Ye Qianxing dashed towards the collapsing cave.

Leaving the black hole, Ye Qianxing held a dagger and moved towards the ice crystal demon lotus fiercely.


The hellfire is covered in the dagger, and it directly pokes on the body of the ice crystal demon lotus.

The ice crystal demon lotus can't seem to move, and can't hide at all.

Hellfire followed the dagger into the body of the ice crystal demon lotus, and directly burned it and screamed.

The liquid arm was also retracted, and Xia Xiaoyu was able to get away.

"Brother Brother Xing!"

Seeing that Ye Qianxing had left the black hole, Xia Xiaoyu quickly moved towards the cave and rushed towards it.

"Huo Huo, take her away!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, he knew that it was impossible to tell Xia Xiaoyu to go, so he could only let Huo Huo force her to take her away.

Although Huohuo is also very worried about Ye Qianxing, protecting the main talent is its main task, so two paws grabbed Xia Xiaoyu's clothes and pulled her into Black Hole Abyss.

"Master, the space here is extremely unstable, and the Space Gate is about to close!"

Xiao Kun's anxious voice sounded, and Ye Qianxing hurriedly jumped into the black hole.

Just when his body was about to enter the black hole, he suddenly felt his feet sink.

Turning his head to look, a liquid arm grabbed his legs.

"What a mangy dog!"

Ye Qianxing cursed secretly, and moved hard towards the black hole.

But the liquid arm seemed to have to keep him behind, pulling him vigorously.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing saw that the cave behind him had begun to collapse, and it was about to collapse to him.

At the same time, the black hole also began to close.

"This guy is going to be perish with me."

Ye Qianxing frowned.

If he can't enter the black hole, as this space collapses, he will probably die here too.

But the crystal demon lotus is too troublesome, and the alloy dagger can't break its liquid arm.

Under the stalemate, finally, the black hole is completely closed.

At the same time, the cave has collapsed in half, and the place where it collapsed is completely dark, like a ten thousand zhang abyss.

"Even if you die, you have to die before me!"

Ye Qianxing's eyes are red at this time, and he is basically dead.

I haven't heard of anyone who can survive the collapsed space.

He turned around and walked to the side of the ice crystal demon lotus, holding the alloy dagger and constantly piercing it.

Under the great power of Ye Qianxing, coupled with the sharpness of the alloy dagger, finally broke through the ice crystal demon lotus defense.

Hellfire enters its interior directly through the wound, burning its internal organs and soul.

The ice crystal demon lotus uttered an extremely painful scream, and finally fell silent.

Ye Qianxing sat down. At this time, the cave had basically collapsed, leaving only the place where he was standing now.

But it couldn't stand for half a minute, the ground under Ye Qianxing's feet collapsed, and he fell down instantly.

At the same time, a depressed feeling hit his heart, unconsciously he fainted.

At the moment he passed out, he seemed to hear the voice of Xu Kun.

" depends on your luck..."

In a blur, Ye Qianxing only heard these intermittent words and fainted completely.


I don't know how long it has passed before Ye Qianxing's consciousness finally slowly awakened from the chaos.

But at this time, his brain was like a paste, so messed up that he couldn't open his eyes at all.

Although I can't open my eyes, I can't control my body.

But Ye Qianxing can vaguely feel that something is touching his body.

"Is it Erbaiwu?"

"Or is it Vajra?"

"Or is it sister Ruoxi?"

"No. , They are all in the contract space, and they can’t get out without me, then who is it?"

Ye Qianxing had many question marks in his mind, and finally there was too much information in his mind to support Live fainted again.

When he regained consciousness again, he felt a warm current in his throat.

The warm current enters the stomach, there is a very comfortable feeling.

He even felt that his discomfort was slowly disappearing.

At the same time, he felt an inexplicable energy in his body, repairing his internal organs and meridians.

"Is it the function of Immortal Body?"

Ye Qianxing in the heart speculated, now his head is much better, and he won't feel that kind of dizziness.

But the control of the body has not returned, perhaps because the injury is too serious.

Fortunately, with Immortal Body, as long as he doesn't die, he will be able to recover completely one day.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but fall asleep.

During this time, he has been in a semi-conscious and semi-conscious state.

The only thing that makes him relax is that his position at this time seems to be safe, and it is this sense of security that keeps him in a hurry to wake up.

The body recovered quickly under the washing of Life Power. After being unconscious for the Nth time, Ye Qianxing finally woke up completely.

And, he can open his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there were dazzling rays of light, and Ye Qianxing immediately closed it again.

After opening and closing several times, Ye Qianxing can finally barely adapt to the dazzling rays of light.

What came into view was a white ceiling. Ye Qianxing looked all around and found that he seemed to be in a room.

Looking at the layout of this room, its owner should be a person with good living conditions.

As Ye Qianxing was observing all around, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a lithe and graceful silhouette came into Ye Qianxing's eyes.

This is a girl who looks like seventeen or eighteen years old. She is not very stunning, but she is extremely pure.

A goose-egg face with fair skin makes a man feel compassionate when he sees it.

Seeing Ye Qianxing wake up, the girl showed a surprised expression and hurried to Ye Qianxing's bed.

"目が覚めました? a real man ですか?"

The girl's voice is very sweet, but Ye Qianxing doesn't understand what she said.

Listening to her accent is a familiar feeling, but I still don't understand it.

"Um...Excuse me, what are you talking about?"

Ye Qianxing asked a little embarrassedly.

Upon hearing Ye Qianxing's words, the girl was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Ye Qianxing with a little surprise.

After a full half a minute, the girl slowly said a few more words.

"Anyone from the celestial dynasty?"

The girl's accent is weird, but Ye Qianxing can barely understand it.

He hastily nodded.

"Yes, I am from the Celestial Empire, may I ask, where is this?"

Ye Qianxing quickly asked, it seems that he is already not in the Celestial Empire.

But since the girl knows the celestial dynasty, it means that he is at least still on the earth and stars, and has not traveled to other worlds.

" house."

The girl reluctantly uttered a few words.

Ye Qianxing is speechless at once, don't I know this is your home?

"Uh... I mean, which country is this?"

Ye Qianxing had to ask again.

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