First accidentally turned on the awakening state, and then met the unique treasure of Five Elements beads.

This maze of different spaces simply exists for Sutila.

"Go, hurry over."

With that, Ye Qianxing bears the brunt of moving towards within cave and ran away.

Sutila and the others followed, and soon the entire group gathered in front of the crystal lotus platform.

"Hey, why are there four statues here?"

At this time, everyone discovered that there were four statues placed in the four directions of the lotus platform.

These are the golden lion, the fiery-red python, the drab bear, and a giant tree.

The four statues are lifelike, almost as if they were alive.

"You said, these statues look just like the living ones, are they really alive?"

Sudila suddenly thought, he walked over to Next to the fiery-red python statue, I touched its scales.

"This touch... is so real. The person who can make this kind of statue is simply the strongest sculptor."

Sudila sighed, but suddenly realized Everyone looked at themselves warily.

A few people have even stepped back.

"What's wrong with you guys, is there something on my face?"

Sutila asked suspiciously.

"You...the statue behind you...moved."

Zhou Yue said with some trembling, Sudila suddenly stiffened.

Moved? The statue moved?

He slowly turned around, and at this moment, he met a pair of red eyes.

Then, a scarlet snake letter swept across Sutila's face.


Sudila suddenly burst out a foul language, and subconsciously fist moved towards the snake head in front of him.

This fist mobilized the Ice and Fire Strength in his body, and the Fire Python was directly punched out.




Suddenly, the other three statues were alive Come over, moved towards Sutila roar.

"Pull up, quickly retreat!"

Ye Qianxing suddenly shouted loudly, but Sudila felt that his legs were like lead shot, and he couldn't move.

Although he already possesses a part of Da Bai's power, he still doesn't have much combat experience. At this time, facing the four giant beasts, he was naturally terrified.


The fiery-red python first moved towards Sutila and rushed away.

It feels very uncomfortable about the thing that Sutila has just hit.

"Little Kun, space transfer!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, Xu Kun hurriedly used Space Transfer and sent Sutila directly to them.

And fiery-red python also rushed into the air, hit the ground, and smashed a deep hole.

Spirit Pet: Fire Scale Python

attribute: Fire Element

Evaluation: Three-star half grade

Grade: D3

Abilities: Fire Blade, Fierce Rush, Flame Jet

Weakness: Water Element

Advancement conditions:……

Evolution route:……

It is also a Spirit Pet, which confuses Ye Qianxing even more.

Who created this space, and there are so many Spirit Pets in it.

Even the D-Rank Spirit Pet is placed in it at will.

Ye Qianxing uses the eye of system to analyze the other three giant beasts. There is no doubt that they are all D-Rank Spirit Pets. The four D-Rank Spirit Pets are not a small battle.

"Prepare to fight! D-Rank Spirit Pet and Spirit Master are back!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, against this kind of D-Rank Spirit Pet, the number is not too large Great effect.

He also didn't want these warriors to die here.

"Listen to him, retreat!"

The Captain of the seventh squad was also loudly shouted, and everyone immediately retreated.

After a while, only Ye Qianxing, Sutila, Xia Xiaoyu, Zhou Yue and Zhou Lang and their respective Spirit Pets remained in the cave.

"Hehe, brothers, it's time for us to fight together again."

Sutila laughed, they are still more used to fighting with five players.


At this time, the golden giant lion roared wildly, moved towards Ye Qianxing and they rushed into it.

Spirit Pet :Golden Battle Lion

attribute :Metal Element

Evaluation: Samsung half grade

Grade: D5

Ability: bite, yellow golden armor

Weakness: Fire Element

Advancement conditions:……

Evolution route:……

"Little Eight, Earth Protection."

Zhou Lang loudly shouted, and an earth-yellow protective shield appeared.

The Golden Battle Lion fiercely hit the shield, but couldn't break Xiaoba's defense at all.

"Brother, how has Xiao Ba changed?"

At this time, Zhou Yue discovered Xiao Ba’s strangeness. On its turtle shell, there was an extra phantom The Jiao Ling.

"It's all thanks to Brother Xing. He helped to awaken Xiao Ba all of the Black Tortoise bloodline, and now Xiao Ba has become the Long Jiao Profound Abyss."

Zhou Lang said quickly.

Zhou Yue immediately looked at Ye Qianxing gratefully, and at the same time there was a trace of loneliness in her eyes.

Except for her, every Spirit Pet who is present has surpassed D-Rank.

Ye Qianxing saw Zhou Yue's loneliness, slightly smiled.

"After I go out, I will find a way to help Xiaoyu evolve."

Hearing this The desolation in Zhou Yue's eyes disappeared instantly, and she believed Ye Qianxing would do what he said. .

The Golden Battle Lion failed several hits and uttered an angry roar.

At the same time, Firescale Python, Rock Armor Bear, and Desolate Ancient Tree finally took action.

The rock armor bear followed the Golden Battle Lion to attack the shield, and the firescale python kept spitting flames and burning.

The countless branches and vines of the barren ancient trees pierced into the ground, and finally spread out from the ground on Ye Qianxing's side.

"Oops, Xiaoba's Earth Protection didn't block the ground too!"

Zhou Lang was suddenly shocked.

"Don't panic, fire, burn them."

Xia Xiaoyu said quickly, and the fire suddenly spewed out a divine fire.

The formidable power of Shenhuo is stronger than that of ordinary Fire Element, not to mention that Fire Element has restrained Wood Element.

In a short while, the branches and vines were burned by the fire.

"It's time to take the initiative."

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, everyone was fighting intent suddenly.

Zhou Lang took back Earth Protection directly, and everyone moved towards the four giant beasts at the same time and rushed away.

"Dabai, Heavenly Might!"

Sutila loudly shouted, and immediately Ice and Fire Domain was released, enveloping the rock armor bear and the Golden Battle Lion.

Huohuo moved towards the Firescale Python rushing away, the sacred fire restrained the Fire Element, the birds restrained the snakes, and the fire fire was simply the natural nemesis of the firescale python.

"Flood Dragon's Fury."

The Jiao Ling on the shell of the small eight turtle moved towards Golden Battle Lion and rushed away.

Su Tila and Da Bai moved towards Rock Armor Bear rushing.

"Yueyue, let's go to deal with that barren ancient tree."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Zhou Yue shouted.


Zhou Yue nodded quickly and ordered Xiaoyu to attack the ancient tree.

The barren ancient tree is unable to move, facing the sensitive Xiaoyu is very passive, no matter how many branches it emits, Xiaoyu will avoid it.

"Xiaoyu, thunderstorm and snowstorm."

Suddenly a blizzard moved towards the barren ancient tree, and bursts of lightning and thunder burst out from time to time.

The blizzard swayed the barren tree, and lightning struck the barren tree, and there was a burst of burnt smell.

Spirit Pet: Barren Ancient Tree

attribute: Wood Element

Evaluation: Three-star half grade

Grade: D2

Ability: branch attack, life extraction

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

Note: The weakness is the life of the tree core Source.

Sure enough, these plants all have Life Source.


Taking advantage of Xiaoyu's thunderstorm and snowstorm to contain the barren ancient tree, Ye Qianxing rushed towards the barren ancient tree while holding a few teleports with his alloy dagger.

chi chi chi!

Several vines moved towards Ye Qianxing at the same time. It seems that this barren ancient tree also knows that he cannot be approached.

"Hellfire, Nether Flame Strike."

Ye Qianxing directly releases the hellfire, directly burning the branches, and the life force in it is quickly consumed.

Pu chi!

Ye Qianxing successfully reached the barren ancient tree, inserted the dagger fiercely into the attribute, and then put his hand in.

In a short while, I took out a Source of Life.

"Sister Ruoxi, tonic for you."

Ye Qianxing threw Source of Life directly to Lin Ruoxi, which is very good for her.

And Lin Ruoxi was not polite and absorbed it. Five minutes later, her breath directly rose to DLevel 5.

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