed.


Ye Qianxing shrugged, and he didn't know whether it was because of fit or system.

"Have you all rested?"

Ye Qianxing moved towards everyone asked.

In fact, after Lin Ruoxi gave that shower of rain, they had already recovered their strength.

Although Sutila and Zhou Yue have been found, there are still many warriors left in this maze of different spaces. Ye Qianxing impossible easily abandons them.

"Then let's continue to look for them."

As they said, they have to continue on their way.

This stone chamber has only one door, Ye Qianxing asked Vajra to push it open, but was surprised to find out.

Behind the door is no longer the passage as seen before, but a vast space.

It's like...a cave.

The cave is illuminated by colorful rays of light, and the rock walls are covered with crystals, multi-colored.

In the center of the cave, there is a lotus platform that looks like a crystal.

On the crystal lotus stand, there is a bead emitting five-color rays of light.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but look at it with the eyes of system, and his eyes went wide.

Five Elements Bead: Contains the power of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements...

"What kind of bead is this, it's so beautiful."

Zhou Yue and Xia Xiaoyu both girls looked at this Five Elements bead eagerly. The girl liked these glittering things the most.

"Tila, is this year your Life Source year?"

Ye Qianxing asked suddenly, making Su Tila a little confused.

"No, I am in the Year of the Pig, and this year is only the Year of the Rat." Sutilla said honestly.

"Then your luck is simply very good, and this different space is simply your blessed place."

Ye Qianxing tsk tsk sighed.

"Uh...Qianxing, what are you trying to say, don't sell it."

Sudila suddenly became curious.

"The bead is called Five Elements beads, which contains the energy of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements. If used correctly, it will help Spirit Pet awaken the Power of Five Elements."


Ye Qianxing didn't sell it anymore, and said bluntly.

"But there is a bit of a silly thing about this thing. It can only be used by Spirit Pets that have at least two of the Five Elements capabilities at the same time."

Ye Qianxing said It would be silly if Sutila didn't understand it yet.

Having at least two of the Power of Five Elements, isn’t that just talking about Dabai, Dabai owns Ice and Fire Strength.

And ice attribute is a variant attribute of Water Element, and its origin is also Water Element and does not conflict.

There are very few who can have two kinds of Five Elements Attribute at the same time, and Dabai is just one of them.

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